319 research outputs found

    Radiative Correction to the Transferred Polarization in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    Model independent radiative correction to the recoil proton polarization for the elastic electron-proton scattering is calculated within method of electron structure functions. The explicit expressions for the recoil proton polarization are represented as a contraction of the electron structure and the hard part of the polarization dependent contribution into cross-section. The calculation of the hard part with first order radiative correction is performed. The obtained representation includes the leading radiative corrections in all orders of perturbation theory and the main part of the second order next-to-leading ones. Numerical calculations illustrate our analytical results.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Discovery of Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems at Redshifts Less Than 1.65 and Results on their Incidence and Cosmological Mass Density

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    We report results on the incidence and cosmological mass density of damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems at redshifts less that 1.65. We used HST and an efficient non-traditional (but unbiased) survey technique to discover DLA systems at redshifts z<1.65, where we observe the Lyman-alpha line in known MgII absorption-line systems. We uncovered 14 DLA lines including 2 serendipitously. We find that (1) The DLA absorbers are drawn almost exclusively from the population of MgII absorbers which have rest equivalent widths W(2796)>0.6A. (2) The incidence of DLA systems per unit redshift, n(DLA), is observed to decrease with decreasing redshift. (3) On the other hand, the cosmological mass density of neutral gas in low-redshift DLA absorbers, Omega(DLA), is observed to be comparable to that observed at high redshift. (4) The low-redshift DLA absorbers exhibit a significantly larger fraction of very high column density systems in comparison to determinations at both high redshift and locally.Comment: 47 pages in LaTeX - emulateapj style with included tables and encapsulated postscript figures. Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplements. Results unchanged, text revise

    A Complete Version of the Glauber Theory for Elementary Atom - Target Atom Scattering and Its Approximations

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    A general formalism of the Glauber theory for elementary atom (EA) - target atom (TA) scattering is developed. A second-order approximation of its complete version is considered in the framework of the optical-model perturbative approach. A `potential' approximation of a second-order optical model is formulated neglecting the excitation effects of the TA. Its accuracy is evaluated within the second-order approximation for the complete version of the Glauber EA-TA scattering theory.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 10 pages, no figures; an updated versio

    OVI Asymmetry and an Accelerated Outflow in an Obscured Seyfert: FUSE and HST STIS Spectroscopy of Markarian533

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    We present far-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert2 galaxy Mrk533 obtained with FUSE. These spectra show narrow asymmetrical OVI 1032,1038 emission lines with stronger wings shortward of the peak wavelength, but the degree of asymmetry of these wings in velocity is much lower than that of the wings of the lines of lower ionization. In the combined OVI profile there are marginal indications of local absorptions in the outflow. The CIII 977 line is seen weakly with a similar profile, but with very low signal to noise. These FUV spectra are among the first for a Seyfert of type2, i.e., a purportedly obscured Seyfert. The HST STIS spectral image of Mrk533 allows delineation of the various components of the outflow, and we infer that the outflow is accelerated. We discuss the results in terms of nuclear geometry and kinematics.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, including 1 colour figure. Accepted in Ap

    Measurement of Two-Photon Exchange Effect by Comparing Elastic e ± p Cross Sections

