555 research outputs found

    The norovirus NS3 protein is a dynamic lipid- and microtubule-associated protein involved in viral RNA replication

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    Norovirus (NoV) infections are a significant health burden to society, yet the lack of reliable tissue culture systems has hampered the development of appropriate antiviral therapies. Here we show that the NoV NS3 protein, derived from murine NoV (MNV), is intimately associated with the MNV replication complex and the viral replication intermediate double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). We observed that when expressed individually, MNV NS3 and NS3 encoded by human Norwalk virus (NV) induced the formation of distinct vesicle-like structures that did not colocalize with any particular protein markers to cellular organelles but localized to cellular membranes, in particular those with a high cholesterol content. Both proteins also showed some degree of colocalization with the cytoskeleton marker β-tubulin. Although the distribution of MNV and NV NS3s were similar, NV NS3 displayed a higher level of colocalization with the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, we observed that although both proteins colocalized in membranes counterstained with filipin, an indicator of cholesterol content, MNV NS3 displayed a greater association with flotillin and stomatin, proteins known to associate with sphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich microdomains. Utilizing time-lapse epifluorescence microscopy, we observed that the membrane-derived vesicular structures induced by MNV NS3 were highly motile and dynamic in nature, and their movement was dependent on intact microtubules. These results begin to interrogate the functions of NoV proteins during virus replication and highlight the conserved properties of the NoV NS3 proteins among the seven Norovirus genogroups

    Nucleotidylylation of the VPg protein of a human norovirus by its proteinase-polymerase precursor protein

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    AbstractCaliciviruses have a positive strand RNA genome covalently-linked at the 5'-end to a small protein, VPg. This study examined the biochemical modification of VPg by the ProPol form of the polymerase of human norovirus strain MD145 (GII.4). Recombinant norovirus VPg was shown to be nucleotidylylated in the presence of Mn2+ by MD145 ProPol. Phosphodiesterase I treatment of the nucleotidylylated VPg released the incorporated UMP, which was consistent with linkage of RNA to VPg via a phosphodiester bond. Mutagenesis analysis of VPg identified Tyrosine 27 as the target amino acid for this linkage, and suggested that VPg conformation was important for the reaction. Nucleotidylylation was inefficient in the presence of Mg2+; however the addition of full- and subgenomic-length MD145 RNA transcripts led to a marked enhancement of the nucleotidylylation efficiency in the presence of this divalent cation. Furthermore, evidence was found for the presence of an RNA element near the 3'-end of the polyadenylated genome that enhanced the efficiency of nucleotidylylation in the presence of Mg2+

    Stable expression of a Norwalk virus RNA replicon in a human hepatoma cell line

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    AbstractNorwalk virus (NV) is a prototype strain of the genus Norovirus in the family Caliciviridae. The human noroviruses have emerged as major agents of acute gastroenteritis in all age groups, but there are no vaccines or antiviral agents partly due to the absence of a cell culture system. We report the generation of cells expressing self-replicating NV RNA (NV replicon) following transfection of NV RNA bearing an engineered neomycin resistance gene into cell lines of human (Huh-7) or hamster (BHK21) origin. Expression of replicon RNA was significantly reduced in the presence of interferon (IFN)-α in a dose-dependent manner in the NV replicon-bearing cells, suggesting a role for innate immunity in the control of human norovirus replication. This stable NV replicon system should lead to new insights into norovirus replication, virus–host interactions, and approaches for the treatment of norovirus disease

    Nucleolin promotes in vitro translation of feline calicivirus genomic RNA

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    AbstractFeline calicivirus depends on host-cell proteins for its replication. We previously showed that knockdown of nucleolin (NCL), a phosphoprotein involved in ribosome biogenesis, resulted in the reduction of FCV protein synthesis and virus yield. Here, we found that NCL may not be involved in FCV binding and entry into cells, but it binds to both ends of the FCV genomic RNA, and stimulates its translation in vitro. AGRO100, an aptamer that specifically binds and inactivates NCL, caused a strong reduction in FCV protein synthesis. This effect could be reversed by the addition of full-length NCL but not by a ΔrNCL, lacking the N-terminal domain. Consistent with this, FCV infection of CrFK cells stably expressing ΔrNCL led to a reduction in virus protein translation. These results suggest that NCL is part of the FCV RNA translational complex, and that the N-terminal part of the protein is required for efficient FCV replication

    Polypyrimidine tract binding protein functions as a negative regulator of feline calicivirus translation.

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    Positive strand RNA viruses rely heavily on host cell RNA binding proteins for various aspects of their life cycle. Such proteins interact with sequences usually present at the 5' or 3' extremities of the viral RNA genome, to regulate viral translation and/or replication. We have previously reported that the well characterized host RNA binding protein polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) interacts with the 5'end of the feline calicivirus (FCV) genomic and subgenomic RNAs, playing a role in the FCV life cycle.We have demonstrated that PTB interacts with at least two binding sites within the 5'end of the FCV genome. In vitro translation indicated that PTB may function as a negative regulator of FCV translation and this was subsequently confirmed as the translation of the viral subgenomic RNA in PTB siRNA treated cells was stimulated under conditions in which RNA replication could not occur. We also observed that PTB redistributes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm during FCV infection, partially localizing to viral replication complexes, suggesting that PTB binding may be involved in the switch from translation to replication. Reverse genetics studies demonstrated that synonymous mutations in the PTB binding sites result in a cell-type specific defect in FCV replication.Our data indicates that PTB may function to negatively regulate FCV translation initiation. To reconcile this with efficient virus replication in cells, we propose a putative model for the function of PTB in the FCV life cycle. It is possible that during the early stages of infection, viral RNA is translated in the absence of PTB, however, as the levels of viral proteins increase, the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of PTB is altered, increasing the cytoplasmic levels of PTB, inhibiting viral translation. Whether PTB acts directly to repress translation initiation or via the recruitment of other factors remains to be determined but this may contribute to the stimulation of viral RNA replication via clearance of ribosomes from viral RNA
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