116 research outputs found

    Redshift distribution of {\bf Ly-α\alpha} lines and metal systems

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    The observed redshift distribution of Ly-α\alpha lines and metal systems is examined in order to discriminate and to trace the evolution of structure elements observed in the galaxy distribution, at small redshifts, and to test the theoretical description of structure evolution. We show that the expected evolution of filamentary component of structure describes quite well the redshift distribution of metal systems and stronger Ly-α\alpha lines with log(NHI)\log(N_{HI})\geq14, at zz\leq 3. The redshift distribution of weaker Ly-α\alpha lines can be attributed to the population of poorer structure elements (Zel'dovich pancakes), which were formed at high redshifts from the invisible DM and non luminous baryonic matter, and at lower redshifts they mainly merged and dispersed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Statistical characteristics of observed Ly-α\alpha forest and the shape of linear power spectrum

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    Properties of \sim 6 000 Ly-α\alpha absorbers observed in 19 high resolution spectra of QSOs are investigated using the model of formation and evolution of DM structure elements based on the Zel'dovich theory. This model asserts that absorbers are formed in the course of both linear and nonlinear adiabatic or shock compression of dark matter (DM) and gaseous matter. It allows us to link the column density and overdensity of DM and gaseous components with the observed column density of neutral hydrogen, redshifts and Doppler parameters of absorbers and demonstrates that at high redshifts we observe a self similar period of structure evolution with the Gaussian initial perturbations. We show that the colder absorbers are associated with rapidly expanded regions of a galactic scale which represent large amplitude negative density perturbations. We extend and improve the method of measuring the power spectrum of initial perturbations proposed in Demia\'nski & Doroshkevich (2003b). Our method links the observed separations and the DM column density of absorbers with the correlation function of the initial velocity field. We recover the cold dark matter (CDM) like power spectrum at scales 10> D > 0.15Mpc/h with a precision of ~15%. However at scales 3150h1\sim 3 - 150 h^{-1}kpc the measured and CDM--like spectra are different. This result suggests a possible complex inflation with generation of excess power at small scales.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte

    First Release of Gauss-Legendre Sky Pixelization (GLESP) software package for CMB analysis

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    We report the release of the Gauss--Legendre Sky Pixelization (GLESP) software package version 1.0. In this report we present the main features and functions for processing and manipulation of sky signals. Features for CMB polarization is underway and to be incorporated in a future release. Interested readers can visit http://www.glesp.nbi.dk (www.glesp.nbi.dk) and register for receiving the package

    Abdominal Pain in Young Adults

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    Aim. A study of abdominal pain incidence in young adults in relation to dietary habits and psychological profile for advancement of health-promoting technologies.Materials and methods. An anonymous quiz survey covered 3,634 students enrolled at Omsk State Medical University in higher and secondary vocational education programmes via online use of the GSRS and WHO CINDI programme questionnaires to assess eating patterns and dietary preferences, as well as a brief multifactor personality inventory scale. Respondents with abdominal pain were divided into subcohorts by pain severity according to GSRS scores (mild, moderate or severe pain).Results. Abdominal pain was reported by 2,300 (63.29%) respondents, of whom 1,243 (54.0%) rated symptoms as mild, 996 (43.3%) and 61 (2.7%) — as moderate to severe. Abdominal pain complaints were more frequent in women (2I = 33.96, p <0.001), but gender had no effect on pain intensity. Pain associated with abdominal bloating and distention (57.65%), gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (38.75%), constipation (30.54%) or diarrhoea (28.4%). The presence and severity of abdominal pain was distinctive of individuals spending the most of average monthly income on food purchase and those actively consuming tea, coffee, added sugar, extra salt in cooked food, while having low intake of fruit and vegetables. A typical personality in severe abdominal pain is hypothymic depressive, hypochondriac in moderate and psychasthenic in mild pain.Conclusion. Abdominal pain is common among medical students predominating in females, associates with the eating pattern, dietary habits and psychological profile

    Chemical Gypsum as a Building Material for Construction

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    Секция III : Ресурсо- и энергосберегающие строительные материалы и технологииРассмотрены основные источники загрязнения атмосферы диоксидами серы, их негативное воздействие на экологию, в частности на флору и фауну. Приведены технологические схемы улавливания серного ангидрида. Выполнен анализ эффективности различных технологий очистки дымовых газов тепловых электростанций от серного ангидрида. Отмечена наиболее рациональная схема улавливания диоксида серы с целью получения техногенного сырья для гипсовых вяжущих. Технико-экономические расчеты подтверждают экономическую целесообразности производства строительных материалов из отходов промышленности.=The sulfur dioxide is one of the main sources of air pollution which has a negative impact on the environment, in particular on flora and fauna. This article demonstratesvarious technological scheme of the capture of sulphur dioxide. The analysis of efficiency of different flue gases treatment technologies of thermal power plants from sulfuric anhydride is carried out. The most rational scheme of capture of sulfur dioxide is notedfor the purpose of receiving technogenic raw materials for gypsum binders. Technical and economic calculations confirm the economic feasibility of building materials production from industrial waste

    Chemical Gypsum as a Building Material for Construction

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    Секция III : Ресурсо- и энергосберегающие строительные материалы и технологииРассмотрены основные источники загрязнения атмосферы диоксидами серы, их негативное воздействие на экологию, в частности на флору и фауну. Приведены технологические схемы улавливания серного ангидрида. Выполнен анализ эффективности различных технологий очистки дымовых газов тепловых электростанций от серного ангидрида. Отмечена наиболее рациональная схема улавливания диоксида серы с целью получения техногенного сырья для гипсовых вяжущих. Технико-экономические расчеты подтверждают экономическую целесообразности производства строительных материалов из отходов промышленности.=The sulfur dioxide is one of the main sources of air pollution which has a negative impact on the environment, in particular on flora and fauna. This article demonstratesvarious technological scheme of the capture of sulphur dioxide. The analysis of efficiency of different flue gases treatment technologies of thermal power plants from sulfuric anhydride is carried out. The most rational scheme of capture of sulfur dioxide is notedfor the purpose of receiving technogenic raw materials for gypsum binders. Technical and economic calculations confirm the economic feasibility of building materials production from industrial waste