156 research outputs found


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    It is indicated that there was no universal traffic rules for the entire Soviet Union in 1920s, they were worked out at the local level. The rules contained requirements for drivers: existence of the driving licenses and road sheet; requirements for the registration signs; requirements for the cars and their registration; the rules of exploitation of certain types of cars were described. They contained traffic speed limits in the city, including at night time, records of vehicles and inspectors’ work. The responsibility for the compliance with the rules was put on inspection of transport department of the relevant local council. The traffic was regulated in order to create the conditions for traffic safety, longstanding jams were neutralized, high transport capacity of streets and convenience of highway service were guaranteed, technical transport speed was increased and its use was improved. From 1921 militia officers were offered to learn not only political literacy, arithmetic and Russian language, but mandatory traffic regulation. As the number of automobile transport was increased it was militia, which was responsible for traffic regulation.Розглянуто основні аспекти становлення системи організації регулювання дорожнього руху в добу непу в Україні, показано роль міліції у цьому процесі


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    Розглянуто процеси, пов’язані зі становленням органів охорони правопорядку в Україні та підготовкою кадрів для них протягом періоду 1917–1920-х років, проаналізовано необхідність такої підготовки, її форми певні досягнення та недоліки.Revival of Ukrainian statehood, proclamation of Ukrainian People’s Republic was closely associated with the formation of new, Ukrainian agencies of public order, in particular with the organization of units of the Free Cossacks. Simultaneously there was the process of personnel training for this organization. There was a big staff circulation, lack of good management, lack of logistics in the units of the Free Cossacks, State Gendarmerie, People’s Guard and State Guard, which in fact performed police functions. Conditions of military confrontation of the period of Ukrainian revolution were reflected on their activities, so they could not perform fully their tasks. However, the personnel of these law enforcement agencies contributed to the struggle for the revival of Ukrainian statehood. The process of developing law enforcement agencies and personnel training for them was extended during the period of Pavlo Skoropadskyi hetmanate. The feature of hetmanate period in Ukraine was the fact that unlike the Central Rada, and subsequently Directory, P. Skoropadskyi paid much attention to the law enforcement issues. Special courses were organized by the decree of provincial headman (city ataman) for special training of junior employees of general State Guards in each provincial city and provincial atamanship. The completion of such courses was obligatory for all employees of the State Guard including chief assistants of the areas. If an official was appointed to a higher position, he also had to study on the advanced training courses.Рассмотрены процессы, связанные со становлением органов охраны правопорядка в Украине и подготовкой кадров для них в течение периода 1917–1920-х годов, проанализирована необходимость такой подготовки, её формы, определённые достижения и недостатки

    Дослідження процесу становлення інституту покарань у праві держав Стародавнього світу

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    Review on: Логвиненко Є. С. Покарання в праві держав Стародавнього світу / Є. С. Логвиненко, І. А. Логвиненко. — Харків : ФОП Панов А. М., 2019. — 252 с.Рецензія на: Логвиненко Є. С. Покарання в праві держав Стародавнього світу / Є. С. Логвиненко, І. А. Логвиненко. — Харків : ФОП Панов А. М., 2019. — 252 с

    Скубій І. Торгівля в Харкові в роки непу (1921–1929 рр.): економіка та повсякденність / Ірина Скубій ; відп. ред. В. В. Калініченко. – Харків : Раритети України, 2017. – 308 с.

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    Автор поставила своєю метою на основі аналізу широкого кола джерел та наукової літератури дослідити основні аспекти розвитку торгівлі, її характерні риси та особливості в одному з найрозвиненіших, з економічної точки зору, міст України. У цьому принципова новизна роботи та її значення для розвитку історичної науки

    Дослідження професором П. П. Цитовичем (1843–1913) цивільно-правових відносин доби Київської Русі

