5 research outputs found

    Deafness in Italy: an epidemiological and socio-demographic study

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    Hearing loss is very common in our society, but epidemiological data on deafness in Italy is lacking. A.I.R.S. onlus (Italian Association for Research on Deafness) yearly launches the National Day for the Fight Against Deafness (NDFAD). During this events, that are held every year, it is possible to perform a free hearing test in all the facilities that have joined the initiative throughout Italy (240 hospitals joined in 2011)

    Tinnitus: clinical experience of the psychosomatic connection.

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    The connection between psychopathology and tinnitus is complex and not adequately studied. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between tinnitus and psychiatric comorbidities from different points of view: categorical, dimensional, temperamental, and perceived stress level.Two hundred and thirty-nine patients affected by tinnitus were recruited between January and October 2012. Patients underwent a preliminary battery of tests including the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), Symptom Check List (SCL90-R), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), and Stress-Related Vulnerability Scale (VRS), and eventually a full psychiatric evaluation.One hundred and fourteen patients (48\% of the total sample) presented psychiatric comorbidity. Among these, a higher prevalence of depression, somatization, obsession, and anxiety was found. More than 41\% of patients affected by decompensated tinnitus reported a family history of psychiatric disorders. Significant positive correlations between the psychopathological screening tools (SCL90-R and VRS) and THI were found. Patients affected by comorbid psychiatric disorder showed specific temperamental and characterial predispositions.Psychiatric comorbidity in subjects affected by tinnitus is frequent. Stress can be considered as a factor leading to damage and dysfunction of the auditory apparatus. The vulnerability to neurotic disorders and the lack of coping capabilities can play a critical role in the clinical history of patients affected by severe tinnitus