43 research outputs found

    Simultano UV-spektrofotometrijsko određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u kapsulama primjenom kemometrijskih metoda

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    In the present work, three different spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium in raw materials and in formulations are described. Overlapped data was quantitatively resolved by using chemometric methods, viz. inverse least squares (ILS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS). Calibrations were constructed using the absorption data matrix corresponding to the concentration data matrix. The linearity range was found to be 1-5, 10-50 and 2-10 µg mL–1 for ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium, respectively. The absorbance matrix was obtained by measuring the zero-order absorbance in the wavelength range between 210 and 320 nm. A training set design of the concentration data corresponding to the ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium mixtures was organized statistically to maximize the information content from the spectra and to minimize the error of multivariate calibrations. By applying the respective algorithms for PLS 1, PCR and ILS to the measured spectra of the calibration set, a suitable model was obtained. This model was selected on the basis of RMSECV and RMSEP values. The same was applied to the prediction set and capsule formulation. Mean recoveries of the commercial formulation set together with other figures of merit (calibration sensitivity, selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification and analytical sensitivity) were estimated. Validity of the proposed approaches was successfully assessed for analyses of drugs in the various prepared physical mixtures and formulations.U radu su opisane tri različite spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u sirovinama i formulacijama. Preklapanje podataka kvantitativno je riješeno pomoću kemometrijskih metoda, tj. metodama inverznih najmanjih kvadrata (ILS), regresije glavnog sastojka (PCR) i djelomičnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). Kalibracije su postavljene pomoću matrice podataka za apsorpciju koja odgovara matrici pripadajućih koncentracija. Područje linearnosti za ramipril iznosilo je 1–5, za acetilsalicilnu kiselinu 10–50, a za atorvastatin kalcij 2–10 µg mL–1. Matrica s apsorbancijama dobivena je mjerenjem apsorbancije nultog reda na valnim duljinama između 210 i 320 nm. Set podataka za koncentracije ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u smjesi statistički je tako organiziran da osigura maksimalnu količinu informacije u spektrima i minimalizira grešku multivarijantnih kalibracija. Primjenom odgovarajućih algoritama za PLS, PCR i ILS na snimljene spektre kalibracijskog seta dobiven je dobar model, koji je odabran na temelju RMSECV i RMSEP vrijednosti. Isti model je primijenjen i na set s predviđenim vrijednostima i na kapsule sa smjesom ove tri ljekovite tvari. Određena je srednja vrijednost povrata za komercijalnu formulaciju te ostale analitičke izvedbene značajke (kalibracijska osjetljivost, selektivnost, granica dokazivanja, granica određivanja i analitička osjetljivost). Potvrđena je primjenjljivost predloženih metoda u analizama lijekova u fizičkim smjesama i u gotovim ljekovitim oblicima

    Paratuberculose em ruminantes no Brasil

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    RP-HPLC Estimation of Ramipril and Telmisartan in Tablets

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    A rapid high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed and validated for the estimation of ramipril and telmisartan simultaneously in combined dosage form. A Genesis C18 column having dimensions of 4.6×250 mm and particle size of 5 μm in isocratic mode, with mobile phase containing a mixture of 0.01 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (adjusted to pH 3.4 using orthophosphoric acid): methanol:acetonitrile (15:15:70 v/v/v) was used. The mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and the eluents were monitored at 210 nm. The selected chromatographic conditions were found to effectively separate ramipril (Rt: 3.68 min) and telmisartan (Rt: 4.98 min) having a resolution of 3.84. The method was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, specificity, limit of detection and limit of quantitation. Linearity for ramipril and telmisartan were found in the range of 3.5-6.5 μg/ml and 28.0-52.0 μg/ml, respectively. The percentage recoveries for ramipril and telmisartan ranged from 99.09-101.64% and 99.45-100.99%, respectively. The limit of detection and the limit of quantitation for ramipril was found to be 0.5 μg/ml and 1.5 μg/ml respectively and for telmisartan was found to be 1.5 μg/ml and 3.0 μg/ml, respectively. The method was found to be robust and can be successfully used to determine the drug content of marketed formulations

    One-pot solvent free synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones using calcined Mg/Fe hydrotalcite catalyst

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    The Mg/Fe = 3 hydrotalcite as reusable solid catalyst was found to be an excellent heterogeneous base catalyst for the synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidinones/thiones, a multicomponent reaction using substituted aromatic aldehyde, ethyl acetoacetate and urea/thiourea. The work has been carried out under thermal solvent free conditions. Mg/Fe = 3 hydrotalcite heterogeneous solid catalyst offers simple means of recovery and the isolated catalyst was reused for number of times without significant loss of catalytic activity

    Bone marrow derived cell-seeded extracellular matrix: A novel biomaterial in the field of wound management

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    Aim: Extensive or irreversible damage to the skin often requires additional skin substitutes for reconstruction. Biomaterials have become critical components in the development of effective new medical therapies for wound care. Materials and Methods: In the present study, a cell matrix construct (bone marrow-derived cells (BMdc) seeded extracellular matrix [ECM]) was used as a biological substitute for the repair of full-thickness skin wound. ECM was developed by decellularizing fish swim bladder (FSB). Goat bone marrow-derived cells (G-BMdc) were seeded over this decellularized matrix. Efficacy of this cell matrix construct in wound repair was tested by implanting it over 20 mm2 × 20 mm2 size fullthickness skin wound created over the dorsum of rat. The study was conducted in 16 clinically healthy adult rats of either sex. The animals were randomly divided into 2 equal groups of 8 animals each. In Group I, animal’s wounds were repaired with a cellular FSB matrix. In Group II, wounds were repaired with G-BMdc seeded a cellular FSB matrix. Immune response and efficacy of healing were analyzed. Results: Quality of healing and immuno tolerance to the biological substitute was significantly better in Group II than Group I. Conclusion: Seeding with BMdc increases the wound healing potency and modulates the immune response to a significantly negligible level. The BMdc seeded acellular FSB matrix was found to be a novel biomaterial for wound management

    Investigating the Trypanocidal Activity of Purified Precocene I by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography from Essential Oil of Ageratum houstonianum Aerial Parts

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    Investigating the Trypanocidal Activity of Purified Precocene I by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography from Essential Oil of Ageratum houstonianum Aerial Part

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    Not AvailableStress is the result of an organism's interaction with environmental challenges. Regulations of gene expression including translation modulations are critical for adaptation and survival under stress. Untranslated regions (UTRs) of the transcripts play significant roles in translation regulation and continue to raise many intriguing questions in our understanding of cellular stress physiology. IRES (Internal ribosome entry site) and uORF (upstream open reading frame) mediated alternative translation initiations are emerging as unique mechanisms. Recent studies have revealed novel means of mRNAs stabilization in stress granules and their reversible modifications. Differential regulation of select transcripts is possible by the interplay between the adenine/uridine-rich elements (AREs) in 3’UTR with their binding proteins (AUBP) and by microRNA-mediated effects. Coordination of these various mechanisms control translation and thereby enables appropriate responses to environmental stress. In this review, we focus on the role of sequence signatures both at 5’ and 3’UTRs in translation reprogramming during cellular stress responses.Not Availabl