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    The subject matter of the research is the creative work of the professor of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa and St. Petersburg Universities P. P. Tsitovich related to some aspects of the law of Kievan Rus. The novelty of the work is the fact that this problem in the historical and legal literature has not been studied yet. For the first time, the author of the article has studied the main aspects of scientific research accomplished by professor P. P. Tsitovich in the field of civil law of the period of the Old Russian State. The author of this research has used historical, formal and logical methods. It has been discovered that the first sources were Russo-Byzantine treaties of the X century, which were the beginning of his research; the author of the article has accomplished a comparative analysis of his points of view on these issues as well as the opinions of his contemporaries – scholars from other Universities; has analyzed his thoughts about testamentary heritage in the Ancient Russia era. It has been also established that P. P. Tsitovich concluded that the treaties between Rus and Byzantine Empire of the X century are irrelevant for the history of Russian succession law both in nature and through the confusion of the resolutions contained there. He believed that they did not determine the system and procedure of inheritance. This point of view did not coincide with the opinion of most law historians of that time. P. Tsitovich also expressed his opinion about the general characteristics of the property relations of the Kievan Rus era. He believed that the land itself did not have any value in that era and it was only received as a household. P. Tsitovich also expressed his opinion that the equal relations between men and women in the family are possible, in case if a woman was not stolen and was not purchased, but voluntary got married like in the equal to equal relationships. The scholar’s work put forward two dogmas related to inheritance: 1) heirs – are children in general, but the preference is given to men over women; 2) unmarried women have the right to a part of the inheritance if there are brothers. The works of P. P. Tsitovich in the sphere of succession law and marital relations of the Kievan Rus era have a certain significance at the present time.Проаналізовано творчий доробок професора Харківського, Київського, Одеського та Петербурзького університетів П. П. Цитовича стосовно деяких аспектів права Київської Русі. Основну увагу приділено його науковим поглядам щодо сімейно-шлюбних відносин і спадкового права в давньоруському законодавстві та порівнянню положень дослідження вченого з думками інших істориків права тих часів

    Дослідження професором О. І. Палюмбецьким (1811–1897) судових доказів доби Київської Русі

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    The objective of the article is to highlight the scientific work of Professor O. I. Paliumbetskyi in the field of the history of Old Russian law. This objective is specified in the following tasks: to show how the witnesses testimonies were evaluated by scholars; what significance he gave to probations in the system of court evidence of the time of Kievan Rus; where he saw the peculiarities of the Russian legislation regarding court evidence in comparison with the German one. The scientific novelty of the article is the fact that it first reveals the essence of the scientific contribution of O. I. Paliumbetskyi to the study of the judicial process of the Kievan Rus period. The author has demonstrated what kind of court evidence of this time he considered the basic, in particular, the author has revealed his understanding of the value of witness testimony (including outcomes and obituaries), probations and oaths. The scholar has stressed that the development of justice largely depended on the formation of statehood in Russia – there was the evolution of the legal process with its genesis. O. I. Paliumbetskyi drew attention to the fact that the distinctive feature of the most ancient laws of many peoples was the identity of private and criminal law, according to which all decisions regarding private relations between individuals were at the same time criminal law, and certain punishment was provided for their violation. The researcher has shown that the testimony of witnesses in Old Russian law served as the basis of the whole system, and all other evidence was related to it. Considering the significance of the oath in legal proceedings of that period, O. I. Paliumbetskyi noted that the right to prove by the oath in the old Russian laws equally belonged to both the indictor and the accused. The first used it when he was not able to provide any evidence, even imperfect, and the latter used the oath as a mean of purging from the evidence against him. The scholar pointed out that the fight between the parties, according to the Russian law, was used in the absence of evidence of a plaintiff and, moreover, served as evidence for a defendant, who could replace it with other means of defense, except for the oath. O. I. Paliumbetskyi came to the conclusion that the influence of German legislation on the Old Russian one in relation to the system of court evidence was insignificant.Проанализированы творческие наработки профессора и ректора Харьковского университета А. И. Палюмбецкого относительно некоторых аспектов права Киевской Руси. Основное внимание уделено его научным взглядам касательно судебных доказательств в древнерусском законодательстве по сравнению с германским. Проанализировано, как оценивались учёным такие доказательства, как собственное признание, разного рода испытания, показания свидетелей.Проаналізовано творчий доробок професора та ректора Харківського університету О. І. Палюмбецького стосовно деяких аспектів права Київської Русі. Основну увагу приділено його науковим поглядам щодо судових доказів у давньоруському законодавстві порівняно з германським. Проаналізовано, як оцінювалися вченим такі докази, як власне зізнання, різного роду випробування, показання свідків

