155 research outputs found

    Surveillance of Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens in Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Palermo, Italy, during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a topic of concern, especially in high-level care departments like neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The systematic use of an “active” epidemiological surveillance system allows us to observe and analyze any changes in microbial distribution, limiting the risk of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) development. Methods: We have conducted a longitudinal observational study in the five NICUs of Palermo, comparing the “pre-pandemic period” (March 2014–February 2020) with the “pandemic” one (March 2020–February 2022). The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the cumulative prevalence of carriage from multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in the cumulative NICUs (NICU C). Results: During the “pre-pandemic period”, 9407 swabs were collected (4707 rectal, 4700 nasal); on the contrary, during the “pandemic period”, a total of 2687 swabs were collected (1345 rectal, 1342 nasal). A statistically significant decrease in MDR-Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) carriage prevalence was detected during the pandemic. At the same time, there was a general worsening of the carriage of carbapenemase-forming MDR-GNB (CARBA-R+) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) during the pandemic period. A significant reduction in methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) carriage was detected too. Conclusions: The surveillance of MDRO carriage in NICUs is fundamental for limiting the social and economic burden of HAIs

    Economic burden of vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia: retrospective cost study at a German dysplasia centre

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human papillomavirus is responsible for a variety of diseases including grade 2 and 3 vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. The aim of this study was to assess parts of the burden of the last diseases including treatment costs. The direct medical resource use and cost of surgery associated with neoplasia and related diagnostic procedures (statutory health insurance perspective) were estimated, as were the indirect costs (productivity losses) associated with surgical treatment and related gynaecology visits for diagnostic purposes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from 1991-2008 were retrospectively collected from patient records of the outpatient unit of the Gynaecological Dysplasia Clinic, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany. Two subgroups of patients were analysed descriptively: women undergoing one surgical procedure related to a diagnosis of vulvar and/or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, and women undergoing two or more surgical procedures. Target measures were per-capita medical resource consumption, direct medical cost and indirect cost.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 94 women analysed, 52 underwent one surgical intervention and 42 two or more interventions (mean of 3.0 interventions during the total period of analysis). Patients undergoing one surgical intervention accrued €881 in direct costs and €682 in indirect costs; patients undergoing more than one intervention accrued €2,605 in direct costs and €2,432 in indirect costs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The economic burden on German statutory health insurance funds and society induced by surgical interventions and related diagnostic procedures for grade 2/3 vulvar and vaginal neoplasia should not be underrated. The cost burden is one part of the overall burden attributable to human papillomavirus infections.</p

    The Increasing Challenge of Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli: Results of a 5-Year Active Surveillance Program in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Colonization and infection by multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacilli (MDR GNB) in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are increasingly reported.We conducted a 5-year prospective cohort surveillance study in a tertiary NICU of the hospital "Paolo Giaccone," Palermo, Italy. Our objectives were to describe incidence and trends of MDR GNB colonization and the characteristics of the most prevalent organisms and to identify the risk factors for colonization. Demographic, clinical, and microbiological data were prospectively collected. Active surveillance cultures (ASCs) were obtained weekly. Clusters of colonization by extended spectrum ÎČ-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were analyzed by conventional and molecular epidemiological tools.During the study period, 1152 infants were enrolled in the study. Prevalences of colonization by MDR GNB, ESBL-producing GNB and multiple species/genera averaged, respectively, 28.8%, 11.7%, and 3.7%. Prevalence and incidence density of colonization by MDR GNB and ESBL-producing GNB showed an upward trend through the surveillance period. Rates of ESBL-producing E coli and K pneumoniae colonization showed wide fluctuations peaking over the last 2 years. The only independent variables associated with colonization by MDR GNB and ESBL-producing organisms and multiple colonization were, respectively, the days of NICU stay (odds ratio [OR] 1.041), the days of exposure to ampicillin-sulbactam (OR 1.040), and the days of formula feeding (OR 1.031). Most clusters of E coli and K pneumoniae colonization were associated with different lineages. Ten out of 12 clusters had an outborn infant as their index case.Our study confirms that MDR GNB are an increasing challenge to NICUs. The universal once-a-week approach allowed us to understand the epidemiology of MDR GNB, to timely detect new clones and institute contact precautions, and to assess risk factors. Collection of these data can be an important tool to optimize antimicrobials use and control the emergence and dissemination of resistances in NICU

    The burden of Candida species colonization in NICU patients: a colonization surveillance study

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    Fungal infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The identification of specific risk factors supports prevention of candidemia in neonates. Effective prophylactic strategies have recently become available, but the identification and adequate management of high-risk infants is still a priority. Prior colonization is a key risk factor for candidemia. For this reason, surveillance studies to monitor incidence, species distribution, and antifungal susceptibility profiles, are mandatory. Among 520 infants admitted to our NICU between January 2013 and December 2014, 472 (90.77%) were included in the study. Forty-eight out of 472 (10.17%) patients tested positive for Candida spp. (C.), at least on one occasion. All the colonized patients tested positive for the rectal swab, whereas 7 patients also tested positive for the nasal swab. Fifteen out of 472 patients (3.18%) had more than one positive rectal or nasal swab during their NICU stay. Moreover, 9 out of 15 patients tested negative at the first sampling, suggesting they acquired Candida spp. during their stay. Twenty-five of forty-eight (52.1%) colonized patients carried C.albicans and 15/48 (31.25%) C.parapsilosis. We identified as risk factors for Candida spp. colonization: antibiotic therapy, parenteral nutrition, the use of a central venous catheter, and nasogastric tube. Our experience suggests that effective microbiological surveillance can allow for implementing proper, effective and timely control measures in a highrisk setting

