41 research outputs found

    Coherent and compatible information: a basis to information analysis of quantum systems

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    Relevance of key quantum information measures for analysis of quantum systems is discussed. It is argued that possible ways of measuring quantum information are based on compatibility/incompatibility of the quantum states of a quantum system, resulting in the coherent information and introduced here the compatible information measures, respectively. A sketch of an information optimization of a quantum experimental setup is proposed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Procs of 17th Int'l Conf. on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO-2001), June 26-July 1, 2001, Minsk, Belaru

    Physical implementation of entangling quantum measurements

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    We clarify the microscopic structure of the entangling quantum measurement superoperators and examine their possible physical realization in a simple three-qubit model, which implements the entangling quantum measurement with an arbitrary degree of entanglement.Comment: 6 pages, 2 fihure

    Macroscopic Zeno effect in Su-Schrieffer-Heeger photonic topological insulator

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    The quantum Zeno effect refers to slowing down of the decay of a quantum system that is affected by frequent measurements. Nowadays, the significance of this paradigm is extended far beyond quantum systems, where it was introduced, finding physical and mathematical analogies in such phenomena as the suppression of output beam decay by sufficiently strong absorption introduced in guiding optical systems. In the latter case, the effect is often termed as macroscopic Zeno effect. Recent studies in optics, where enhanced transparency of the entire system was observed upon the increase of the absorption, were largely focused on the systems obeying parity-time symmetry, hence, the observed effect was attributed to the symmetry breaking. While manifesting certain similarities in the behavior of the transparency of the system with the mentioned studies, the macroscopic Zeno phenomenon reported here in topological photonic system is far more general in nature. In particular, we show that it does not require the existence of exceptional points, and that it is based on the suppression of decay for only a subspace of modes that can propagate in the system, alike the quantum Zeno dynamics. By introducing controlled losses in one of the arms of a topological insulator comprising two closely positioned Su-Schrieffer-Heeger arrays, we demonstrate the macroscopic Zeno effect, which manifests itself in an increase of the transparency of the system with respect to the topological modes created at the interface between two arrays. The phenomenon remains robust against disorder in the non-Hermitian topological regime. In contrast, coupling a topological array with a non-topological one results in a monotonic decrease in output power with increasing absorption

    Observation of nonlinearity-controlled switching of topological edge states

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    We report the experimental observation of the periodic switching of topological edge states between two dimerized fs-laser written waveguide arrays. Switching occurs due to the overlap of the modal fields of the edge states from topological forbidden gap, when they are simultaneously present in two arrays brought into close proximity. We found that the phenomenon occurs for both strongly and weakly localized edge states and that switching rate increases with decreasing spacing between the topological arrays. When topological arrays are brought in contact with nontopological ones, switching in topological gap does not occur, while one observes either the formation of nearly stationary topological interface mode or strongly asymmetric diffraction into the nontopological array depending on the position of the initial excitation. Switching between topological arrays can be controlled and even completely arrested by increasing the peak power of the input signal, as we observed with different array spacings.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of nonlinear disclination states

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    Introduction of controllable deformations into periodic materials that lead to disclinations in their structure opens novel routes for construction of higher-order topological insulators hosting topological states at disclinations. Appearance of these topological states is consistent with the bulk-disclination correspondence principle, and is due to the filling anomaly that results in fractional charges to the boundary unit cells. So far, topological disclination states were observed only in the linear regime, while the interplay between nonlinearity and topology in the systems with disclinations has been never studied experimentally. We report here bon the experimental observation of the nonlinear photonic disclination states in waveguide arrays with pentagonal or heptagonal disclination cores inscribed in transparent optical medium using the fs-laser writing technique. The transition between nontopological and topological phases in such structures is controlled by the Kekul\'e distortion coefficient rr with topological phase hosting simultaneously disclination states at the inner disclination core and spatially separated from them corner, zero-energy, and extended edge states at the outer edge of the structure. We show that the robust nonlinear disclination states bifurcate from their linear counterparts and that location of their propagation constants in the gap and, hence, their spatial localization can be controlled by their power. Nonlinear disclination states can be efficiently excited by Gaussian input beams, but only if they are focused into the waveguides belonging to the disclination core, where such topological states reside.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement transfer between bipartite systems

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    The problem of a controlled transfer of an entanglement initially encoded into two two-level atoms that are successively sent through two single-mode cavities is investigated. The atoms and the cavity modes form a four qubit system and we demonstrate under which conditions the initial entanglement encoded into the atoms can be completely transferred to other pairs of qubits. We find that in the case of a nonzero detuning between the atomic transition frequencies and the cavity mode frequencies, no complete transfer of the initial entanglement is possible to any of the other pairs of qubits. In the case of exact resonance and equal coupling strengths of the atoms to the cavity modes, an initial maximally entangled state of the atoms can be completely transferred to the cavity modes. The complete transfer of the entanglement is restricted to the cavity modes only with the transfer to the other pairs being limited to up to 50%. We have found that the complete transfer of an initial entanglement to other pairs of qubits may take place if the initial state is not the maximally entangled state and the atoms couple to the cavity modes with unequal strengths. Depending on the ratio between the coupling strengths, the optimal entanglement can be created between the atoms and one of the cavity modes.Comment: 3 figures. Oral talk presented in CEWQO 18, Madrid 201

    Observation of π\pi solitons in oscillating waveguide arrays

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    Floquet systems with periodically varying in time parameters enable realization of unconventional topological phases that do not exist in static systems with constant parameters and that are frequently accompanied by appearance of novel types of the topological states. Among such Floquet systems are the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices with periodically-modulated couplings that can support at their edges anomalous π\pi modes of topological origin despite the fact that the lattice spends only half of the evolution period in topologically nontrivial phase, while during other half-period it is topologically trivial. Here, using Su-Schrieffer-Heeger arrays composed from periodically oscillating waveguides inscribed in transparent nonlinear optical medium, we report experimental observation of photonic anomalous π\pi modes residing at the edge or in the corner of the one- or two-dimensional arrays, respectively, and demonstrate a new class of topological π\pi solitons bifurcating from such modes in the topological gap of the Floquet spectrum at high powers. π\pi solitons reported here are strongly oscillating nonlinear Floquet states exactly reproducing their profiles after each longitudinal period of the structure. They can be dynamically stable in both one- and two-dimensional oscillating waveguide arrays, the latter ones representing the first realization of the Floquet photonic higher-order topological insulator, while localization properties of such π\pi solitons are determined by their power.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Science Bulleti

    Observation of nonlinear fractal higher-order topological insulator

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    Higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) are unique materials hosting topologically protected states, whose dimensionality is at least by a factor of 2 lower than that of the bulk. Topological states in such insulators may be strongly confined in their corners that leads to considerable enhancement of nonlinear processes involving such states. However, all nonlinear HOTIs demonstrated so far were built on periodic bulk lattice materials. Here we demonstrate first \textit{nonlinear photonic} HOTI with the fractal origin. Despite their fractional effective dimensionality, the HOTIs constructed here on two different types of the Sierpi\'nski gasket waveguide arrays, may support topological corner states for unexpectedly wide range of coupling strengths, even in parameter regions where conventional HOTIs become trivial. We demonstrate thresholdless solitons bifurcating from corner states in nonlinear fractal HOTIs and show that their localization can be efficiently controlled by the input beam power. We observe sharp differences in nonlinear light localization on outer and multiple inner corners and edges representative for these fractal materials. Our findings not only represent a new paradigm for nonlinear topological insulators, but also open new avenues for potential applications of fractal materials to control the light flow.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure