29 research outputs found


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    The article presents a comparison of the Agent-Based Multiregional Input-Output Model (ABMIOM) of the Russian economy and a small-size version of the Optimization Multiregional Input-Output Model (OMIOM) from the per-spective of their possible integration for spatial economic research. These models share many similar features, technically and conceptually. The two models regard the economy as a complex system of interdependent compo-nents; both have the same spatial and sectoral structure, similar production technologies. Both allow to perform a structural analysis of processes taking place in the economy in terms of industries and territories. The former is a simulation model, the latter is a linear optimization model; their major differ-ences relate to the methods of modeling the market and price mechanisms and of representing the space. We propose to use a spatial input-output model based on the real data as the source of disaggregated information at the stage of initialization of agent-based models, which opens opportunities of gradual turning them into an experimentation area for the real economy, rather than an instrument for an analysis of an artificial economy


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    The article demonstrates the possibilities of spatial analysis provided by the Agent-Based Multiregional Input - Output Model (ABMIOM) of the Russian economy. The basic hypothesis of the ABMIOM is that agents’ decisions at the microeconomic level lead to spatial changes at the macro level. Confirmation of this hypothesis requires experimental calculations with changes in various parameters that influence agents’ decisions (such as prices, taxes, tariffs, etc.). Analyzing the results of these calculations requires moving from microeconomic data to the macro level. The paper proposes a method for the structural analysis of the model simulation results using input-output tables. The method involves statistical aggregation of calculation results, construction of regional, national and interregional input-output tables and structural analysis of the obtained tables including calculation of regional Leontief multipliers. The method proposed is used to study the influence of the level of transport costs on the geographical structure of trade flows. The results of the experiments confirmed that with the increase of transportation costs economic agents prefer to interact with nearest agents, which leads to a decreased interregional commodity exchange and to economic «insulation» of the regions

    Polarization control in spin-transparent hadron colliders by weak-field navigators involving lattice enhancement effect

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    Hadron polarization control schemes for Spin Transparent (ST) synchrotrons are analyzed. The spin dynamics and beam polarization in such synchrotrons are controlled by spin navigators (SN) which are special small insertions of weak magnetic fields. An SN stabilizes the beam polarization and allows for setting any desirable spin orientation at an interaction point in the operational regime, including a frequent spin flip. We present a general approach to design of SNs. We distinguish different types of SNs, namely, those not causing closed orbit perturbation as well as those producing local and global orbit distortions. In the second case, the concept of the spin response function in an ST synchrotron is applied and expanded to reveal the effect of the SN strength enhancement by magnetic lattice of the synchrotron. We provide conceptual schemes for SN designs using longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields allowing for polarization control at low as well as high energies. We also develop the ST concept for ultra-high energies. This development may enable and stimulate interest in polarized beam experiments in possible polarized collider projects such as Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Future Circular Collider (FCC) and Super Proton Proton Collider (SPPC)

    Hadron polarization control at integer spin resonances in synchrotrons using a spin navigator

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    We consider the capability of flexible spin-transparent polarization control and manipulation in conventional synchrotrons at integer spin resonances by means of spin navigators. The latter are designed as a couple of small solenoids separated by a constant beam bend. We formulate the requirements to the navigator design considering the criteria for stability of the spin motion in the presence of synchrotron energy oscillations. We propose the design of a novel spin-flipping system free of resonant beam depolarization based on such a spin navigator. We discuss the possibilities of testing spin-flipping systems at an integer spin resonance with protons in the Nuclotron ring at JINR in Dubna, Russia, and with deuterons in the RHIC rings at BNL in Upton, New York. The results are relevant to the existing and future facilities where the spin transparency mode can be applied for polarization control