    Розробка професором І. М. Собестіанським (друга половина ХІХ ст.) питання про кругову поруку в Київській Русі

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    The author has analyzed the creative work of the law historian of the XIX century I. M. Sobestiansky (1856–1895) in regard to some aspects of the law in Kievan Rus. The main attention has been paid to his scientific views on understanding the joint responsibility in the Old Russian law. The scholar stressed the need to study ancient Russian law in connection with other Slavic laws, believing that it could reveal many controversial issues of the ancient Russian law. However, he warned that three important conditions should be followed. First of all, we should use only such sources, the historical reliability of which is not subject to doubt. Secondly, reliable sights should be subjected to philological elaboration in advance. Thirdly, starting a comparative study of any ancient institution, one must be free from all biased ideas generated by the sense of national pride. It has been noted that under the institution of joint responsibility in the XIX century scholars understood the group responsibility of the ancient territorial communities for crimes committed in their district. I. M. Sobestiansky argued that the basis of the joint responsibility is not the commonality of origin, but the relations of neighborhood and public land tenure, since joint responsibility in Russia is mentioned in Russkaia Pravda concerning the responsibility of the rural territorial community (“verv”). The researcher drew attention to those cases when such a community freed from a fine (“vyra”). In his study on the joint responsibility I. M. Sobestiansky picked up homogeneous facts to the facts of Slavic history from the legislation of the Hindus, Jews, Old-German law, legal customs of Montenegro, Albanians and other peoples. As a result, he made a substantiated conclusion that the joint responsibility is inherent not only to Slavic people, but exists in many nations, being a product of a certain degree of social development.Проаналізовано творчий доробок історика права ХІХ ст. І. М. Собестіанського щодо деяких аспектів права Київської Русі. Основну увагу приділено його науковим поглядам щодо розуміння кругової поруки в давньоруському праві


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    Purge of the ranks of law enforcement agencies from unqualified, staff unfit for such work, offenders was always relevant and challenging task. And now, with the creation of police in Ukraine, the severity of the problem has not diminished. The author of this article attempts to reveal the process of purging the ranks of Soviet militia during the NEP period. Purges in militia occurred by the example of purges of the ranks in the ruling Communist Party then. The reason for purges was releasing the militia out of former White Guards, members of the rebel movement, gangs. Specially created attestation committees organized and carried out the purges. They were granted the right to invite, if necessary, all persons they considered appropriate, and to demand from them and organizations documents and comments on the activities of militia and its employees. All employees had to pass through these committees, regardless of experience and position. Exceptions were only the members of the party – their nominations were considered at meetings of the local communist organizations. The meetings of committees took place in social clubs, manufactories, the village assemblies. The lists of dismissed and kept militia officers after the purges were published in the newspapers, thus the process was rather transparent. The largest and class essentially purge was in 1923. The main reasons for dismissal in 1925 were mainly criminal offenses, such as bribery, abuse of detainees, drinking, contact with the criminal underworld, inadequacy to the position. Purges in militia were primarily aimed at the implementation of class line in the selection of personnel for law enforcement agencies and only then – taking into account professional features and countering crimes and misdemeanors in this environment. In general, purges, despite the dismissal of professionals on social grounds, played a positive role in the formation and development of militia in the NEP period.Розглянуто процес чисток в міліції УСРР протягом 1920-х років, проаналізовано причини цього явища, як відбувався цей процес, які мав особливості та наслідки

