205 research outputs found

    Political technologies and international conflicts in the information space of the Baltic Sea region

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    The information space of the Baltic region has gradually developed since the free exchange of cross-border messages was made possible by media technology and international law. The international conflict between Russia and some countries of the European Union has become a factor hampering its sustainable development. Moreover, the conflict has adversely affected the functioning of many civil society institutions in the Baltic Sea region. This study focuses on the publications in the scientific media associated with the political technologies that may provoke conflict but must contribute to good-neighbourly relations in the region. We carry out a comprehensive political analysis and a specific examination of the Western scientific media to develop a package of measures that Russia can take to counter the conflictprovoking influences in the region. The current condition of the regional information space and information operations aimed at inciting Russophobia and forcing Russia out of the European political process is indicative of the politicisation of social sciences and the humanities and of the mythologisation of the policies of the regional social structures. The conflict must be urgently resolved, since the political technologies, which cause instability in the information space, damage the reputations of all the states involved. To reconcile the differences that underlie the information conflict in the Baltic region it is necessary to take into account common interests. There is a pressing need to join efforts in solving the challenging social problems that cannot be overcome without either international cooperation among the countries or effective social partnership

    Preventive Military Strike: From American Patriotism to the Threats of International Security

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    Review for a monograph Farkhutdinov I. Z. “American Doctrine of Preventive Military Strike from Monroe to Trump: International Legal Aspects”. M. : EURASNIIPP, 2017. 338 p.The monograph of the prominent Russian expert in the field of international law, Insur Zabirovich Farkhutdinov “The American Doctrine of Military Strike from Monroe to Trump: International Legal Aspects” sparked a lively scientific discussion around the problem of the use of force in the modern international system. On the one hand, to preserve the global legal order, it is absolutely necessary to intervene internationally in the political situation where human rights are violated, on the other hand, the unjustified use of force creates the threat of escalating political instability and undermines international security. It seems reasonable to conclude that the Monroe Doctrine was created as a political instrument to protect the US from interference by foreign governments in the internal affairs of America, but became a means of spreading national sovereignty to spaces with an international regime and the territory of other countries

    The Role of the Digital Transformation in the Fight against Crime at Sea

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    Crime control at the sea involves public activities to create a modern security system in seaports, at the territorial sea and the adjacent zone throughout the sea corridors, as well as in the open sea on sea routes with intensive shipping.Aim. Impact assessment of digital transformation on maritime crime control.Tasks. Firstly, to characterize the impact of digital technologies on the nature of pirate attacks and other maritime offenses, which are actual threats to the maritime infrastructure. Secondly, to analyze the impact of modern measures to combat maritime crime on the economy of seaports, shipping companies and other maritime business entities. Thirdly, to demonstrate the role of the seaport administration and private military companies in the fight against offenses at sea.Methods. The study is carried out by formal legal and comparative legal methodology using a review-analytical approach.Results. Data analysis shows that the administrations of seaports are interested in optimizing security costs by creating a convenient digital management system for the coastal infrastructure. Security systems and logistics solutions depend on the effectiveness of digital technologies implemented in the interests of ensuring the safety of navigation. The Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea (SOLAS-74/88), supplemented by the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) in 2004, provides for a universal maritime security system, however, the implementation of these standards in a number of regions of the World Ocean is not enough to neutralize coastal criminal threats.Conclusion. In the context of digitalization, measures to combat crime at sea lead to significant costs, as they require complex technological infrastructure on ships and in ports. The norms of the law of the sea aimed at combating piracy and smuggling should be implemented at the national level, taking into account the socio-economic features of the maritime infrastructure development. Since negative economic trends entail an increase in criminal activity, the economic interests of commercial shipping entities should not be sacrificed in the fight against piracy and smuggling

