27 research outputs found

    Onepoint discontinuity set of separately continuous functions on the product of two compact spaces

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    It is investigated the existence of a separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to \mathbb R with an onepoint set of discontinuity for topological spaces XX and YY which satisfy compactness type conditions. In particular, it is shown that for compact spaces XX and YY and nonizolated points x0∈Xx_0\in X and y0∈Yy_0\in Y there exists a separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to \mathbb R with the set {(x0,y0)}\{(x_0,y_0)\} of discontinuity points if and only if there exist sequences of nonempty functional open sets which converge to x0x_0 and y0y_0 in XX and YY respectively

    Construction of separately continuous functions of nn variables with given restriction

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    It is solved the problem on construction of separately continuous functions on product of nn topological spaces with given restriction. In particular, it is shown that for every topological space XX and nβˆ’1n-1 Baire class function g:Xβ†’Rg:X\to \mathbb R there exists a separately continuous function f:Xnβ†’Rf:X^n\to\mathbb R such that f(x,x,…,x)=g(x)f(x,x,\dots,x)=g(x) for every x∈Xx\in X

    On questions which are connected with Talagrand problem

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    We prove the following results. 1. If XX is a Ξ±\alpha-favourable space, YY is a regular space, in which every separable closed set is compact, and f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R is a separately continuous everywhere jointly discontinuous function, then there exists a subspace Y0βŠ†YY_0\subseteq Y which is homeomorphic to Ξ²N\beta\mathbb N. 2. There exist a Ξ±\alpha-favourable space XX, a dense in Ξ²Nβˆ–N\beta\mathbb N\setminus\mathbb N countably compact space YY and a separately continuous everywhere jointly discontinuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R. Besides, it was obtained some conditions equivalent to the fact that the space Cp(Ξ²Nβˆ–N,{0,1})C_p(\beta\mathbb N\setminus\mathbb N,\{0,1\}) of all continuous functions x:Ξ²Nβˆ–Nβ†’{0,1}x:\beta\mathbb N\setminus\mathbb N\to\{0,1\} with the topology of point-wise convergence is a Baire space

    Lebesgue measurability of separately continuous functions and separability

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    It is studied a connection between the separability and the countable chain condition of spaces with the LL-property (a topological space XX has the LL-property if for every topological space YY, separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R and open set IβŠ†RI\subseteq \mathbb R the set fβˆ’1(I)f^{-1}(I) is a FΟƒF_{\sigma}-set). We show that every completely regular Baire space with the LL-property and the countable chain condition is separable and construct a nonseparable completely regular space with the LL-property and the countable chain condition. This gives a negative answer to a question of M.~Burke

    The discontinuity points set of separately continuous functions on the products of compacts

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    It is solved a problem of construction of separately continuous functions on the product of compacts with a given discontinuity points set. We obtaine the following results. 1. For arbitrary \v{C}ech complete spaces XX, YY and a separable compact perfect projectively nowhere dense zero set EβŠ†XΓ—YE\subseteq X\times Y there exists a separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R the discontinuity points set of which equals to EE. 2. For arbitrary \v{C}ech complete spaces XX, YY and nowhere dense zero sets AβŠ†XA\subseteq X and BβŠ†YB\subseteq Y there exists a separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R such that the projections of the discontinuity points set of ff coincide with AA and BB respectively. An example of Eberlein compacts XX, YY and nowhere dense zero sets AβŠ†XA\subseteq X and BβŠ†YB\subseteq Y such that the discontinuity points set of every separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R does not coincide with AΓ—BA\times B, and CHCH-example of separable Valdivia compacts XX, YY and separable nowhere dense zero sets AβŠ†XA\subseteq X and BβŠ†YB\subseteq Y such that the discontinuity points set of every separately continuous function f:XΓ—Yβ†’Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R does not coincide with AΓ—BA\times B are constructed

    Continuous extension of functions from countable sets

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    We give a characterization of countable discrete subspace AA of a topological space XX such that there exists a (linear) continuous mapping Ο†:Cpβˆ—(A)β†’Cp(X)\varphi:C_p^*(A)\to C_p(X) with Ο†(y)∣A=y\varphi(y)|_A=y for every y∈Cpβˆ—(A)y\in C_p^*(A). Using this characterization we answer two questions of A.~Arhangel'skii. Moreover, we introduce the notion of well-covered subset of a topological space and prove that for well-covered functionally closed subset AA of a topological space XX there exists a linear continuous mapping Ο†:Cp(A)β†’Cp(X)\varphi:C_p(A)\to C_p(X) with Ο†(y)∣A=y\varphi(y)|_A=y for every y∈Cp(A)y\in C_p(A)

    Separate continuity topology and a generalization of Sierpinski's theorem

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    The separately continuity topology is considered and some its properties are investigated. With help of these properties a generalization of Sierpinski theorem on determination of real separately continuous function by its values on an arbitrary dense set is obtained

    Baire classification of separately continuous functions and Namioka property

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    We prove the following two results. 1. If XX is a completely regular space such that for every topological space YY each separately continuous function f:X×Y→Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R is of the first Baire class, then every Lindel\"of subspace of XX bijectively continuously maps onto a separable metrizable space. 2. If XX is a Baire space, YY is a compact space and f:X×Y→Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R is a separately continuous function which is a Baire measurable function, then there exists a dense in XX GδG_{\delta}-set AA such that ff is jointly continuous at every point of A×YA\times Y (this gives a positive answer to a question of G. Vera)

    The Namioka property of KCKC-functions and Kempisty spaces

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    A topological space YY is called a Kempisty space if for any Baire space XX every function f:X×Y→Rf:X\times Y\to\mathbb R, which is quasi-continuous in the first variable and continuous in the second variable has the Namioka property. Properties of compact Kempisty spaces are studied in this paper. In particular, it is shown that any Valdivia compact is a Kempisty space and the cartesian product of an arbitrary family of compact Kempisty spaces is a Kempisty space

    Namioka spaces and strongly Baire spaces

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    A notion of strongly Baire space is introduced. Its definition is a transfinite development of some equivalent reformulation of the Baire space definition. It is shown that every strongly Baire space is a Namioka space and every Ξ²βˆ’Οƒ\beta-\sigma-unfavorable space is a strongly Baire space