50 research outputs found

    Theory of Elastic Interaction of the Colloidal Particles in the Nematic Liquid Crystal Near One Wall and in the Nematic Cell

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    We apply the method developed in Ref. [S.B.Chernyshuk and B.I.Lev, Phys.Rev.E, \textbf{81}, 041701 (2010)] for theoretical investigation of colloidal elastic interactions between axially symmetric particles in the confined nematic liquid crystal (NLC) near one wall and in the nematic cell with thickness LL. Both cases of homeotropic and planar director orientations are considered. Particularly dipole-dipole, dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions of the \textit{one} particle with the wall and within the nematic cell are found as well as corresponding \textit{two particle} elastic interactions. A set of new results has been predicted: the effective power of repulsion between two dipole particles at height hh near the homeotropic wall is reduced gradually from inverse 3 to 5 with an increase of dimensionless distance r/hr/h; near the planar wall - the effect of dipole-dipole \textit{isotropic attraction} is predicted for large distances r>rdd=4.76hr>r_{dd}=4.76 h; maps of attraction and repulsion zones are crucially changed for all interactions near the planar wall and in the planar cell; one dipole particle in the homeotropic nematic cell was found to be shifted by the distance δeq\delta_{eq} from the center of the cell \textit{independent} of the thickness LL of the cell. The proposed theory fits very well with experimental data for the confinement effect of elastic interaction between spheres in the homeotropic cell taken from [M.Vilfan et al. Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 101}, 237801, (2008)] in the range 1÷1000kT1\div1000 kT.Comment: 18 pages, 23 figure

    Parity Breaking in Nematic Tactoids

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    We theoretically investigate under what conditions the director field in a spindle-shaped nematic droplet or tactoid obtains a twisted, parity-broken structure. By minimizing the sum of the bulk elastic and surface energies, we show that a twisted director field is stable if the twist and bend elastic constants are small enough compared to the splay elastic constant, but only if the droplet volume is larger than some minimum value. We furthermore show that the transition from an untwisted to a twisted director-field structure is a sharp function of the various control parameters. We predict that suspensions of rigid, rod-like particles cannot support droplets with a parity broken structure, whereas they could possibly occur in those of semi-flexible, worm-like particles.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Liquid crystal director fluctuations and surface anchoring by molecular simulation

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    We propose a simple and reliable method to measure the liquid crystal surface anchoring strength by molecular simulation. The method is based on the measurement of the long-range fluctuation modes of the director in confined geometry. As an example, molecular simulations of a liquid crystal in slab geometry between parallel walls with homeotropic anchoring have been carried out using the Monte Carlo technique. By studying different slab thicknesses, we are able to calculate separately the position of the elastic boundary condition, and the extrapolation length

    Incorporation of the intensive and extensive entropy contributions in the disk intersection theory of a hard disk system

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    The one-body free volume, which determines the entropy of a hard disk system, has extensive (cavity) and intensive (cell) contributions. So far these contributions have not been unified and considered separately. The presented theory incorporates both contributions, and their sum is shown to determine the free volume and partition function. The approach is based on multiple intersections of the circles concentric with the disks but of twice larger radius. The result is exact formulae for the extensive and intensive entropy contributions in terms of the intersections of just two, three, four, and five circles. The method has an important advantage for applications in numerical simulations: the formulae enable one to convert the disk coordinates into the entropy contribution directly without any additional geometric construction. The theory can be straightforwardly applied to a system of hard spheres

    Elastic multipoles in the field of the nematic director distortions

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    Theory of the interaction between all types of elastic dipoles and quadrupoles and distortions of the nematic director is presented. If a particle is small relative to the characteristic distortion length, the interaction is determined by the director derivatives at the particle location. We consider a spherical particle since, even under the standard assumptions of the multipole theory (weak deformations, one constant approximation), the problem can be solved analytically only in this case. Different dipoles interact with different distortion modes (e.g., isotropic dipole interacts with the splay, chiral dipole with the twist, and so on). In the main order, the interaction of a dipole is linear in the director derivatives, and the interaction of a quadrupole is linear in the second-order director derivatives. The theory goes beyond the main-order terms and predicts an effective distortion-induced dipolar component on a particle. This effect is described by the free energy term quadratic in the director derivatives and has contributions both of a bulk and surface origin. The bulk effect takes place even if the director at the particle surface is fixed, whereas the surface effect appears if the surface director is perturbed by the distortions due to a weak surface anchoring. The theory is illustrated by simple examples of the interaction of elastic dipoles with a disclination line, with cholesteric spiral, and with the director distortions in a hybrid cell

    Elastic charge density representation of the interaction via the nematic director field

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    The interaction between particle-like sources of the nematic director distortions (e.g., colloids, point defects, macromolecules in nematic emulsions) allows for a useful analogy with the electrostatic multipole interaction between charged bodies. In this paper we develop this analogy to the level corresponding to the charge density and consider the general status of the pairwise approach to the nematic emulsions with finite-size colloids. It is shown that the elastic analog of the surface electric charge density is represented by the two transverse director components on the surface imposing the director distortions. The elastic multipoles of a particle are expressed as integrals over the charge density distribution on this surface. Because of the difference between the scalar electrostatics and vector nematostatics, the number of elastic multipoles of each order is doubled compared to that in the electrostatics: there are two elastic charges, two vectors of dipole moments, two quadrupolar tensors, and so on. The two-component elastic charge is expressed via the vector of external mechanical torque applied on the particle. As a result, the elastic Coulomb-like coupling between two particles is found to be proportional to the scalar product of the two external torques and does not directly depend on the particles' form and anchoring. The real-space Green function method is used to develop the pairwise approach to nematic emulsions and determine its form and restrictions. The pairwise potentials are obtained in the familiar form, but, in contrast to the electrostatics, they describe the interaction between pairs (dyads) of the elastic multipole moments. The multipole moments are shown to be uniquely determined by the single-particle director field, unperturbed by other particles. The pairwise approximation is applicable only in the leading order in the small ratio particle size-to-interparticle distance as the next order contains irreducible three-body terms