    Modern Democracy and Political Leaders

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    The subject of the presented research is the transformation of political leader’s authority inside the global network society in modern democracy. Scientifi works and studies based on introduction of some analogies from quantum physics into political science are overviewed in the article. The main purpose of such analogies is to improve the quality of political processes analysis and policy predictions. The term “quantum democracy” is used by the authors in relation to the crisis of democracy, noting the high degree of elitism of modern politics. The waves of globalization are destroying traditional social and political institutions faster than new power structures responsible for an effective policy decisions formed in specifi  countries. Democratic leadership develops in accordance with global trends, creating a new type of economically legitimate positional dominance, developing “legitimate naming” in the modern world. Political leaders under modern democracy retained the ability to bring their decisions in life to the extent that these decisions meet the condition of the national political fi Limitation of the political leader’s authority by the laws of quantum processes put legitimacy depending on those positions that are poles of the politica

    Measuring Political Trust in a Modern Democracy

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    Systematic review of articles on the problem of measuring political trust published in such authoritative scientific journals as “European Political Science Review”, “British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, “Parliamentary Affairs”, “Journal of Public Policy”, “Political Science Quarterly”, “Perspectives on Politics” and “International Journal of Public Opinion Research”, demonstrates considerable attention of scientists to the problem of political trust in a modern democracy and pursues as its goal the development of a methodological basis for political trust research. The methodology of the review on the problem of measuring political trust involves a comparative analysis of the results of studies in the field of assessing political trust. Among the main tasks of the article are: generalization of scientific approaches to political trust, development of methods for political trust measurements and its result interpretation, characterization of the crisis of trust in a modern democracy. The objectives of the study include identifying conceptual scientific works of Western scientists for the period 2011–2021, which allow tracing the modernization of ideas about the object of political trust, characterize the methods of measuring the level of political trust used in modern socio-political science, and reveal differences in the formation of moral and strategic trust. The differences in moral political trust, where trusting relationships are formed on the basis of the experience and personal interaction of subjects, and strategic trust, where political culture is formed and certain expectations that political leaders will make correct, rational decisions are based on fundamental ideas about the political an order where constant change forms personal and institutional ties. Measuring political trust, which is the basis of interaction between citizens and the state, is an issue of fundamental importance for characterizing the quality of democracy, and the rule of law is impossible without a high level of political trust

    Classification of Maritime Disputes and Modern Legal Means of their Resolution

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    A review of scientific articles published over the past 15 years in leading foreign scientific journals on international law demonstrates the gradual improvement of legal means for the settlement of maritime disputes between the states.Aim. Identification of the features for application of the law of the sea norms targeted on the resolution of maritime disputes that develop in the modern international system.Tasks. Development of the classification of maritime disputes, analysis of the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities competent to resolve maritime disputes, characterization of the provisions of international agreements and customs of the law of the sea in the resolution of maritime disputes by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations (ICJ), the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague (PCA).Methods. Discourse analysis of the most authoritative publications on the issue of resolving maritime disputes, a formal legal analysis of the norms and customs of maritime law, as well as a comparative legal study of judicial and arbitration practice in resolving interstate maritime disputes. Law enforcement practice on maritime disputes allows to characterize the subject of modern interstate maritime disputes; critically assess the fairness of decisions of international courts; to analyze the problems of enforceability of judicial and arbitral awards in the framework of the procedures for the settlement of maritime disputes provided for in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.Results. Reasonable decisions of the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague are usually implemented by the states parties to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Protection of the marine environment as well as prompt release of ships and crews from arrest have become a modern legal reality due to the effectiveness of the legal mechanism for resolving interstate maritime disputes. Territorial maritime disputes cause significant difficulties at all stages of their resolution, which is due to their political nature and the efforts of states to protect their national interests.Conclusion. The resolution of maritime territorial disputes requires more flexibility from the parties, an international agreement between the parties to the dispute on the procedure for its consideration, as well as the use of conciliation procedures to work out a compromise solution to the dispute

