49 research outputs found

    Влияние технологических добавок на свойства резин на основе тройного этилен-пропиленового каучука

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    The work focuses on investigating the influence of the processing additives on the filler dispersion and properties of the rubber compounds based on EPDM with carbon black and silica filler. It was found that these processing additives mainly change technological properties of the rubber mixes with a carbon black filler and essentially change both technological and physical-mechanical properties of the mixes with a silica filler. Besides, a combination of additives appeared to have stronger influence on the properties of the rubber compounds, especially with a carbon black filler.Целью настоящей работы было изучение влияния различных технологических добавок на свойства резиновых смесей на основе тройного этилен-пропиленового каучука в системах с разными типами наполнителей, выбор наиболее эффективных добавок, обеспечивающих сочетание хороших технологических и физико-механических свойств эластомерных материалов

    Влияние стеариновой кислоты на поверхностные свойства эластомерных композитов на основе бутадиен-стирольных каучуков

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    It has been shown that stearic acid has specific effect on the formation of surface properties of butadiene-styrene rubber produced by polymerization in solution, and of rubbers based on it. When stearic acid content is up to 1 wt. parts per 100 wt. parts of rubber, surface tension of samples is reduced, and at higher content the surface tension is increased. These features can be useful in predicting the technological behavior of rubber compositions during their processing.Показано специфическое влияние стеариновой кислоты на формирование поверхностных свойств бутадиен-стирольного каучука растворной полимеризации, и резин на его основе. При содержании стеариновой кислоты до 1 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. каучука поверхностное натяжение образцов снижается, а при увеличении ее содержания может повышаться. Выявленные особенности могут быть полезны при прогнозировании технологического поведения резиновых смесей в процессе их переработки


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    The paper considers the properties of a number of commercially available Russian nitrilebutadiene rubbers (NBR) containing approximately the equal acrylonitrile amount (from 26 to 33%) in the macromolecule, but differing in the method of synthesis and isolation. The assessment ofthe influence of residual emulsifier content and also such surfactants as rosin and stearic acid introduced as technological additives on some NBR properties was performed. The technological properties of model compounds based on these NBR, in particular, Mooney viscosity, minimal and maximal torques during curing, and scorching time were determined. It was shown that both residual emulsifier amounts and introduced surfactants decrease the viscosity of the compounds and increase the curing time. It was noted that rosin acts in a different manner in comparison with stearic acid. In particular, stearic acid acting as an interstructural plasticizer affects viscosity decrease in a greater degree. The mechanical performance of vulcanizatesbased on rubber compounds considered in the paper was also determined. It was shown that the surfactants effect on the mechanical properties is negligible and is within the measurement accuracy. Nevertheless, the NBRs obtained with various emulsifiers differ essentially and can’t be replaceable without revising both the rubber compounds recipes and processing parameters. The vulcanizates resistance to some organic solvents and water was also studied. It was shown that the acrylonitrile content in the rubber macromolecule is the key factor affecting the resistance to non-polar solvents. At the same time it was found that the vulcanizates containing residual emulsifier amounts tend to the swelling index increase. In general, the surfactants effect on the swelling index is ambiguous, and it requires deeper research.В настоящей работе рассмотрены свойства ряда коммерчески доступных бутади- ен-нитрильных каучуков (БНК) российского производства, имеющих примерно одина- ковое содержание нитрила акриловой кислоты (НАК) в составе молекулы (26-33%), но различающихся по способу синтеза и выделения. Была произведена оценка влияния остаточных количеств эмульгатора, а также дополнительно введенных в смеси в качестве технологических добавок поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) - канифоли и стеариновой кислоты - на ряд свойств БНК. Были определены технологические свойства модельных смесей на основе данных каучуков, а именно вязкость по Муни, минимальный и максимальный крутящие моменты под вулканизации, время подвулканизации. Было показано, что как остаточные количества эмульгатора, так и добавленные ПАВ снижают вязкость смесей и увеличивают время вулканизации. Было отмечено, что действие канифоли отлично от действия стеариновой кислоты. В частности, стеариновая кислота в большей степени влияет на снижение вязкости, действуя как межструктурный пластификатор. Были определены физико-механические свойства вулканизатов на основе рассматриваемых смесей. Было показано, что влияние ПАВ на прочностные характеристики резин незначительно и находится в пределах погрешности измерения. Тем не менее, каучуки, полученные с применением разных эмульгаторов, существенно различаются по данным показателям и не могут быть взаимозаменяемыми без изменения рецептуры резиновых смесей и технологических параметров их переработки. Также были проведены исследования стойкости вулканизатов к действию органических растворителей и воды. Было показано значительное снижение стойкости к действию неполярных растворителей вулканизатов, содержащих остаточные количества эмульгатора, а также выявлена тенденция таких вулканизатов к увеличению степени набухания

