7,112 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic fluctuations in relativistic superfluids

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of superfluids based on noncanonical Poisson brackets is studied in detail. The assumption that the momentum density is proportional to the flow of the conserved energy is shown to lead to the covariant relativistic theory previously suggested by Khalatnikov, Lebedev and Carter, and some potentials in this theory are given explicitly. We discuss hydrodynamic fluctuations in the presence of dissipative effects and we derive the corresponding set of hydrodynamic correlation functions. Kubo relations for the transport coefficients are obtained.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, two references adde

    Spectra of turbulence in dilute polymer solutions

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    We investigate turbulence in dilute polymer solutions when polymers are strongly stretched by the flow. We establish power-law spectrum of velocity, which is not associated with a flux of a conserved quantity, in two cases. The first case is the elastic waves range of high Reynolds number turbulence of polymer solutions above the coil-stretch transition. The second case is the elastic turbulence, where chaotic flow is excited due to elastic instabilities at small Reynolds numbers.Comment: 14 pages, RevTe

    On the Fourier transform of the characteristic functions of domains with C1C^1 -smooth boundary

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    We consider domains D⊆RnD\subseteq\mathbb R^n with C1C^1 -smooth boundary and study the following question: when the Fourier transform 1D^\hat{1_D} of the characteristic function 1D1_D belongs to Lp(Rn)L^p(\mathbb R^n)?Comment: added two references; added footnotes on pages 6 and 1

    Estimates in Beurling--Helson type theorems. Multidimensional case

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    We consider the spaces Ap(Tm)A_p(\mathbb T^m) of functions ff on the mm -dimensional torus Tm\mathbb T^m such that the sequence of the Fourier coefficients f^={f^(k), k∈Zm}\hat{f}=\{\hat{f}(k), ~k \in \mathbb Z^m\} belongs to lp(Zm), 1≤p<2l^p(\mathbb Z^m), ~1\leq p<2. The norm on Ap(Tm)A_p(\mathbb T^m) is defined by ∥f∥Ap(Tm)=∥f^∥lp(Zm)\|f\|_{A_p(\mathbb T^m)}=\|\hat{f}\|_{l^p(\mathbb Z^m)}. We study the rate of growth of the norms ∥eiλφ∥Ap(Tm)\|e^{i\lambda\varphi}\|_{A_p(\mathbb T^m)} as ∣λ∣→∞, λ∈R,|\lambda|\rightarrow \infty, ~\lambda\in\mathbb R, for C1C^1 -smooth real functions φ\varphi on Tm\mathbb T^m (the one-dimensional case was investigated by the author earlier). The lower estimates that we obtain have direct analogues for the spaces Ap(Rm)A_p(\mathbb R^m)

    Classical and relativistic dynamics of supersolids: variational principle

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    We present a phenomenological Lagrangian and Poisson brackets for obtaining nondissipative hydrodynamic theory of supersolids. A Lagrangian is constructed on the basis of unification of the principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and classical field theory. The Poisson brackets, governing the dynamics of supersolids, are uniquely determined by the invariance requirement of the kinematic part of the found Lagrangian. The generalization of Lagrangian is discussed to include the dynamics of vortices. The obtained equations of motion do not account for any dynamic symmetry associated with Galilean or Lorentz invariance. They can be reduced to the original Andreev-Lifshitz equations if to require Galilean invariance. We also present a relativistic-invariant supersolid hydrodynamics, which might be useful in astrophysical applications.Comment: 22 pages, changed title and content, added reference

    Structure of a liquid crystalline fluid around a macroparticle: Density functional theory study

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    The structure of a molecular liquid, in both the nematic liquid crystalline and isotropic phases, around a cylindrical macroparticle, is studied using density functional theory. In the nematic phase the structure of the fluid is highly anisotropic with respect to the director, in agreement with results from simulation and phenomenological theories. On going into the isotropic phase the structure becomes rotationally invariant around the macroparticle with an oriented layer at the surface.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figues. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thickness-dependent magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(001) films: from spin-spiral states towards ferromagnetic order

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    We present a detailed study of the ground-state magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe films on the surface of fcc Ir(001). We use the spin-cluster expansion technique in combination with the relativistic disordered local moment scheme to obtain parameters of spin models and then determine the favored magnetic structure of the system by means of a mean field approach and atomistic spin dynamics simulations. For the case of a single monolayer of Fe we find that layer relaxations very strongly influence the ground-state spin configurations, whereas Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions and biquadratic couplings also have remarkable effects. To characterize the latter effect we introduce and analyze spin collinearity maps of the system. While for two monolayers of Fe we find a single-q spin spiral as ground state due to DM interactions, for the case of four monolayers the system shows a noncollinear spin structure with nonzero net magnetization. These findings are consistent with experimental measurements indicating ferromagnetic order in films of four monolayers and thicker.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Atomistic spin-model based on a new spin-cluster expansion technique: Application to the IrMn3/Co interface

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    In order to derive tensorial exchange interactions and local magnetic anisotropies in itinerant magnetic systems, an approach combining the Spin-Cluster Expansion with the Relativistic Disordered Local Moment scheme is introduced. The theoretical background and computational aspects of the method are described in detail. The exchange interactions and site resolved anisotropy contributions for the IrMn3/Co(111) interface, a prototype for an exchange bias system, are calculated including a large number of magnetic sites from both the antiferromagnet and ferromagnet. Our calculations reveal that the coupling between the two subsystems is fairly limited to the vicinity of the interface. The magnetic anisotropy of the interface system is discussed, including effects of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions that appear due to symmetry breaking at the interface.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The probability distribution of the number of electron-positron pairs produced in a uniform electric field

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    The probability-generating function of the number of electron-positron pairs produced in a uniform electric field is constructed. The mean and variance of the numbers of pairs are calculated, and analytical expressions for the probability of low numbers of electron-positron pairs are given. A recursive formula is derived for evaluating the probability of any number of pairs. In electric fields of supercritical strength |eE| > \pi m^2/ \ln 2, where e is the electron charge, E is the electric field, and m is the electron mass, a branch-point singularity of the probability-generating function penetrates the unit circle |z| = 1, which leads to the asymptotic divergence of the cumulative probability. This divergence indicates a failure of the continuum limit approximation. In the continuum limit and for any field strength, the positive definiteness of the probability is violated in the tail of the distribution. Analyticity, convergence, and positive definiteness are restored upon the summation over discrete levels of electrons in the normalization volume. Numerical examples illustrating the field strength dependence of the asymptotic behavior of the probability distribution are presented.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX, 4 figures; new references added; a short version of this e-print has appeared in PR
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