1,041 research outputs found

    Bering's proposal for boundary contribution to the Poisson bracket

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    It is shown that the Poisson bracket with boundary terms recently proposed by Bering (hep-th/9806249) can be deduced from the Poisson bracket proposed by the present author (hep-th/9305133) if one omits terms free of Euler-Lagrange derivatives ("annihilation principle"). This corresponds to another definition of the formal product of distributions (or, saying it in other words, to another definition of the pairing between 1-forms and 1-vectors in the formal variational calculus). We extend the formula (initially suggested by Bering only for the ultralocal case with constant coefficients) onto the general non-ultralocal brackets with coefficients depending on fields and their spatial derivatives. The lack of invariance under changes of dependent variables (field redefinitions) seems a drawback of this proposal.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, amssym

    Ultralocal energy density in massive gravity

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    We provide a space-time covariant Hamiltonian treatment for a finite-range gravitational theory. The Kuchar approach is used to demonstrate the bimetric picture of space-time in its most transparent form. This Hamiltonian formalism is applied for the straightforward realization of the Poincar\'e algebra in Dirac brackets. It uncovers the simplest form of the Poincar\'e generators expressed as spatial integrals of ultralocal quantities constructed pure algebraically by means of the two space-time metrics.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Boundary values as Hamiltonian variables. I. New Poisson brackets

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    The ordinary Poisson brackets in field theory do not fulfil the Jacobi identity if boundary values are not reasonably fixed by special boundary conditions. We show that these brackets can be modified by adding some surface terms to lift this restriction. The new brackets generalize a canonical bracket considered by Lewis, Marsden, Montgomery and Ratiu for the free boundary problem in hydrodynamics. Our definition of Poisson brackets permits to treat boundary values of a field on equal footing with its internal values and directly estimate the brackets between both surface and volume integrals. This construction is applied to any local form of Poisson brackets. A prescription for delta-function on closed domains and a definition of the {\it full} variational derivative are proposed.Comment: 26 pages, LaTex, IHEP 93-4

    Bigravity in Kuchar's Hamiltonian formalism. 2. The special case

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    It is proved, that, in order to avoid the ghost mode in bigravity theory, it is sufficient to impose four conditions on the potential of interaction of the two metrics. First, the potential should allow its expression as a function of components of the two metrics' 3+1 decomposition. Second, the potential must satisfy the first order linear differential equations which are necessary for the presence of four first class constraints in bigravity. Third, the potential should be a solution of the Monge-Ampere equation, where the lapse and shift are considered as variables. Fourth, the potential must have a nondegenerate Hessian in the shift variables. The proof is based on the explicit derivation of the Hamiltonian constraints, the construction of Dirac brackets on the base of a part of these constraints, and calculation of other constraints' algebra in these Dirac brackets. As a byproduct, we prove that these conditions are also sufficient in the massive gravity case.Comment: 31 pages,5 tables, references added, typos remove

    Free Boundary Poisson Bracket Algebra in Ashtekar's Formalism

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    We consider the algebra of spatial diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations in the canonical formalism of General Relativity in the Ashtekar and ADM variables. Modifying the Poisson bracket by including surface terms in accordance with our previous proposal allows us to consider all local functionals as differentiable. We show that closure of the algebra under consideration can be achieved by choosing surface terms in the expressions for the generators prior to imposing any boundary conditions. An essential point is that the Poisson structure in the Ashtekar formalism differs from the canonical one by boundary terms.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, amsfonts.sty, amssymb.st

    Two classes of generalized functions used in nonlocal field theory

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    We elucidate the relation between the two ways of formulating causality in nonlocal quantum field theory: using analytic test functions belonging to the space S0S^0 (which is the Fourier transform of the Schwartz space D\mathcal D) and using test functions in the Gelfand-Shilov spaces Sα0S^0_\alpha. We prove that every functional defined on S0S^0 has the same carrier cones as its restrictions to the smaller spaces Sα0S^0_\alpha. As an application of this result, we derive a Paley-Wiener-Schwartz-type theorem for arbitrarily singular generalized functions of tempered growth and obtain the corresponding extension of Vladimirov's algebra of functions holomorphic on a tubular domain.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 12 pages, no figure

    Twisted convolution and Moyal star product of generalized functions

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    We consider nuclear function spaces on which the Weyl-Heisenberg group acts continuously and study the basic properties of the twisted convolution product of the functions with the dual space elements. The final theorem characterizes the corresponding algebra of convolution multipliers and shows that it contains all sufficiently rapidly decreasing functionals in the dual space. Consequently, we obtain a general description of the Moyal multiplier algebra of the Fourier-transformed space. The results extend the Weyl symbol calculus beyond the traditional framework of tempered distributions.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figure
