82 research outputs found

    Finite-temperature orbital-free DFT molecular dynamics: coupling Profess and Quantum Espresso

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    Implementation of orbital-free free-energy functionals in the Profess code and the coupling of Profess with the Quantum Espresso code are described. The combination enables orbital-free DFT to drive ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on the same footing (algorithms, thermostats, convergence parameters, etc.) as for Kohn-Sham (KS) DFT. All the non-interacting free-energy functionals implemented are single-point: the local density approximation (LDA; also known as finite-T Thomas-Fermi, ftTF), the second-order gradient approximation (SGA or finite-T gradient-corrected TF), and our recently introduced finite-T generalized gradient approximations (ftGGA). Elimination of the KS orbital bottleneck via orbital-free methodology enables high-T simulations on ordinary computers, whereas those simulations would be costly or even prohibitively time-consuming for KS molecular dynamics (MD) on very high-performance computer systems. Example MD simulations on H over a temperature range 2,000 K <= T <=4,000,000 K are reported, with timings on small clusters (16-128 cores) and even laptops. With respect to KS-driven calculations, the orbital-free calculations are between a few times through a few hundreds of times faster

    Application of self-consistent α\alpha method to improve the performance of model exchange potentials

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    Self interaction error remains an impotrant problem in density functional theory. A number of approximations to exact exchange aimed to correct for this error while retainining computational efficiency had been suggested recently. We present a critical comparison between model exchange potentials generated through the application of the asymptotically-adjusted self-consistent α\alpha, AASCα\alpha, method and BJ effective exchange potential advanced in [A.D. Becke and E.R. Johnson, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 221101 (2006)] and [V.N. Staroverov, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 134103 (2008)]. In particular we discuss their compliance with coordinate-scaling, virial and functional derivative conditions. We discuss the application of the AASCα\alpha method to generate the AA-BJ potential. A numerical comparison is carried out through the implementation of a fully-numerical diatomic molecule code yielding molecular virial energies and ionization potentials approximated by the energies of the HOMO orbitals. It is shown that some of the shortcomings of these model potentials, such as the non-compliance with the Levy-Perdew virial relation, may be eliminated by multiplying the response term by an orbital-dependent functional α\alpha, which can be simplified to a constant determined during the self-consistent procedure (self-consistent α\alpha)

    The importance of finite-temperature exchange-correlation for warm dense matter calculations

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    Effects of explicit temperature dependence in the exchange-correlation (XC) free-energy functional upon calculated properties of matter in the warm dense regime are investigated. The comparison is between the KSDT finite-temperature local density approximation (TLDA) XC functional [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{112}, 076403 (2014)] parametrized from restricted path integral Monte Carlo data on the homogeneous electron gas (HEG) and the conventional Monte Carlo parametrization ground-state LDA XC functional (Perdew-Zunger, "PZ") evaluated with TT-dependent densities. Both Kohn-Sham (KS) and orbital-free density functional theory (OFDFT) are used, depending upon computational resource demands. Compared to the PZ functional, the KSDT functional generally lowers the direct-current (DC) electrical conductivity of low density Al, yielding improved agreement with experiment. The greatest lowering is about 15\% for T= 15 kK. Correspondingly, the KS band structure of low-density fcc Al from KSDT exhibits a clear increase in inter-band separation above the Fermi level compared to the PZ bands. In some density-temperature regimes, the Deuterium equations of state obtained from the two XC functionals exhibit pressure differences as large as 4\% and a 6\% range of differences. However, the Hydrogen principal Hugoniot is insensitive to explicit XC TT-dependence because of cancellation between the energy and pressure-volume work difference terms in the Rankine-Hugoniot equation. Finally, the temperature at which the HEG becomes unstable is TT\geq 7200 K for TT-dependent XC, a result that the ground-state XC underestimates by about 1000 K

    Comparison of Density Functional Approximations and the Finite-temperature Hartree-Fock Approximation in Warm Dense Lithium

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    We compare the behavior of the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock model with that of thermal density functional theory using both ground-state and temperature-dependent approximate exchange functionals. The test system is bcc Li in the temperature-density regime of warm dense matter (WDM). In this exchange-only case, there are significant qualitative differences in results from the three approaches. Those differences may be important for Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics studies of WDM with ground-state approximate density functionals and thermal occupancies. Such calculations require reliable regularized potentials over a demanding range of temperatures and densities. By comparison of pseudopotential and all-electron results at T=0{\mathrm T} = 0K for small Li clusters of local bcc symmetry and bond-lengths equivalent to high density bulk Li, we determine the density ranges for which standard projector augmented wave (PAW) and norm-conserving pseudopotentials are reliable. Then we construct and use all-electron PAW data sets with a small cutoff radius which are valid for lithium densities up to at least 80 g/cm3^3

