12 research outputs found

    Применение гидродинамической кавитации для повышения эффективности каталитического крекинга вакуумного газойля

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    The principal possibility of increasing the efficiency of the catalytic cracking of hydrotreated vacuum gas oil by its activation by the action of hydrodynamic cavitation is shown. The achieved effect is to increase the yield of gasoline and to reduce the yield of coke.Показана принципиальная возможность повышения эффективности процесса каталитического крекинга гидроочищенного вакуумного газойля его активацией под действием гидродина-мической кавитации. Достигнутый эффект заключается в повышении выхода бензина и снижении выхода кокса

    Превращение алканов под действием единичного импульса гидродинамической кавитации. II. Поведение Среднецепных алканов С21-С38

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    Transformation of medium-chain alkanes in the disintegrator DA-1 under treatment of single impulse of hydrodynamic cavitation has been studied. Cavitation appears when hydrocarbons pass through the micro-gap with controlled cross-section under high pressure. 5% solution of solid paraffin (alkanes C21–C38) in n-dodecane and two oil samples were used as objects of research. The first sample is partially stripped bituminous oil from Khosedauskoe field of Republic of Komi with paraffin content 0.5%wt. The second sample is mixture of above mentioned oil and paraffin with total concentration of the latter in this oil sample 6.5 %wtРассмотрены превращения среднецепных алканов в дезинтеграторе ДА-1 под действием единичного импульса гидродинамической кавитации. Кавитация возникала при течении углеводородов под влиянием высокого давления через микрощель с регулируемым сечением. В качестве объектов исследования использовали 5%-ный раствор твердого парафина (алканы С21-С38) в н-додекане, а также два образца нефти. Первый - частично отбензиненная битуминозная нефть Хоседаюского месторождения Республики Коми с содержанием парафина 0.5% мас. Второй являлся смесью упомянутой нефти и парафина с суммарной концентрацией последнего в этом образце нефти 6.5% мас

    Превращение алканов под действием единичного импульса гидродинамической кавитации. I. Поведение алканов С13–С15

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    There are many different methods of petrochemical raw materials activation. This article discusses hydrocarbons mechanoactivation that helps to increase the yield of the key products. This effect shows itself most clearly in the n-alkanes distribution. The main purpose of this study is to attempt to learn whether the energy of a single pulse of cavitation occurring in a disintegrator DA-1 is enough for the destructive transformation of n-alkanes with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule less than 15 and for the formation of compounds with low molecular weights. It was shown that the total decrease in the concentration of reactants (monomethyltridecane, n-tridecane and n-pentadecane) is completely compensated by the higher content of n-tetradecane in the mixtures. The content of iso-alkanes, n-tridecane and n-pentadecane decreased. Other compounds did not appear in the mixtures after the impact of a single pulse of cavitation. It was shown that the energy of a single pulse of hydrodynamic cavitation released in DA-1 is insufficient for the large-scale break of the bonds between the secondary carbon atoms in the chains of C<sub>13</sub>–C<sub>15</sub> alkanes (mostly n-tetradecane, the content of which in the mixture was greater than 97%) and for the diffusion of radicals from the “cage” with the formation of compounds with low molecular weights. A similar effect can be expected especially in respect of n-alkanes having a fewer number of carbon atoms. A possible mechanism of the reversible isomerization reaction in the studied system is discussed in this article.Рассмотрено поведение н-тетрадекана и примесных соединений – монометилтридеканов, н-тридекана и н-пентадекана в условиях действия единичного импульса гидродинамической кавитации. Кавитационный режим в дезинтеграторе ДА-1 наступал при течении угле-водородов под влиянием давления 20–60 МПа через микрощель с регулируемым сечением

    Механодеструкция углеводородов нефти с помощью дезинтегратора высокого давления.

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    Changes in the structure and properties of liquid oil stock upon its flow at high pressure were studied. The mechano-chemical influence was created by a new domestically produced apparatus: high pressure disintegrator DA-1. Raw oil samples and separate oil fractions were used as objects under study.Проведены исследования по изучению изменений структуры и свойств нефтяного сырья, происходящих при его течении под влиянием высокого давления. Механохимическое воздействие создавали новым отечественным устройством – дезинтеграционным агрегатом высокого давления ДА-1. Объектами исследования служили образцы сырых нефтей и отдельных фракций нефтепереработки