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    Background: The electromagnetic form factors of the proton measured by unpolarized and polarized electron scattering experiments show a significant disagreement that grows with the squared four-momentum transfer (Q2) . Calculations have shown that the two measurements can be largely reconciled by accounting for the contributions of two-photon exchange (TPE). TPE effects are not typically included in the standard set of radiative corrections since theoretical calculations of the TPE effects are highly model dependent, and, until recently, no direct evidence of significant TPE effects has been observed. Purpose: We measured the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic-scattering cross sections in order to determine the TPE contribution to elastic electron-proton scattering and thereby resolve the proton electric form factor discrepancy. Methods: We produced a mixed simultaneous electron-positron beam in Jefferson Lab\u27s Hall B by passing the 5.6-GeV primary electron beam through a radiator to produce a bremsstrahlung photon beam and then passing the photon beam through a convertor to produce electron-positron pairs. The mixed electron-positron (lepton) beam with useful energies from approximately 0.85 to 3.5 GeV then struck a 30-cm-long liquid hydrogen (LH2) target located within the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). By detecting both the scattered leptons and the recoiling protons, we identified and reconstructed elastic scattering events and determined the incident lepton energy. A detailed description of the experiment is presented. Results: We present previously unpublished results for the quantity R2γ , the TPE correction to the elastic-scattering cross section, at Q2 ≈ 0.85 and 1.45 GeV2 over a large range of virtual photon polarization ɛ . Conclusions: Our results, along with recently published results from VEPP-3, demonstrate a nonzero contribution from TPE effects and are in excellent agreement with the calculations that include TPE effects and largely reconcile the form-factor discrepancy up to Q2 ≈ 2 GeV2 . These data are consistent with an increase in R2γ with decreasing ɛ at Q2 ≈ 0.85 and 1.45 GeV2 . There are indications of a slight increase in R2γ with Q2

    Precision Studies of QCD in the Low Energy Domain of the EIC

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    The manuscript focuses on the high impact science of the EIC with objective to identify a portion of the science program for QCD precision studies that requires or greatly benefits from high luminosity and low center-of-mass energies. The science topics include (1) Generalized Parton Distributions, 3D imagining and mechanical properties of the nucleon (2) mass and spin of the nucleon (3) Momentum dependence of the nucleon in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (4) Exotic meson spectroscopy (5) Science highlights of nuclei (6) Precision studies of Lattice QCD in the EIC era (7) Science of far-forward particle detection (8) Radiative effects and corrections (9) Artificial Intelligence (10) EIC interaction regions for high impact science program with discovery potential. This paper documents the scientific basis for supporting such a program and helps to define the path toward the realization of the second EIC interaction region.Comment: 103 pages,47 figure

    Radiative corrections to polarization observables in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in leptonic variables

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    The model--independent QED radiative corrections to polarization observables in elastic scattering of unpolarized and longitudinally--polarized electron beam by the deuteron target have been calculated in leptonic variables. The experimental setup when the deuteron target is arbitrarily polarized is considered and the procedure for applying derived results to the vector or tensor polarization of the recoil deuteron is discussed. The basis of the calculations consists of the account for all essential Feynman diagrams which results in the form of the Drell-Yan representation for the cross-section and use of the covariant parametrization of the deuteron polarization state. The numerical estimates of the radiative corrections are given for the case when event selection allows the undetected particles (photons and electron-positron pairs) and the restriction on the lost invariant mass is used.Comment: 43 pages,3 figures. To be published in ZhTEF. revised 14.02.2012. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:nucl-ex/0002003 by other author

    Analysis of medical care for victims with polytrauma.

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    The article describes the causes of polytrauma, features of pathogenesis, collected statistics on the degrees of polytrauma and lethality.В статье описаны причины политравм, особенности патогенеза, собрана статистка по степеням получения политравм и летальности

    External Fields as a Probe for Fundamental Physics

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    Quantum vacuum experiments are becoming a flexible tool for investigating fundamental physics. They are particularly powerful for searching for new light but weakly interacting degrees of freedom and are thus complementary to accelerator-driven experiments. I review recent developments in this field, focusing on optical experiments in strong electromagnetic fields. In order to characterize potential optical signatures, I discuss various low-energy effective actions which parameterize the interaction of particle-physics candidates with optical photons and external electromagnetic fields. Experiments with an electromagnetized quantum vacuum and optical probes do not only have the potential to collect evidence for new physics, but special-purpose setups can also distinguish between different particle-physics scenarios and extract information about underlying microscopic properties.Comment: 12 pages, plenary talk at QFEXT07, Leipzig, September 200