    Local Spin-density Approximation Exchange-correlation Free-energy Functional

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    An accurate analytical parametrization for the exchange-correlation free energy of the homogeneous electron gas, including interpolation for partial spin-polarization, is derived via thermodynamic analysis of recent restricted path integral Monte-Carlo (RPIMC) data. This parametrization constitutes the local spin density approximation (LSDA) for the exchange-correlation functional in density functional theory. The new finite-temperature LSDA reproduces the RPIMC data well, satisfies the correct high-density and low- and high-TT asymptotic limits, and is well-behaved beyond the range of the RPIMC data, suggestive of broad utility

    A Simple Generalized Gradient Approximation for the Non-interacting Kinetic Energy Density Functional

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    A simple, novel, non-empirical, constraint-based orbital-free generalized gradient approximation (GGA) non-interacting kinetic energy density functional is presented along with illustrative applications. The innovation is adaptation of constraint-based construction to the essential properties of pseudo-densities from the pseudo-potentials that are essential in plane-wave-basis {\it ab initio} molecular dynamics. This contrasts with constraining to the qualitatively different Kato-cusp-condition densities. The single parameter in the new functional is calibrated by satisfying Pauli potential positivity constraints for pseudo-atom densities. In static lattice tests on simple metals and semiconductors, the new LKT functional outperforms the previous best constraint-based GGA functional, VT84F (Phys.\ Rev.\ B \textbf{88}, 161108(R) (2013)), is generally superior to a recently proposed meta-GGA, is reasonably competitive with parametrized two-point functionals, and is substantially faster.Comment: 3 figure

    Non-empirical Generalized Gradient Approximation Free Energy Functional for Orbital-free Simulations

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    We report the first wholly non-empirical generalized gradient approximation, non-interacting free energy functional for orbital-free density functional theory and use that new functional to provide forces for finite-temperature molecular dynamics simulations in the warm dense matter (WDM) regime The new functional provides good-to-excellent agreement with reference Kohn-Sham calculations under WDM conditions at a minuscule fraction of the computational cost of corresponding orbital-based simulations

    Numerical local "hybrid" functional treatment of selected diatomic molecules: comparison of energies and multipole moments to conventional hybrid functionals

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    New local "hybrid" functionals proposed by V. V. Karasiev in [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 118}, 8567 (2003)] are benchmarked against nonlocal hybrid functionals. Their performance is tested on the total and high occupied orbital energies, as well as the electric moments of selected diatomic molecules. The new functionals, along with the Hartree-Fock and non-hybrid functionals, are employed for finite-difference calculations, which are basis-independent. Basis set errors in the total energy and electric moments are calculated for the 6-311G, 6-311G++G(3df,3pd) and AUG-cc-pVnZ (n=3,4,6) basis sets used in conjunction with the Hartree-Fock and conventional density functional methods. A comparison between the results of the finite-difference local "hybrid" and basis set nonlocal hybrid functional shows that total energies of local and nonlocal hybrid functionals agree to within the basis set error. Discrepancies for multipole moments are larger in magnitude when compared to the basis set errors, but still reasonably small (smaller than errors produced by the 6-311G basis set). Thus, we recommend using the new local "hybrid" functionals whenever the accuracy is expected to be sufficient, because they require a solution of just differential Kohn-Sham equations, instead of integro-differential ones in the case of hybrid functionals

    Study of Some Simple Approximations to the Non-Interacting Kinetic Energy Functional

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    Within the framework of density functional theory, we present a study of approximations to the enhancement factor of the non-interacting kinetic energy functional Ts[ρ]T_s[\rho]. For this purpose, we employ the model of Liu and Parr [S. Liu and R.G. Parr, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 55}, 1792 (1997)] based on a series expansion of Ts[ρ]T_s[\rho] involving powers of the density. Applications to 34 atoms, at the Hartree-Fock level showed that the enhancement factors present peaks that are in excellent agreement with those of the exact ones and give an accurate description of the shell structure of these atoms. The application of Z-dependent expansions to represent some of the terms of these approximation for neutral atoms and for positive and negative ions, which allows Ts[ρ]T_s[\rho] to be cast in a very simple form, is also explored. Indications are given as to how these functionals may be applied to molecules and cluster

    Improved analytical representation of combinations of Fermi-Dirac integrals for finite-temperature density functional calculations

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    Smooth, highly accurate analytical representations of Fermi-Dirac (FD) integral combinations important in free-energy density functional calculations are presented. Specific forms include those that occur in the local density approximation (LDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and fourth-order gradient expansion of the non-interacting free energy as well as in the LDA and second-order gradient expansion for exchange. By construction, all the representations and their derivatives of any order are continuous on the full domains of their independent variables. The same type of technique provides an analytical representation of the function inverse to the FD integral of order 1/21/2. It plays an important role in physical problems related to the electron gas at finite temperature. From direct evaluation, the quality of these improved representations is shown to be substantially superior to existing ones, many of which were developed before the era of large-scale computation or early in the era