    Каталитическая конверсия биоэтанола в углеводороды

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    The fundamentals of catalytic bioethanol conversion into gasoline products, ethylene and aromatic hydrocarbons are studied. New catalysts on the basis of HZSM-5 are synthesized for these purposes. The scheme of the mechanism of process key stages is offered. The possibility of catalytic hydrogenation of mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons contained in products of bioethanol conversion into motor fuel is demonstrated.Изучены основные закономерности каталитической конверсии биоэтанола в продукты бензинового ряда, этилен и ароматические углеводороды. Синтезированы новые катализаторы на основе HZSM-5 для этих целей. Предложена схема механизма ключевых этапов процесса. Показана принципиальная возможность каталитического гидрирования смеси ароматических углеводородов, содержащихся в продуктах конверсии биоэтанола, в моторное топливо

    Особенности получения биодизеля первого поколения в аппарате с вихревым слоем

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    The possibility of intensifying the process of transesterification of triglycerides of carboxylic acids of vegetable oils with alcohols C1-C3 in the presence of potassium hydroxide in an apparatus with a vortex sheet is shown. Analysis of the composition of mixtures of methyl esters of carboxylic acids of sunflower oil showed that the redistribution of hydrogen and the destructive transformation in the system take place along with the transesterification reactions. This results in the expenditure of octadecyl acid ether.Показана возможность интенсификации процесса переэтерификации триглицеридов карбоновых кислот растительных масел спиртами С1-С3 в присутствии гидроксида калия в аппарате с вихревым слоем. Анализ состава смесей метиловых эфиров карбоновых кислот подсолнечного масла показал, что наряду с переэтерификацией в системе протекают реакции перераспределения водорода и деструктивные превращения, приводящие к исчезновению в биодизеле метилового эфира октадеценовой кислоты

    The application of hydrodynamic cavitation to increase the efficiency of the catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil

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    The principal possibility of increasing the efficiency of the catalytic cracking of hydrotreated vacuum gas oil by its activation by the action of hydrodynamic cavitation is shown. The achieved effect is to increase the yield of gasoline and to reduce the yield of coke

    Transformation of alkanes under treatment of single impulse of hydrodynamic cavitation. II. Behaviour of medium-chain alkanes С<sub>21</sub>–С<sub>38</sub>

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    Transformation of medium-chain alkanes in the disintegrator DA-1 under treatment of single impulse of hydrodynamic cavitation has been studied. Cavitation appears when hydrocarbons pass through the micro-gap with controlled cross-section under high pressure. 5% solution of solid paraffin (alkanes C21–C38) in n-dodecane and two oil samples were used as objects of research. The first sample is partially stripped bituminous oil from Khosedauskoe field of Republic of Komi with paraffin content 0.5%wt. The second sample is mixture of above mentioned oil and paraffin with total concentration of the latter in this oil sample 6.5 %w

    Conversion of alkanes under single pulse of hydrodynamic cavitation. I. Behavior of C<sub>13</sub>–C<sub>15</sub> alkanes

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    There are many different methods of petrochemical raw materials activation. This article discusses hydrocarbons mechanoactivation that helps to increase the yield of the key products. This effect shows itself most clearly in the n-alkanes distribution. The main purpose of this study is to attempt to learn whether the energy of a single pulse of cavitation occurring in a disintegrator DA-1 is enough for the destructive transformation of n-alkanes with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule less than 15 and for the formation of compounds with low molecular weights. It was shown that the total decrease in the concentration of reactants (monomethyltridecane, n-tridecane and n-pentadecane) is completely compensated by the higher content of n-tetradecane in the mixtures. The content of iso-alkanes, n-tridecane and n-pentadecane decreased. Other compounds did not appear in the mixtures after the impact of a single pulse of cavitation. It was shown that the energy of a single pulse of hydrodynamic cavitation released in DA-1 is insufficient for the large-scale break of the bonds between the secondary carbon atoms in the chains of C&lt;sub&gt;13&lt;/sub&gt;–C&lt;sub&gt;15&lt;/sub&gt; alkanes (mostly n-tetradecane, the content of which in the mixture was greater than 97%) and for the diffusion of radicals from the “cage” with the formation of compounds with low molecular weights. A similar effect can be expected especially in respect of n-alkanes having a fewer number of carbon atoms. A possible mechanism of the reversible isomerization reaction in the studied system is discussed in this article

    Mechanodestruction of raw oil hydrocarbons by high-pressure disintegrator.

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    Changes in the structure and properties of liquid oil stock upon its flow at high pressure were studied. The mechano-chemical influence was created by a new domestically produced apparatus: high pressure disintegrator DA-1. Raw oil samples and separate oil fractions were used as objects under study