86 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of Candidate Members of the Eta Cha and MBM12 Young Associations

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    We present an analysis of candidate members of the Eta Cha and MBM 12A young associations. For an area of 0.7 deg^2 toward Eta Cha, we have performed a search for members of the association by combining JHK_s photometry from 2MASS and i photometry from DENIS with followup optical spectroscopy at Magellan Observatory. We report the discovery of three new members with spectral types of M5.25-M5.75, corresponding to masses of 0.13-0.08 M_sun by theoretical evolutionary models. Two and three of these members were found independently by Lyo and coworkers and Song and coworkers, respectively. Meanwhile, no brown dwarfs were detected in Eta Cha down to the completeness limit of 0.015 M_sun. For MBM 12A, we have obtained spectra of three of the remaining candidate members that lacked spectroscopy at the end of the survey by Luhman, all of which are found to be field M dwarfs. Ogura and coworkers have recently presented four "probable" members of MBM 12A. However, two of these objects were previously classified as field dwarfs by the spectroscopy of Luhman. In this work, we find that the other two objects are field dwarfs as well.Comment: to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, 19 pages, 7 figure

    Comparing Star Formation on Large Scales in the c2d Legacy Clouds: Bolocam 1.1 mm Dust Continuum Surveys of Serpens, Perseus, and Ophiuchus

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    We have undertaken an unprecedentedly large 1.1 millimeter continuum survey of three nearby star forming clouds using Bolocam at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We mapped the largest areas in each cloud at millimeter or submillimeter wavelengths to date: 7.5 sq. deg in Perseus (Paper I), 10.8 sq. deg in Ophiuchus (Paper II), and 1.5 sq. deg in Serpens with a resolution of 31", detecting 122, 44, and 35 cores, respectively. Here we report on results of the Serpens survey and compare the three clouds. Average measured angular core sizes and their dependence on resolution suggest that many of the observed sources are consistent with power-law density profiles. Tests of the effects of cloud distance reveal that linear resolution strongly affects measured source sizes and densities, but not the shape of the mass distribution. Core mass distribution slopes in Perseus and Ophiuchus (alpha=2.1+/-0.1 and alpha=2.1+/-0.3) are consistent with recent measurements of the stellar IMF, whereas the Serpens distribution is flatter (alpha=1.6+/-0.2). We also compare the relative mass distribution shapes to predictions from turbulent fragmentation simulations. Dense cores constitute less than 10% of the total cloud mass in all three clouds, consistent with other measurements of low star-formation efficiencies. Furthermore, most cores are found at high column densities; more than 75% of 1.1 mm cores are associated with Av>8 mag in Perseus, 15 mag in Serpens, and 20-23 mag in Ophiuchus.Comment: 32 pages, including 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The dusty disk around VV Ser

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    We have carried out observations at millimeter and centimeter wavelengths towards VV Ser using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer and the Very Large Array. This allows us to compute the SED from near infrared to centimeter wavelengths. The modeling of the full SED has provided insight into the dust properties and a more accurate value of the disk mass. The mass of dust in the disk around VV Ser is found to be about 4 10^(-5) Msun, i.e. 400 times larger than previous estimates. Moreoever, the SED can only be accounted for assuming dust stratification in the vertical direction across the disk. The existence of small grains (0.25--1 micron) in the disk surface is required to explain the emission at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths. The fluxes measured at millimeter wavelengths imply that the dust grains in the midplane have grown up to very large sizes, at least to some centimeters.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Improved uâ€Čgâ€Črâ€Čiâ€Čzâ€Ču'g'r'i'z' to UBVRCICUBVR_CI_C Transformation Equations for Main Sequence Stars

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    We report improved transformation equations between the uâ€Čgâ€Črâ€Čiâ€Čzâ€Ču'g'r'i'z' and UBVRCICUBVR_CI_C photometric systems. Although the details of the transformations depend on luminosity class, we find a typical rms scatter on the order of 0.001 magnitude if the sample is limited to main sequence stars. Furthermore, we find an accurate transformation requires complex, multi-color dependencies for the bluer bandpasses. Results for giant stars will be reported in a subsequent paper.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    SHARC-II Mapping of Spitzer c2d Small Clouds and Cores

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    We present the results of a submillimeter survey of 53 low-mass dense cores with the Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera II (SHARC-II). The survey is a follow-up project to the Spitzer Legacy Program ``From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks'', with the purpose being to create a complete data set of nearby low-mass dense cores from the infrared to the millimeter. We present maps of 52 cores at 350 microns and three cores at 450 microns, two of which were observed at both wavelengths. Of these 52 cores, 41 were detected by SHARC-II: 32 contained one submillimeter source while 9 contained multiple sources. For each submillimeter source detected, we report various source properties including source position, fluxes in various apertures, size, aspect ratio, and position angle. For the 12 cores that were not detected we present upper limits. The sources detected by SHARC-II have, on average, smaller sizes at the 2sigma contours than those derived from longer-wavelength bolometer observations. We conclude that this is not caused by a failure to integrate long enough to detect the full extent of the core; instead it arises primarily from the fact that the observations presented in this survey are insensitive to smoothly varying extended emission. We find that SHARC-II observations of low-mass cores are much better suited to distinguishing between starless and protostellar cores than observations at longer wavelengths. Very Low Luminosity Objects, a new class of objects being discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope in cores previously classified as starless, look very similar at 350 microns to other cores with more luminous protostars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 52 pages, 16 figures. See http://peggysue.as.utexas.edu/SIRTF/ for high-resolution figure