    E-democracy and Humanistic Principles

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    The implementation of digital technologies in to the political and legal institutions of modern society has a complex effect on the system of traditional social values. Despite the obvious threats posed by the depersonalization of labor and the competition between man and artificial intelligence for workplaces, technical progress in the modern world has no rational alternatives. The study of political and legal issues of e-democracy development by methods of discursive and meta-theoretical analysis aims to develop proposals for state regulation of the participation of civil society institutions in the political life under the rule of law. Obviously, digital technologies, on the one hand, contribute to the dehumanization of political communication, on the other hand, they make direct democracy procedures more accessible. The consequence of saving time and money in the process of conducting electronic voting can be a decrease in the level of trust between the political class and ordinary members of society who are subject to marginalization in the context of the digital divide. Humanistic principles require public authorities to protect the interests of the individual in the process of interaction with civil society institutions such as trade unions and professional associations, since digital inequality is expressed in the systemic economic discrimination of the precariat. Humanism in a representative democracy requires effective legal guarantees and should remain the main paradigm at the heart of political decisions taken in a democratic way

    Regulation of Cross-Border Insolvency in the EAEU Law

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    In the context of the development and expansion of the Eurasian Economic Union, the dynamically developing system of integration relations in the Eurasian space on the one hand, and the collapse of Russia’s economic integration in the European Union, the regulation of the institution of cross-border bankruptcy in the law of the EAEU are becoming particularly relevant and require urgent consideration of the issues of legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) with a foreign element in the territory of the EAEU.Aim. To reveal the main problems of legal regulation of cross-border insolvency in the Eurasian region.Tasks. It is proposed to consider models of regulation of cross-border insolvency on the example of Regulation of the European Union No. 2015/848 of 20.05.2015. on insolvency proceedings and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, to analyze the relevance of the considered sources of law, to present the main elements of the concept of development of regulation of cross-border insolvency in the EAEU.Methods. The methodological basis of the research is based on a systematic approach and general scientific methods of retrospective analysis, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, generalization, grouping of information, comparative legal analysis of international law in the field of cross-border insolvency.Results. The proposed approach by studying the established international practice of regulating insolvency cases with a foreign element, comparing the bankruptcy legislation of the EAEU countries, trends in the current international economic and political situation will solve the problems of forming sources of legal regulation of cross-border bankruptcies in the territory of the EAEU countries, the creation of the Eurasian Institute of Cross-Border Insolvency of a mixed model for the exequatur recognition of bankruptcies with a foreign element on the model of the UNCITRAL Model Law on CrossBorder Insolvency of 1997, with the procedure for determining international jurisdiction and applicable law - on the model of Regulation of the European Union No. 2015/848 of 20.05.2015.Conclusion. The presence of clear, transparent, acts regulating cross-border bankruptcies on the territory of the EAEU as a whole, and not within the framework of local phenomena of individual insolvency proceedings with a foreign element on the territory of individual member states of the integration association is a guarantee of investor confidence, as a result — the spread of foreign direct investment, the opening of capital markets, the creation of supply chains and contractual networks, the creation and development of multinational enterprises, economic growth in the countries of the association, as well as the growth of the attractiveness of the EAEU for new member countries with a positive assessment of the prospects in case of accession

    European Integration: from Christian Values to the Secular State

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    Prime value for the European integration has a ratio of Christian values and the moral of the secular state. By means of diplomatic tools, the Moscow principality finds the imperial architecture necessary for completion of integration process of collecting of Russian lands to the uniform state

    Countering the Ideology of Modern Terrorism

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    Countering violent extremism and ideology of terrorism is an important component of the Russian national security. The eradication of terrorism depends on the quality of public education and social security, because criminal and terrorist communities seek to use any signs of social conflict and political crisis in the international system to involve the least socially protected citizens (young people as a rule) in the system of reproduction of radical violence. The formation of a high political and legal culture of modern Russian society should be the next stage of the campaign to counter the ideology of terrorism. Effective peacebuilding at the regional level, as well as sustainable development of the world community as a whole, is provided with constructive political projects that create an atmosphere of patriotism and confidence in the achievement of success by all active society members. The ideology of terrorism, on the contrary, is a destructive political technology that creates uncertainty, distrust and disunity in a society. Undermining the sustainable development of the state, violent extremism that engenders terrorist acts must meet with effective opposition from law enforcement agencies; with the most dangerous ideologists of terrorism becoming a legitimate target for military operations. However, state authorities should neutralize the terrorist threat by means of rational political force, in many cases relying on counter-terrorism propaganda, high quality of education and social partnership with those institutions of civil society that are interested in eradicating the threat of terrorism
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