5,455 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Reconstructing SUSY Particle Masses with a few fb^(-1) at the LHC

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    We describe a new cascade mass reconstruction approach to allow reconstruction of SUSY particle masses in long cascades (five or more particles) at the LHC with integrated luminosity as low as a few fb^(-1). This approach is based on a consecutive use of the endpoint method, an event filter and a combinatorial mass reconstruction method. The endpoint method gives a preliminary estimate of light sparticle masses. An event filter combining the maximum likelihood distributions for all events in the data sample allows suppression of backgrounds and gives a preliminary estimate of heavy sparticle masses. Finally, SUSY particle masses are reconstructed by a search for a maximum of a combined likelihood function constructed for each possible combination of five events in the data sample. SUSY data sample sets for the SU3 model point containing 80k events each were generated, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.2 fb^(-1). These events were passed through the AcerDET detector simulator, which parametrized the response of a detector. To demonstrate the stability and precision of the approach five different 80k event data sets were considered. Masses were reconstructed with a precision of about 10% for heavy sparticles and 10-20% for light sparticles.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, added 1 referenc

    Livelihood Shocks and Coping Strategies: An Empirical Study of Bangladesh Households

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    Households plan strategically for facing risks associated with livelihood security. Choosing a particular set of coping strategies depends on a number of factors including the types of crisis households face and options available. Often, poor households risk future income generating capacity for maintaining current food consumption. This paper examines strategies used by rural households for coping with the shocks and investigates whether there is any distinctive pattern in adopting these strategies. Using a cross section data set covering 1600 households from the northwestern Bangladesh, we estimate a trivariate probit model for explaining the adoption of coping strategies. Results indicate that choice of coping strategies depend on diversity and stability of household income sources. Households with higher education have greater access to stable incomes sources and have more income sources, and so are less likely to adopt ex-post coping strategies. Households with more assets are more likely to divest assets or obtain secured loans rather than rely on unsecured loans. Wealthier households are not less likely to adopt current adjustment strategies, suggesting that there is a general sequence of coping strategies that all households follow, irrespective of the assets they own.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Chiral transition in a magnetic field and at finite baryon density

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    We consider the quark-meson model with two quark flavors in a constant external magnetic field BB at finite temperature TT and finite baryon chemical potential μB\mu_B. We calculate the full renormalized effective potential to one-loop order in perturbation theory. We study the system in the large-NcN_c limit, where we treat the bosonic modes at tree level. It is shown that the system exhibits dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, i. e. that an arbitrarily weak magnetic field breaks chiral symmetry dynamically, in agreement with earlier calculations using the NJL model. We study the influence on the phase transition of the fermionic vacuum fluctuations. For strong magnetic fields, ∣qB∣∼5mπ2|qB|\sim5m_{\pi}^2 and in the chiral limit, the transition is first order in the entire μB−T\mu_B-T plane if vacuum fluctuations are not included and second order if they are included. At the physical point, the transition is a crossover for μB=0\mu_B=0 with and without vacuum fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages. 5figs. V2: fixed a few typos and added refs. Submitted to PRD. V3: Added refs and substantial revision of tex

    GRANAT/WATCH catalogue of cosmic gamma-ray bursts: December 1989 to September 1994

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    We present the catalogue of gamma-ray bursts observed with the WATCH all-sky monitor on board the GRANAT satellite during the period December 1989 to September 1994. The cosmic origin of 95 bursts comprising the catalogue is confirmed either by their localization with WATCH or by their detection with other GRB experiments. For each burst its time history and information on its intensity in the two energy ranges 8-20 keV and 20-60 keV are presented. Most events show hardening of the energy spectrum near the burst peak. In part of the bursts an X-ray precursor or a tail is seen at 8-20 keV. We have determined the celestial positions of the sources of 47 bursts. Their localization regions (at 3-sigma confidence level) are equivalent in area to circles with radii ranging from 0.2 to 1.6 deg. The burst sources appear isotropically distributed on the sky on large angular scales.Comment: 18 pages (including 3 tables and 7 figures), LaTeX, l-aa style. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Serie

    Cryptoeconomics: Data Application for Token Sales Analysis

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    Initial coin offering, which is called ICO, is rapidly raised its volume as the bypassed crowdfunding. It reached 3.5Bin2017.ThisismainlyduetofiveofsuccessfulICOs,Filecoin3.5B in 2017. This is mainly due to five of successful ICOs, Filecoin 257M, Tezos 232M,EOS232M, EOS 185M, Paragon 183MandBancor183M and Bancor 153M. Since these great successes, many startups are jumping into ICO. However, there is no standard criteria to analyze this investment market. Currently, most of token sales rely on their white papers and SNS channels to attract investors, and also we can find its popularity on Google Trends. The goal of this paper is thoughtfully exploring these data sources using big data analysis tools, then building the visualized analytics on this market. Our main approach is based on domain- knowledge to find related criteria. There are several criteria which are widely accepted in this investment markets. We tested the linear correlation between these features and ICO result to validate these criteria. We collected 500 ICO startups to build our database from the ICO-trackers. It consists of founder, white papers, likes and followers in Twitter, ICO results so on. We also collected USD exchange rates of cryptocurrencies to see the price effect of ICO investments. In this data, we considered top 10 ICO startups in 2017 as the successful cases. Using selected criteria, we modeled the prediction of success by the logistic regression method, which may solve our classification problem, successful or not. Our final result is presented as a visual marketing analytics application which is designed on Elasticsearch and Kibana. Kibana is web-based visualization system which connected to the full-search NoSQL database, Elasticsearch. This system analyzes current ICOs status in real-time then visualize whole analysis on the Kibana dashboard. This dashboard provides summarized criteria analysis and the prediction result to monitor ICOs
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