11 research outputs found


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    The paper reviews the system of indicators characterizing Russian banking community in general and in territorial context. The article reviews the dynamics of the indicators characterizing the importance of banking system. The authors indicate the concentration the endowment the population Russia with financial services and differences between the main factors of the development level of the banking system of the regions from the national average. В статье рассмотрена система показателей, характеризующая банковское сообщество России в целом и в территориальном/региональном разрезе. Проведен анализ динамики статистических показателей, характеризующих значимость банковской системы для экономики страны. Рассмотрены показатели концентрации и обеспеченности населения страны банковскими услугами в территориальном разрезе, а также базовые индексы, характеризующие отличия основных факторов уровня развития банковской системы регионов от сред- нероссийского уровня. Статья будет интересна исследователям, преподавателям высшей школы, студентам и аспирантам.


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    The current study is devoted to the methodology of systemic risk management adjusted for the Russian credit market. Among specific sources of systemic the following risks were emphasized: access of a banking sector to market liquidity and currency fluctuations in the short term; financial contagion, economic bubbles and sovereign default risk in the long term. The Hui-Heubel ratio was applied to assess depth and volume of market liquidity. It was proved that there is a temporary market liquidity surplus. Currency risk was tested with application of VaR, historical simulation method, which supported observed tendency to economic stabilization. In both cases conditional and unconditional volatility were determined with GARCH method. Moreover, a methodology of stress-testing described in the paper presents a convenient solution to investigate effects of uncommon risks, such as financial contagion, economic bubbles and sovereign default risk. The current study could be applied to create personalized strategy of systemic risk prevention for banks or any commercial organization dealing with an unpredictable Russian financial market.В данной статье рассматривается методология управления системными рисками с учетом специфики конъюнктуры российского рынка. Среди характерных для России источников системного риска были выделены: доступ банковского сектора к ликвидности и валютные колебания в краткосрочной перспективе; финансовое заражение, финансовые пузыри и риск суверенного дефолта - в долгосрочной перспективе. Для оценки риска ликвидности использовалось отношение Hui-Heubel, характеризующее объем и глубину рынка, которое показало, что в данный момент на рынке наблюдается временный профицит ликвидности. Валютные риски тестировались с помощью метода исторической симуляции VaR, который подтвердил наблюдаемую тенденцию к стабилизации экономики. В обоих случаях для определения условной и безусловной волатильности использовался метод GARCH. Также в статье описывается методика стресс-тестирования как удобный способ исследования редко реализующихся системных рисков, таких как финансовые пузыри, финансовое заражение и суверенный дефолт. Данная работа может быть полезна для формирования персонализированных стратегий по предупреждению системных рисков как в банковской сфере, так и для любой коммерческой организации, имеющей дело с непредсказуемым финансовым рынком России

    Statistical Measures of the Competition in the Banking System

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    The article describes the main statistical measures characterizing the key indicators of the competition level of the Russian banking system subjects countrywide and in the regional context. Utilizing common statistical tools of economic significance assessment of financial institutions, a dynamic analysis of banking competition level concentration was held. Dynamics of the main indicators, characterizing the saturation with financial and banking services of the Russian Federation regions, was assessed with regard to a long downward trend of the number of credit institutions. In order to analyze the availability of banking services in Russian regions, indices of total provision and relative attractiveness were evaluated. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of level and dynamics of banking concentration were considered in depth, geographically and countrywide, with application of Herfindahl-Hirsehman index. Also, an analysis of concentration level of banking system assets was conducted. For this purpose, clusters of credit organizations distribution were considered depending on the value of their assets and their regional allocation


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    The paper reviews the system of indicators characterizing Russian banking community in general and in territorial context. The article reviews the dynamics of the indicators characterizing the importance of banking system. The authors indicate the concentration the endowment the population Russia with financial services and differences between the main factors of the development level of the banking system of the regions from the national average


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    The current study is devoted to the methodology of systemic risk management adjusted for the Russian credit market. Among specific sources of systemic the following risks were emphasized: access of a banking sector to market liquidity and currency fluctuations in the short term; financial contagion, economic bubbles and sovereign default risk in the long term. The Hui-Heubel ratio was applied to assess depth and volume of market liquidity. It was proved that there is a temporary market liquidity surplus. Currency risk was tested with application of VaR, historical simulation method, which supported observed tendency to economic stabilization. In both cases conditional and unconditional volatility were determined with GARCH method. Moreover, a methodology of stress-testing described in the paper presents a convenient solution to investigate effects of uncommon risks, such as financial contagion, economic bubbles and sovereign default risk. The current study could be applied to create personalized strategy of systemic risk prevention for banks or any commercial organization dealing with an unpredictable Russian financial market


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