25 research outputs found

    Differences in the processes of beta-lactoglobulin cold and heat denaturations.

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    The changes in beta-lactoglobulin upon cold and heat denaturation were studied by scanning calorimetry, CD, and NMR spectroscopy. It is shown that, in the presence of urea, these processes of beta-lactoglobulin denaturation below and above 308 K are accompanied by different structural and thermodynamic changes. Analysis of the NOE spectra of beta-lactoglobulin shows that changes in the spin diffusion of beta-lactoglobulin after disruption of the unique tertiary structure upon cold denaturation are much more substantial than those upon heat denaturation. In cold denatured beta-lactoglobulin, the network of residual interactions in hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions of the molecules is more extensive than after heat denaturation. This suggests that upon cold- and heat-induced unfolding, the molecule undergoes different structural rearrangements, passing through different denaturation intermediates. From this point of view, cold denaturation can be considered to be a two stage process with a stable intermediate. A similar equilibrium intermediate can be obtained at 35 degrees C in 6.0 M urea solution, where the molecule has no tertiary structure. Cooling or heating of the solution from this temperature leads to unfolding of the intermediate. However, these processes differ in cooperativity, showing noncommensurate sigmoidal-like changes in efficiency of spin diffusion, ellipticity at 222 nm, and partial heat capacity. The disruption with cooling is accompanied by cooperative changes in heat capacity, whereas with heating the heat capacity changes only gradually. Considering the sigmoidal shape of the heat capacity change an extended heat absorption peak, we propose that the intermediate state is stabilized by enthalpic interactions

    High-resolution NMR Structure of a Zn2+-containing Form of the Bacteriophage T5 L-alanyl-D-glutamate Peptidase

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    This paper represents the spatial solution structure of the Zn2+-containing form of the bacteriophage T5 L-alanyl-D-glutamate peptidase (EndoT5-Zn2+). The core of this α + β protein is formed by three α-helices (residues 7–15, 20–30, and 87–104) and a β-sheet containing three β-strands (residues 35–39, 71–76, and 133–135). The protein has two short loops (residues 16–19 and 31–34), a medium-length loop (residues 77–86) containing a short β-hairpin (residues 77–82), and two long loops (residues 40–70 and 105–132). The long loops include a stable 310-helix (residues 66–68) and labile α-helices 46–53 and 113–117. Catalytic Zn2+-binding site is represented by three amino acid residues, His66, Asp73, and His133. The cation-binding His residues are located near the foundations of the long loops, whereas Asp73 is positioned in the middle of the core β-sheet. The catalytic center localization contributes to the stabilization of the entire molecule, with Zn2+-binding playing a key role in the folding of this protein

    Evidence for the residual tertiary structure in the urea-unfolded form of bacteriophage T5 endolysin

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    Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we studied peculiarities of the unfolding process of the bacteriophage T5 endolysin (EndoT5) by strong denaturants. It was shown that in the absence of zinc ions this protein is mostly unfolded in the solution of 8 M urea or 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. However, in the presence of zinc ions EndoT5 unfolding can be achieved only in acidic solutions (at pH \u3c 4.0), whereas at pH \u3e 4.0 NMR spectra of the metal-bound protein (Zn2+–Ca2+–EndoT5 or Zn2+–EndoT5 complexes) exhibit a few chemical shifts characteristic of the native or native-like proteins. Our data, including the pH–titration curve with the pK of ~5, suggested involvement of the zinc-binding histidines in the stabilization of this protein. Up-field signals that appear in the NMR spectra of apo-EndoT5 in the presence of high concentrations of strong denaturants are probably derived from the amino acid residues included in the formation of structured hydrophobic cluster, which likely corresponds to the 81–93 region of EndoT5 and contains some residual tertiary structure. It is possible also that this hydrophobic fragment serves as a foundation for the formation of structured cluster in the unfolded state

    Molecular Mechanisms of The Anomalous Thermal Aggregation of Green Fluorescent Protein

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    The peculiarities of thermal denaturation and interaction with water of the cycle-3 mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) were analyzed by NMR techniques and compared with those of bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCA-II). Irreversible thermal denaturation was accompanied by massive GFP aggregation with no detectable accumulation of soluble denatured protein. Analysis of the spin diffusion data suggested that the internal part of the GFP β-can is involved in intensive interactions with water molecules. As a result, at high temperatures, the GFP structure does not unfold but rather breaks, consequently leading to enhanced protein aggregation. This is very different from typical BCA-II behavior

