79 research outputs found

    Methodical approach to conducting a comprehensive pharmacoeconomic study of drug care in medical organizations

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    The problem of rational pharmacotherapy in outpatient and inpatient therapy is one of the most significant to date, due to the occurrence and progression of most pathologie

    Methodical approach to conducting a multi-aspect matrix analysis of the drug range

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    The purpose of our study is to develop a methodology for multi-aspect matrix analysis of the drug range prescribed in outpatient clinic

    Problem of working out the objective and subjective fundamentals of pharmacy

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    We have shown the necessity of substantiation of the status of pharmacy as an independent science and theoretical comprehension of pharmacy as a system of scientific knowledge. Pharmacy should find the principles of theoretic unity of its knowledge in the specifics of pharmaceutical activity. We have carried out gnoseological analysis of the sphere of interests of chemistry, medicine, toxicology and pharmacy in the field of studying the drugs. Pharmaceutical aspects of a drug as an object of pharmaceutical activity have been shown. We have studied the regularities between the structure of a drug and the range of its biological activity in order to work out the methods of its analysis and synthesisyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Improving the competitiveness of pharmacies by means of informational technologies

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    The article presents the results of sociological research of the consumers of pharmaceutical services and the structure of the main reasons of the consumers’ visiting the pharmacies. The aspects of the informational activity of the pharmacists have been analyzed. The approach to the improvement of a pharmacy’s competitiveness by means of informational technologies that is the touch information terminals placed in trade area has been worked out. The unique pharmaceutical informational basis for the customers of the pharmacies and the software for the touch information terminals have been worked outyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Voluntary Departure of Clergy in the Secular Department in the First Half of the XIX Century: Causes, Results and Procedure of Office Work (on the Materials of the Tobolsk Spiritual Consistory)

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    The relevance of the study is largely due to the fact that at present, as in the period under consideration in the article, many clergy leave their work in the Church, and in the period of revival of the Russian Orthodox Church, this may become a significant problem for it. Its solution implies the need to study the history of this phenomenon. The author, based on the content of legislative acts and the interpretations of modern scholars, considered one of the main problems in the Russian Orthodox Church - voluntary care of the clergy in secular authority, during the XVIII - early XX centuries. On the basis of archival documents, the article reveals the main reasons that encourage young people of the spiritual Department to seek a place of service in secular institutions in the first half of the XIX century, the results of solving such cases by the Tobolsk spiritual Consistory, the terms and stages of office work. The methodological basis of this study was the most important principles of historical science, primarily such as system, historicism, interdisciplinarity and scientific objectivity, which allowed us to consider the studied phenomena in dynamics and interaction

    System of Trusteeship for Women of Clerical Rank in Tobolsk Diocese in 1820—1830s

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    The question of providing financial assistance to women of clerical rank in the Tobolsk diocese in the 1820—1830s is considered. The results of a comparative analysis of the stages and terms of office work on this issue before and after the opening of the Tobolsk guardianship of the poor are presented. Particular attention is paid to the examination of the petition documents that were compiled in the Tobolsk spiritual consistory from the words of women of clerical rank who applied for financial assistance to the Tobolsk archbishop during this period. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the issue under consideration is being studied for the first time on the basis of documents of the Tobolsk spiritual consistory. The documents stored in the State Archives in the city of Tobolsk testify to the existence of a certain algorithm for recording a request, two different established procedures for conducting cases on the charity of female clergymen before and after 1823. The criteria, by which the selection of requests was carried out among the many requests for assistance, were identified. Criteria have been established for choosing between two types of salary — a guardianship allowance and a ten-ruble poorhouse salary. The reasons for the complete denial of support are also named

    Market research of russian market of medicinal preparations used in therapeutics of acute respiratory viral infection in pregnant women

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    This paper deals with the conducted market research of Russian medicinal preparations used for treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in pregnant wome

    Placement for Ministry of Theological Schools Graduates of the Tobolsk Consistory in the Second Half of the 18th - Early 20th Centuries (according to the Materials of the Archive of the Tobolsk Spiritual Consistory)

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    The relevance of the problem under discussion is due to the growing importance of the Russian Orthodox Church in the development of the spiritual culture of modern society, the need to understand its centuries-old historical experience, including the placement for ministry of graduates. The issues of employment of graduates from various educational institutions to places of ministry are considered on the example of the Tobolsk diocese - one of the largest in the Russian Empire. On the basis of a considerable number of sources, the task is to analyze the peculiarities of records management related to the petitions of the students of theological seminaries and religious schools about the placement of ministry in the church of the Tobolsk diocese. The analysis of archival materials testifies to the presence in the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries of an established procedure for appointing graduates from various educational institutions to various positions in the churches of the Tobolsk diocese. The stages of this process are characterized. The study of the documents of the Tobolsk spiritual consistory allows us to conclude that the paperwork on this issue took from several days to two years. It is reported that the bishop usually made the decision on the day the petition was filed, but the process of applying for a service could be delayed. Most likely, graduates of religious schools who sought places of clergy received the desired position, as they had simplified requirements

    Optimization of information support for pharmacies in the field of pharmaceutical aid to children with arthropathy

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    The paper presents an analysis of information awareness of pharmaceutical personnel on aspects of pharmaceutical aid to children with joint diseases; we analyzed the product portfolio of medicines for treating children with juvenile arthritis in the ambulatory outpatient conditions, taking into account consumer preferences and economic opportunities of their families; we developed a materials bank for pharmaceutical information counseling of pharmacy personnel in terms of pharmaceutical aid to children with joint disease

    Medico-social rationale for adaptation of regional drug supply systems to personalized pharmaceutical care for persons of different ages

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    In this study, we identified indicators of the state of personalized pharmaceutical care for target population groups at the regional level, in a model region, with the aim to develop a differentiated approach to such care. The rationale for the choice of Moscow Region as a model region is based on its specific socioeconomic indicators and a comparison of these with respective average Russian values. A need was shown to modernize patient-oriented pharmaceutical care, especially for certain population groups, such as children, women of working age (mothers), and the elderl