    1941 рік (довоєнне півріччя): зміни у структурі НКВС УРСР

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    1941 is a landmark in the history of the world in the whole and Ukraine in particular. The absolute attention of the historical scientific community is concentrated on the events associated with the beginning of the Soviet-German war. Therefore, a very small number of publications is focused on the pre-war half-year period of 1941. However, the reorganization of the NKVD continued during this period aiming at adapting its activities to new tasks. The study of controversial pages of law enforcement agencies at this time is important for the reproduction of an objective picture of its activity, for the establishment of historical truth. The author of the publication has studied the transformations in the structure of the NKVD of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic during the first pre-war half-year period of 1941. The structural changes in the NKVD of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the first half of 1941 have been researched for the first time; the leadership of the regional departments of the NKVD of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the mentioned period has been specified and summarized; provisions on the role and tasks of the units on combating banditism have gained further development. It has been demonstrated that there were rather significant changes concerning the separation of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs into two parts in the first half-year period of 1941 in the structure of the NKVD of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in accordance with the model of the NKVD of the USSR. One of them had to deal directly with state security, and the creation of appropriate departments in the regions and districts. Transformations were also associated to the establishment of the Main Office for Combating Banditism and relevant departments and field offices. The essence of these changes has been analyzed; it has been demonstrated how new units of militia were created, in particular agencies on combating banditism. The data on the leadership of the NKVD of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and its regional departments have been systematized; the functions of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, departments and divisions on combating banditism have been highlighted. The author believes that the intensification of attention on this issue was largely due to the mainstreaming the activities of the nationalist underground in Western Ukraine.Розглянуто основні напрями організації та зміни у структурі наркомату внутрішніх справ в Україні у довоєнному півріччі 1941 р. Показано, як відбулося розділення наркоматів державної безпеки та внутрішніх справ, які функції покладалися саме на НКВС. Проаналізовано сутність цих змін, показано, як створювалися нові підрозділи міліції, зокрема органи боротьби з бандитизмом. Узагальнено дані про керівний склад НКВС УРСР і його обласних управлінь, охарактеризовано завдання, які ставилися перед наркоматом внутрішніх справ, відділами та відділеннями боротьби з бандитизмом

    Некоторые основные аспекты деятельности милиции УССР в 1933 г.

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    Розглянуто основні напрями діяльності міліції щодо паспортизації населення та роль міліції у здійсненні хлібозаготівель 1933 р. в Україні, що призвели до голоду. Проаналізовано причини паспортизації, заходи щодо її проведення, завдання міліції в її здійсненні та перші результати. Висвітлено також деякі аспекти участі міліції у вилученні зерна й інших продуктів у селян, убезпечення самих працівників органів внутрішніх справ від голоду та випадків розслідування людоїдства під час Голодомору.The authors’ objective was to study the main aspects of militia’s activities in 1933. This objective is specified in the following tasks: to highlight the work of militia regarding the introduction of passportization in Ukraine; to reveal certain aspects of its activity during the grain supplies in 1933. The authors of the article highlight for the first time the role of militia in carrying out grain supplies in 1933 in Ukraine. Materials on the implementation of passportization in the Republic have been supplemented through the prism of the tasks and activities of militia in this direction. It has been noted that the system of registration and control of population in the cities of Ukrainian SSR was radically changed at the end of 1932. The exact time for the introduction of passportization was chosen not by chance – collectivization in Ukraine ended and the Holodomor began. The result of these processes was a massive flight of peasants from villages who tried to survive and escape from the Holodomor. The main feature of the new passport system was the fact that passports were issued only to those residents of cities, workers’ settlements, state-owned enterprises and new buildings who reached the age of 16 years. An absolute majority of villagers did not have the opportunity to get this document and therefore became attached to their places of residence. Practical conduction of passportization of the population in Ukrainian SSR revealed an unfavorable demographic situation in the country and the presence of a large number of declassed persons who did not have a permanent job or committed crimes. The introduction of the passport system positively affected the organization of combating crime and ensuring state security, the registration of receptees was established. At the same time, passportization was accompanied by numerous repressions of judicial and extrajudicial nature. Militia being a part of the State Political Administration took an active part in the grain supplies campaign of 1932-1933, which led to the Holodomor. That activity had negative and repressive nature. Officers of militia also investigated the cases involving cannibalism.Рассмотрены основные направления деятельности милиции по паспортизации населения и роль милиции в осуществлении хлебозаготовок 1933 г. в Украине, приведших к голоду. Проанализированы причины паспортизации, меры по её проведению, задачи милиции в её осуществлении и первые результаты. Освещены также некоторые аспекты участия милиции в изъятии зерна и других продуктов у крестьян, защиты самих работников органов внутренних дел от голода и случаев расследования людоедства во время Голодомора