22 research outputs found

    Atomic Josephson vortex

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    We show that Josephson vortices in a quasi-1D atomic Bose Josephson junction can be controllably manipulated by imposing a difference of chemical potentials on the atomic BEC waveguides forming the junction. This effect, which has its origin in the Berry phase structure of a vortex, turns out to be very robust in the whole range of the parameters where such vortices can exist. We also propose that a Josephson vortex can be created by the phase imprinting technique and can be identified by a specific tangential feature in the interference picture produced by expanding clouds released from the waveguides.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, revtex4, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, title and abstract changed, old sections revised, new sections added, references adde

    Drag Effect and Topological Complexes in Strongly Interacting Two-Component Lattice Superfluids

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    The mutual drag in strongly interacting two-component superfluids in optical lattices is discussed. Two competing drag mechanisms are the vacancy-assisted motion and proximity to a quasimolecular state. In a case of strong drag, the lowest energy topological excitation (vortex or persistent current) can consist of several circulation quanta. In the SQUID-type geometry, the circulation can become fractional. We present both the mean field and Monte Carlo results. The drag effects in optical lattices are drastically different from the Galilean-invariant Andreev-Bashkin effect in liquid helium

    Features violation of rhythm and conductivity of heart at sharp poisoning of cardiotoxycal substances

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    Work is devoted to the most difficult poisoning with complications in the form of rhythm and conduction disorders. 128 patients with acute poisoning with cardiotoxic substances, admitted to the toxicological center, were investigated. The first group included 52 patients who took medications suppressing the automaticity and conduction of the heart and leading to the most severe disturbances of rhythm and conduction: cardiac glycosides - 8, b-adrenoblocators - 8, verapamil - 6 and clonidine - 30 patients. The second group of 23 patients with the poisoning by the water and spirit tincture of hellebore providing a reflex effect on the chemoreceptors and cause more light violations of rhythm and conduction disturbances. The third group of 25 patients with trycyclyc antidepressants (TADs) having a cholynolytyc effect and inducing stimulating of automatism and excitability of the heart. The fourth group (28 patients) included phosphororganic insecticides (PHOI) with antycholynesteraze action suppressing the heart automatism and conductivity. Violations of rhythm and conductivity of the heart in case of poisoning with cardiotoxic substances often manifested in the form of bradyarrhythmias. The exception is a tricyclic antidepressant poisoning. In somatogenic phase of acute poisoning with cardiotoxic substances with a favorable outcome rhythm and cardiac conduction disturbances disappeared, indicating their functional character

    New psychoactive substances synthetic kannabinoids clinical and social aspects

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    Work is devoted to the most actual problem of our time to impact of smoking mixes on a human body. It is shown that new psychoactive agents, synthetic kannabinoids as drugs are used relatively recently. The main mechanisms of impact on a human body are allocated. Selection of patients with the diagnosis sharp inhalation poisoning with smoking mixes for 2014 in the city clinic No. 33 toxicological center of Nizhny Novgorod is executed. The clinical picture and the main manifestations of inhalation poisoning with smoking mixes is described. As a result of work it is revealed that bulk of patients young people in an age interval from 11 to 30 years. Overdoses are most often connected with a variety of the applied smoking mixes and variations of doses from party to party. Pharmacological effects such as tachycardia can be connected with existence in composition of some mixes of a preparation klenbuterol. Communication between impact on CB2 receptors and existence of a fever and leykotsitoz in blood is found


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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to perform an analysis of the process of experimental testing of the thermal control system of the "AIST" small satellite, using the computer simulation of the satellite's flight in the "TERM" software package. Based on the telemetry data, obtained by the Samara University satellite ground control center, actualized parameters of the ground testing process were proposed. The ground testing parameters were verified by calculation of the satellite's panels temperatures using the "ANSYS Thermal" software system both for the initial conditions obtained from the ground testing documentation and the ones that were proposed after the analysis of the thermal flow on the satellite