10 research outputs found

    Development of the adaptive spring bread wheat cultivar ‘Omskaya Yubileynaya’ under the conditions of the Siberian region

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    Background. As reported by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, spring bread wheat planting acreage in 2019 reached 48% (28 million ha) of the total crop area in Russia. About 20% (5.4 million ha) of spring wheat was cultivated in the Siberian region. This is the reason why the region plays an important role in wheat cultivation, and the development of highly efficient cultivars adapted to Siberian environments is one of the prioritized tasks in the efforts to obtain sustainable spring bread wheat harvests.Materials and methods. Mutants and mutant × cultivar hybrids were used as parent material for top crossing. A decision was taken to apply multifold individual selection in accordance with the composition of agronomic traits in the mutant × cultivar hybrid population Lutescens 3 × [F5 B1 (Mutant 777 × G7251/03) × G7251/03] × Rosinka 3 (Mutant 112 × Irtyshanka 10) with backcrossing. In 2001–2016, expe rimental work was conducted at Omsk Agrarian Scientific Centre. Environmental testing was carried out at the Stepnoy Experiment Station (the steppe zone of Omsk Province) and the A.I. Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming (Northern Kazakhstan). The experiments and observations were performed in accordance with the techniques recommended by the State Commission for Crop Variety Trials.Results. The research showed that cv. ‘Omskaya Yubileynaya’ was characterized by resistance to lodging and to major plant diseases. It exceeded the reference in grain yield both in fallow (+0,50 t/ha) and nonfallow lands (+0,58 t/ha). The distinguishing feature of this cultivar was its large grain of high quality.Conclusions. During the development of cv. ‘Omskaya Yubileynaya’, the data were obtained that justified its prospective cultivation within the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Siberia and Kazakhstan. The cultivar has been registered in the national lists of breeding achievements since 2019

    Воздействие инокуляции на формирование фотосинтетического и симбиотического аппаратов гороха посевного и его урожайность в условиях южной лесостепи Западной Сибири

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    The paper highlights the effect of inoculation by means of biological specimens on formation of photosynthetic parameters, nodule-forming capacities and yield of pea grain. The authors reveal the varieties which mostly respond to the tillage, effective specimens and methods of their application. The researchers explored two varieties of pea as Omskiy 9 and Omskiy 18 and two biological specimens (risotorphine and ruminatine). The study was conducted in the experimental fields of Omsk agricultural research center in 2016-2017 in the following variants: control (without inoculation), inoculation by means of  risotorphine, inoculation by ruminatine and combined tillage. The researchers observed different meteorological conditions during the research. The experiments and calculations of the experimental data were carried out by means of general methodics. The positive effect of inoculation on increasing of such parameters as leaf surface index and photosynthetic potential is observed. Active symbiotic potential, number and weight of nodules rhizosphere of pea had a maximum value when being treated by biospecimen ruminatine and combined inoculation of seeds by risotorphine and ruminatine. The authors highlight significant positive relationship between photosynthetic and active symbiotic potential. Inoculation influenced the yield of pea varieties in a different way in the years of research. The results of variance analysis showed that conditions of experiment influenced the yield of varieties – 34.4 %, the proportion of inoculation effect was 25.0 % and genotype – 17,3 %. Omsk 18 variety was characterized by the highest rates of photosynthetic and symbiotic activity. Seed treatment with ruminatine and combined inoculation with risotorphine and ruminatine have impact when growing pea in the conditions of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia.Выявлено влияние инокуляции биопрепаратами на формирование фотосинтетического аппарата, клубенькообразующую способность и урожайность зерна гороха посевного. Установлены наиболее отзывчивые на обработку сорта и эффективные препараты, а также способ их использования. Материалом для исследований послужили два сорта гороха посевного Омский 9 и Омский 18 и два биопрепарата (ризоторфин и гуминатрин). Исследования осуществлялись на опытных полях Омского аграрного научного центра в течение 2016–2017 гг. по следующим вариантам: контроль (без инокуляции), инокуляция ризоторфином, инокуляция гуминатрином и совместная обработка. Годы исследований характеризовались различными метеорологическими условиями. Опыты и расчеты экспериментальных данных проводились по общепринятым методикам. Отмечено положительное влияние инокуляции на увеличение таких показателей, как индекс листовой поверхности и фотосинтетический потенциал. Активный симбиотический потенциал, количество и масса клубеньков ризосферы гороха посевного имели максимальные значения при обработке биопрепаратом гуминатрин и при совместной инокуляции семян ризоторфином и гуминатрином. Выявлена высокозначимая положительная связь между фотосинтетическим и активным симбиотическим потенциалом. Инокуляция в годы исследований оказывала различное влияние на урожайность сортов гороха посевного. Результаты дисперсионного анализа показали, что на урожайность сортов наибольшее влияние оказали условия лет выращивания – 34,4 %, доля вклада инокуляции составила 25,0, генотипа – 17,3 %. Сорт Омский 18 характеризовался наибольшими показателями фотосинтетической и симбиотической активности. Обработка семян гуминатрином, а также совместная инокуляция ризоторфином и гуминатрином наиболее эффективны при выращивании растений гороха посевного в условиях южной лесостепи Западной Сибири