    Effect of C-terminal His-tag and Purification Routine on the Activity and Structure of the Metalloenzyme, L-alanyl-d-glutamate Peptidase of the Bacteriophage T5

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    In this work, we studied the effect of the C-terminally attached poly-histidine tag (His-tag), as well as the peculiarities of the protein purification procedure by the immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) on the activity and structure of the metalloenzyme, l-alanyl-d-glutamate peptidase of bacteriophage T5 (EndoT5), whose zinc binding site and catalytic aspartate are located near the C-terminus. By itself, His-tag did not have a significant effect on either activity or folding of the polypeptide chain, nor on the binding of zinc and calcium ions to the protein. However, the His-tagged EndoT5 samples had low shelf-life, with storage of these samples resulting in an increased propensity for protein self-association and decreased enzymatic activity of EndoT5. Furthermore, disastrous effects on the activity of the enzyme were exerted by the presence of imidazole and nickel ions accompanying metal chelate chromatography. The activity of the protein can be restored by thorough washing off of these low molecular impurities via the prolonged dialysis of the His-tagged EndoT5 samples at the specifically elaborated conditions

    On the Roles of Calcium and Zinc Ions in the Formation of a Catalytically Active Form of the Metalloenzyme, L-alanyl-d-glutamate Peptidase of the Bacteriophage T5 (EndoT5)

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    Structural consequences of the binding of metal ions (regulatory Ca2+ and catalytic Zn2+) to the metalloenzyme l-alanyl-d-glutamate peptidase of the bacteriophage T5 (Endo T5) and some of its analogues containing single amino acid substitutions in the active center were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD) and calorimetry. Analyses revealed that the native EndoT5 undergoes strong structural rearrangements as a result of Zn2+ binding. This structural rearrangement resulting in the formation of an active enzyme is completed by the Ca2+ binding. In this case, the NMR spectra uncover the tautomerism of the NH protons of histidine imidazoles responsible for the Zn2+ coordination. For the EndoT5 analogues with point substitutions in the Ca2+-binding site, similar conformational rearrangements are observed upon Zn2+ binding. However, no characteristic changes in the NMR spectra associated with the Ca2+ binding were detected. The roles of the proton exchange in the process of Ca2+-induced activation of the enzymatic activity of EndoT5 is discussed

    Evidence for the Residual Tertiary Structure in the Urea-unfolded Form of Bacteriophage T5 Endolysin

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    Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we studied peculiarities of the unfolding process of the bacteriophage T5 endolysin (EndoT5) by strong denaturants. It was shown that in the absence of zinc ions this protein is mostly unfolded in the solution of 8 M urea or 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. However, in the presence of zinc ions EndoT5 unfolding can be achieved only in acidic solutions (at pH \u3c 4.0), whereas at pH \u3e 4.0 NMR spectra of the metal-bound protein (Zn2+–Ca2+–EndoT5 or Zn2+–EndoT5 complexes) exhibit a few chemical shifts characteristic of the native or native-like proteins. Our data, including the pH–titration curve with the pK of ~5, suggested involvement of the zinc-binding histidines in the stabilization of this protein. Up-field signals that appear in the NMR spectra of apo-EndoT5 in the presence of high concentrations of strong denaturants are probably derived from the amino acid residues included in the formation of structured hydrophobic cluster, which likely corresponds to the 81–93 region of EndoT5 and contains some residual tertiary structure. It is possible also that this hydrophobic fragment serves as a foundation for the formation of structured cluster in the unfolded state

    Structure and Dynamics of the Retro-form of the Bacteriophage T5 Endolysin

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    Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy we conducted a comparative analysis of the structural and dynamic properties of the bacteriophage T5 endolysin (EndoT5) and its retro-form; i.e., a protein with the reversed direction of the polypeptide chain (R-EndoT5). We show that structurally, retro-form can be described as the molten globule-like polypeptide that is easily able to form large oligomers and aggregates. To avoid complications associated with this high aggregation propensity of the retro protein, we compared EndoT5 and R-EndoT5 in the presence of strong denaturants. This analysis revealed that these two proteins possess different internal dynamics in solutions containing 8 M urea, with the retro-form being characterized by larger dimensions and slower internal dynamics. We also show that in the absence of denaturant, both forms of the bacteriophage T5 endolysin are able to interact with micelles formed by the zwitterionic detergent dodecylphosphocholine (DPC), and that the formation of the protein-micelle complexes leads to the significant structural rearrangement of polypeptide chain and to the formation of stable hydrophobic core in the R-Endo T5