3,714 research outputs found

    Temperature Dependence of the Cyclotron Mass in n-Type CdS

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    Recent cyclotron resonance experiments in n-type CdS at ultra-high magnetic fields have revealed a pronounced maximum of the electron cyclotron mass as a function of temperature. In order to interpret these data, we calculate the magneto-absorption spectra of polarons in n-CdS using the arbitrary-coupling approach. We show that in high magnetic fields the polaron effects beyond the weak-coupling approximation clearly reveal themselves in the magneto-optical absorption even at relatively small values of the Froehlich coupling constant. In particular, those effects result in a non-monotonous behaviour of the cyclotron mass as a function of temperature. We extend the theory to take into account a combined effect of several scattering mechanisms on the magneto-absorption spectra. The extended theory allows us to interpret quantitatively the experimentally observed behaviour of the cyclotron mass in CdS.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

    Optical spectra of quantum dots: effects of non-adiabaticity

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    It is shown that in many cases an adequate description of optical spectra of semiconductor quantum dots requires a treatment beyond the commonly used adiabatic approximation. We have developed a theory of phonon-assisted optical transitions in semiconductor quantum dots, which takes into account non-adiabaticity of the exciton-phonon system. Effects of non-adiabaticity lead to a mixing of different exciton and phonon states that provides a key to the understanding of surprisingly high intensities of phonon satellites observed in photoluminescence spectra of quantum dots. A breakdown of the adiabatic approximation gives an explanation also for discrepancies between the serial law, observed in multi-phonon optical spectra of some quantum dots, and the Franck-Condon progression, prescribed by the adiabatic approach.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Cooper pairing and superconductivity on a spherical surface

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    Electrons in a multielectron bubble in helium form a spherical, two-dimensional system coupled to the ripplons at the bubble surface. The electron-ripplon coupling, known to lead to polaronic effects, is shown to give rise also to Cooper pairing. A Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) Hamiltonian arises from the analysis of the electron-ripplon interaction in the bubble, and values of the coupling strength are obtained for different bubble configurations. The BCS Hamiltonian on the sphere is analysed using the Richardson method. We find that although the typical ripplon energies are smaller than the splitting between electronic levels, a redistribution of the electron density over the electronic levels is energetically favourable as pairing correlations can be enhanced. The density of states of the system with pairing correlations is derived. No gap is present, but the density of states reveals a strong step-like increase at the pair-breaking energy. This feature of the density of states should enable the unambiguous detection of the proposed state with pairing correlations in the bubble, through either capacitance spectroscopy or tunneling experiments, and allow to map out the phase diagram of the electronic system in the bubble.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Vortices in nonequilibrium photon condensates

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    We present a theoretical study of vortices in arrays of photon condensates. Even when interactions are negligible, as is the case in current experiments, pumping and losses can lead to a finite vortex core size. While some properties of photon condensate vortices, such as their self-acceleration and the generation of vortex pairs by a moving vortex, resemble those in interacting polariton condensates far from equilibrium, in several aspects they differ from previously studied systems: the vortex core size is determined by the balance between pumping and tunneling, the core appears oblate in the direction of its motion and new vortex pairs can spontaneously nucleate in the core region.Comment: 5 pages plus supplementary figure

    Magnetic susceptibility of ultra-small superconductor grains

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    For assemblies of superconductor nanograins, the magnetic response is analyzed as a function of both temperature and magnetic field. In order to describe the interaction energy of electron pairs for a huge number of many-particle states, involved in calculations, we develop a simple approximation, based on the Richardson solution for the reduced BCS Hamiltonian and applicable over a wide range of the grain sizes and interaction strengths at arbitrary distributions of single-electron energy levels in a grain. Our study is focused upon ultra-small grains, where both the mean value of the nearest-neighbor spacing of single-electron energy levels in a grain and variations of this spacing from grain to grain significantly exceed the superconducting gap in bulk samples of the same material. For these ultra-small superconductor grains, the overall profiles of the magnetic susceptibility as a function of magnetic field and temperature are demonstrated to be qualitatively different from those for normal grains. We show that the analyzed signatures of pairing correlations are sufficiently stable with respect to variations of the average value of the grain size and its dispersion over an assembly of nanograins. The presence of these signatures does not depend on a particular choice of statistics, obeyed by single-electron energy levels in grains.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Vortices on a superconducting nanoshell: phase diagram and dynamics

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    In superconductors, the search for special vortex states such as giant vortices focuses on laterally confined or nanopatterned thin superconducting films, disks, rings, or polygons. We examine the possibility to realize giant vortex states and states with non-uniform vorticity on a superconducting spherical nanoshell, due to the interplay of the topology and the applied magnetic field. We derive the phase diagram and identify where, as a function of the applied magnetic field, the shell thickness and the shell radius, these different vortex phases occur. Moreover, the curved geometry allows these states (or a vortex lattice) to coexist with a Meissner state, on the same curved film. We have examined the dynamics of the decay of giant vortices or states with non-uniform vorticity into a vortex lattice, when the magnetic field is adapted so that a phase boundary is crossed.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Co-existence of the Meissner and vortex-state on a superconducting spherical shell

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    We show that on superconducting spherical nanoshells, the co-existence of the Meissner state with a variety of vortex patterns drives the phase transition to higher magnetic fields. The spherical geometry leads to a Magnus-Lorentz force pushing the nucleating vortices and antivortices towards the poles, overcoming local pinning centers, preventing vortex-antivortex recombination and leading to the appearance of a Meissner belt around the sphere's equator. In sufficiently small and thin spherical shells paramagnetic vortex states can be stable, enabling spatial separation of freely moving shells with different radii and vorticity in an inhomogeneous external magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures (higher res gif version of fig.5 included in archive