10 research outputs found

    Provision of the Preparedness and Management of Work of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team at the Premises of the Rospotrebnadzor Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    The paper contains the data on the management of work of the specialized anti-epidemic team (SAET) of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games (2014) in Sochi. Reviewed are the issues of SAET’s preparedness provision: staffing of the team, facility equipping, fitting with diagnostic preparations, professional training and development in view of the mass event mission - participation in interagency exercises, educational courses, seminars, and response drills. For the first time ever, SAET’s reinforced personnel comprised 60 specialists from research institutions and some other Rospotrebnadzor Organization. Provided was preparedness to perform laboratory diagnostics and indicate the agents of 82 nosological forms, including exotic ones. The team conducted investigations at the premises of the two facilities and bacteriological laboratory mounted on the trucks

    Performance of the SAET of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute of the Rospotrebnadzor during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    Given is a general overview of the SAET performance during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games, 2014 in Sochi. Discussed are the peculiarities of work management of the SAET diagnostic facilities; represented are the data on the structure and scope of laboratory investigations of clinical material and environmental samples. Analyzed is the experience of operation under major international mass event. Consequently, it is concluded that current SAET structure, its stuffing and equipping, the laid-up stock of preparations and test-systems have allowed for coping with a diverse task complex in the laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases and indication of their agents

    Relevant Issues of Epidemiological Safety Provision as Regards Natural-Focal Infections during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    The paper contains the data on the morbidity rates as regards natural-focal infectious diseases and results of epizootiological monitoring in the locality of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games-2014 in Sochi. It is demonstrated that the significant ones in the infectious disease incidence chart are hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Ixodidae tick-borne borrelioses, pseudotuberculosis, intestinal yersiniosis, leptospiroses, rabies, rickettsiosis, and tularemia. Represented are the data on the peculiarities of a number of regional pathogenic strains. Noted is fact that complex activities, which were carried out by the agencies and institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor, Krasnodar Territory and Sochi resort-town Administration, allowed for the stabilization of the situation on natural-focal infections

    Management of Work and Procedure for the Laboratory Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases during the Winter XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics, 2014

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    Analyzed is the management system for laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics, 2014 in Sochi. Reviewed is piece of work, executed in the pre-Olympic period as regards provision of laboratory facilities deployed for clinical material investigation, development of normative and regulatory documentation which considers peculiarities of the situation, identification of diagnostic capacities of the laboratories, and forecasting of the probable volume of laboratory studies by reference to various groups of infections. Put forward is the procedure for arrangement of work at the different stages of laboratory diagnostics, cooperation and response in case of emergency situation in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population. Discussed is the role of geo-information system and current means of monitoring over epidemiological situation in the participating states and in the region of the Olympics in laboratory support organization

    Management of the Investigation and Detection of Legionellosis Agent in the Environmental Samples during the Preparation and Holding of the XXII Winter Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi

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    Provided are the data on the management and carrying out of the laboratory control over the hot-water supply systems of the sports venues and accommodation areas for the presence of Legionella pneumophila during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi, 2014. Inspected have been 105 facilities. The samples from 37 of them showed positive. L. pneumophila DNA concentration varies between 2.19·102 and 3.92·107 genome equivalents (g.e.)/l. By means of bacteriological investigation detected have been legionella colonies in the water supply systems of 16 facilities, at one of the items - the loading is over 1·104 colony-forming units/l. Performed has been comparative analysis of the results obtained using PCR assay and bacteriological test. Based on the genotyping of 7 isolated strains serogroup 1 and 2 strains of 2-14 serogroups it is concluded that L. pneumophila strains circulating in the resort town Sochi are genetically heterogeneous

    Ensuring of Protection from Biological Threats During Olympic Games

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    Analysis of complex measures to ensure epidemiological safety during the period of preparation and carrying out the Olympic Games abroad is presented. The main directions of the anti-epidemic work during preparation for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games are suggested based upon available experience. It has been noted that syndromic surveillance, GIS technologies, automated stations for control of atmospheric air and other new technologies ensuring biological safety should be added to traditional epidemiological surveillance of infections