    A Catalog of Background Stars Reddened by Dust in the Taurus Dark Clouds

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    Normal field stars located behind dense clouds are a valuable resource in interstellar astrophysics, as they provide continua in which to study phenomena such as gas-phase and solid-state absorption features, interstellar extinction and polarization. This paper reports the results of a search for highly reddened stars behind the Taurus Dark Cloud complex. We use the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Point Source Catalog to survey a 50 sq deg area of the cloud to a limiting magnitude of K = 10.0. Photometry in the 1.2-2.2 micron passbands from 2MASS is combined with photometry at longer infrared wavelengths (3.6-12 micron) from the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite to provide effective discrimination between reddened field stars and young stellar objects (YSOs) embedded in the cloud. Our final catalog contains 248 confirmed or probable background field stars, together with estimates of their total visual extinctions, which span the range 2-29 mag. We also identify the 2MASS source J04292083+2742074 (IRAS 04262+2735) as a previously unrecognized candidate YSO, based on the presence of infrared emission greatly in excess of that predicted for a normal reddened photosphere at wavelengths >5 microns

    Interstellar Polarization in the Taurus Dark Clouds, Wavelength Dependent Position Angles and Cloud Structure Near TMC-1

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    We use polarimetric observations of two stars (HD29647, HD283809) in the general direction of TMC-1 in the Taurus Dark Cloud to investigate grain properties and cloud structure in this region. We show the data to be consistent with a simple two-component model, in which general interstellar polarization in the Taurus Cloud is produced by a widely distributed cloud component with relatively uniform magnetic field orientation; the light from stars close to TMC-1 suffers additional polarization arising in one (or more) subcloud(s) with larger average grain size and different magnetic field directions compared with the general trend. Towards HD29647, in particular, we show that the unusually low degree of visual polarization relative to extinction is due to the presence of distinct cloud components in the line of sight with markedly different magnetic field orientations. Stokes parameter calculations allow us to separate out the polarization characteristics of the individual components. Results are fit with the Serkowski empirical formula to determine the degree and wavelength of maximum polarization. Whereas lambda_max values in the widely distributed material are similar to the average (0.55um) for the diffuse interstellar medium, the subcloud in line of sight to HD~283809, the most heavily reddened star in our study, has lambda_max approx. 0.73um, indicating the presence of grains about 30% larger than this average. Our model also predicts detectable levels of circular polarization toward both HD~29647 and HD~283809.Comment: 17 pages including 6 figures, LaTeX, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, vol 48

    Observations of Stellar Objects at a Shell Boundary in the Star-Forming Complex in the Galaxy IC1613

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    The single region of ongoing star formation in the galaxy IC 1613 has been observed in order to reveal the nature of compact emission-line objects at the edges of two shells in the complex, identified earlier in H-alpha line images. The continuum images show these compact objects to be stars. Detailed spectroscopic observations of these stars and the surrounding nebulae were carried out with an integral field spectrograph MPFS mounted on the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. The resulting stellar spectra were used to determine the spectral types and luminosity classes of the objects. An Of star we identified is the only object of this spectral type in IC 1613. The results of optical observations of the multi-shell complex are compared to 21cm radio observations. The shells harboring the stars at their boundaries constitute the most active part of the star-forming region. There is evidence that shocks have played an important role in the formation of the shells.Comment: 10 pages, 5 PS and 1 color JPEG figur

    SCUBA Mapping of Spitzer c2d Small Clouds and Cores

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    We present submillimeter observations of dark clouds that are part of the Spitzer Legacy Program, From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (c2d). We used the Submillimetre Common User's Bolometer Array to map the regions observed by Spitzer by the c2d program to create a census of dense molecular cores including data from the infrared to the submillimeter. In this paper, we present the basic data from these observations: maps, fluxes, and source attributes. We also show data for an object just outside the Perseus cloud that was serendipitously observed in our program. We propose that this object is a newly discovered, evolved protostar.Comment: 37 pages, accepted to The Astronomical Journa

    Crystalline Silicate Emission in the Protostellar Binary Serpens--SVS20

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    We present spatially resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy of the class I/flat-spectrum protostellar binary system SVS20 in the Serpens cloud core. The spectra were obtained with the mid-infrared instrument T-ReCS on Gemini-South. SVS20-South, the more luminous of the two sources, exhibits a mid-infrared emission spectrum peaking near 11.3 \micron, while SVS20-North exhibits a shallow amorphous silicate absorption spectrum with a peak optical depth of τ∌0.3\tau \sim 0.3. After removal of the the line-of-sight extinction by the molecular common envelope, the ``protostar-only'' spectra are found to be dominated by strong amorphous olivine emission peaking near 10 \micron. We also find evidence for emission from crystalline forsterite and enstatite associated with both SVS20-S and SVS20-N. The presence of crystalline silicate in such a young binary system indicates that the grain processing found in more evolved HAeBe and T Tauri pre-main sequence stars likely begins at a relatively young evolutionary stage, while mass accretion is still ongoing.Comment: Accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journa