    Исследование свойств эластомерных материалов, наполненных модифицированным техническим углеродом в сочетании со связующим агентом

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    Possibility of interaction between modified by proposed method carbon black and silane coupling agent is shown. It allows to optimize hysteresis properties of elastomer composites, while modified carbon black leads to increasing in its hardness at impact load.Показана возможность взаимодействия связующего агента (силана) с модифи-цированным предложенным способом техническим углеродом, что позволяет оптимизировать гистерезисные свойства эластомерных композитов, в то время как модифицированный технический углерод позволяет улучшить их упруго-прочностные свойства

    Polycystic kidney diseases: From molecular discoveries to targeted therapeutic strategies

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    Polycystic kidney diseases (PKDs) represent a large group of progressive renal disorders characterized by the development of renal cysts leading to end-stage renal disease. Enormous strides have been made in understanding the pathogenesis of PKDs and the development of new therapies. Studies of autosomal dominant and recessive polycystic kidney diseases converge on molecular mechanisms of cystogenesis, including ciliary abnormalities and intracellular calcium dysregulation, ultimately leading to increased proliferation, apoptosis and dedifferentiation. Here we review the pathobiology of PKD, highlighting recent progress in elucidating common molecular pathways of cystogenesis. We discuss available models and challenges for therapeutic discovery as well as summarize the results from preclinical experimental treatments targeting key disease-specific pathways

    Effect of processing additives on the properties of resins based on ternary ethylene-propylene rubber

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    The work focuses on investigating the influence of the processing additives on the filler dispersion and properties of the rubber compounds based on EPDM with carbon black and silica filler. It was found that these processing additives mainly change technological properties of the rubber mixes with a carbon black filler and essentially change both technological and physical-mechanical properties of the mixes with a silica filler. Besides, a combination of additives appeared to have stronger influence on the properties of the rubber compounds, especially with a carbon black filler

    Investigation of functionals of neutron flux influencing onto VVER-440 reactor pressure vessel

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    The calculational procedure for determination of irradiation conditions of VVER-440 reactor internals is presented. Using the developed procedure, irradiation conditions of Rovno NPP Unit1&2 VVER-440 reactor internals – baffle, basket and barrel – are determined. Distributions of neutron flux functionals at surfaces of these internals at both reactors are analyzed for different core arrangements

    WWER-1000 core loading characteristic influence on irradiation conditions of surveillance specimens and reactor pressure vessel

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    Irradiation conditions of WWER-1000 surveillance specimens and reactor pressure vessel are comparative analyzed for various core loadings. It is proved that the fluences onto specimens don't correlate with ones onto pressure vessel. It is shown that the reconstitution technique using to surveillance specimens of the standard program implemented at the most of the power units with WWER-1000 allows obtaining reliable information on the reactor pressure vessel metal state

    Validation of the code package MCPV

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    The results of the validation of the code package MCPV that is used in the radiation exposure determination methodology for the pressure vessels of the VVER type reactors of Ukrainian NPPs are presented. The validation is carried out on the basis of the data obtained with the reactor LR-0 benchmark and of the results of dosimetry measurements behind reactor pressure vessels. It is shown the code package MCPV can be used to simulate the neutron transport through a complicated heterogeneous environment of nuclear reactor and to obtain the calculational values of functionals of the neutron flux influencing onto its pressure vessel