    Impact of Candida species colonization and azoles resistance in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    Background: Candida species are among the top 10 most frequently isolated nosocomial bloodstream pathogens in Europe. In particular, in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) Candida infections are an emerging concern because of the increasing incidence, the related high morbidity and mortality rates reported. Moreover, the epidemiology of Candida infection rapidly changed in these years leading to the selection of less sensitive strains and species. Surveillance studies are mandatory to identify the local distribution of species, their antifungal susceptibility profiles and the emergence of resistance strains. Material/methods: From December 2012 we performed a cohort prospective surveillance study in our NICU, collecting weekly nasal and rectal swabs. Swabs were placed on Sabouraud agar. Candida growth on agar plates was confirmed by microscopic observation. Furthermore, Candida spp. was identified through Candida chromogenic agar (Candida chromogenic agar, Laboratorios Conda) and API\uae 20C AUX (Biom\ue9rieux). The first isolated non-C.albicans Candida (NCAC) species from colonized patients were tested with the main antifungal agents (YeastOne\uae Y010 Thermo Fisher Scientific) and the obtained MIC values were read according to CLSI. Results: From December 2012 to June 2016 we enrolled 874 neonates and analyzed respectively 2014 nasal and rectal swabs. 20/2014 (0,99%) of nasal swabs and 128/2014 (6,35%) of rectal swabs tested positive for Candida spp. The species distribution is showed in the Graph 1. 89/874 (10,18%) neonates tested positive at least in one swab. 59 isolates of NCAC species were tested with the main antifungal agents. All the tested strains were susceptible to echinocandins and amphotericin B. The susceptibility patterns for azoles are shown in the Table 1. Conclusions: Our study confirm the rule of surveillance in the prevention and control of Candida spp. healthcare related infections especially in an high risk ward such as NICU. In particular, in our NICU fluconazole prophylaxis is administered according to standard protocols from 2009.Antifungal susceptibility testes allowed to identify resistant and mutant strains whom acquired resistance so to obtain both clinical and epidemiological data promptly

    Report and follow-up on two new patients with congenital mesoblastic nephroma

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    Background: Tumors are rare in neonatal age. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) is a usually benign renal tumor observed at birth, or in the first months of life. It may also be identified prenatally and associated with polyhydramnios leading to preterm delivery. Effective treatment is surgical in most cases, consisting in total nephrectomy. In literature, very few studies report on the neonatal management of such a rare disease, and even less are those describing its uncommon complications. Cases presentation: We report on two single-center newborns affected with CMN. The first patient is a preterm female baby, born at 30+ 1 weeks of gestation (WG) due to premature labor, with prenatal (25 WG) identification of an intra-abdominal fetal mass associated with polyhydramnios. Once obtained the clinical stability, weight gain, instrumental (computed tomography, CT, showing a 4.8 × 3.3&nbsp;cm left renal neoformation) and histological/molecular characterization of the lesion (renal needle biopsy picture of classic CMN with ETV6-NTRK3 translocation), a left nephrectomy was performed at 5 weeks of chronological age. The following clinical course was complicated by intestinal obstruction due to bowel adherences formation, then by an enterocutaneous fistula, requiring multiple surgical approaches including transitory ileo- and colostomy, before the conclusive anastomoses intervention. The second patient is a 17-day-old male term baby, coming to our observation due to postnatal evidence of palpable left abdominal mass (soon defined through CT, showing a 7.5 × 6.5&nbsp;cm neoformation in the left renal lodge), feeding difficulties and poor weight gain. An intravenous diuretic treatment was needed due to the developed hypertension and hypercalcemia, which regressed after the nephrectomy (histological diagnosis of cellular CMN with ETV6-NTRK3 fusion) performed at day 26. In neither case was chemotherapy added. Both patients have been included in multidisciplinary follow-up, they presently show regular growth and neuromotor development, normal renal function and no local/systemic recurrences or other gastrointestinal/urinary disorders. Conclusions: The finding of a fetal abdominal mass should prompt suspicion of CMN, especially if it is associated with polyhydramnios; it should also alert obstetricians and neonatologists to the risk of preterm delivery. Although being a usually benign condition, CMN may be associated with neonatal systemic-metabolic or postoperative complications. High-level surgical expertise, careful neonatological intensive care and histopathological/cytogenetic-molecular definition are the cornerstones for the optimal management of patients. This should also include an individualized follow-up, oriented to the early detection of any possible recurrences or associated anomalies and to a better quality of life of children and their families

    Progression and regression of incident cervical HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 infections in young women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We describe type-specific progression, regression and persistence of incident human papillomavirus (HPV)-6-11-16 and -18 infections, along with type distribution in cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study population consisted of 16–23 year-old women undergoing Pap testing and cervical swab polymerase chain reaction testing for HPV DNA at approximate 6 month intervals for up to 4 years in the placebo arm of a clinical trial of an HPV 16-vaccine. HPV types in incident infections were correlated with types in lesion biopsy specimens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>56.7% of CIN-1 and nearly one-third of CIN-2/3 lesions following incident HPV-6-11-16 or -18 infections did not correlate with the incident infection HPV type. Cumulative 36-month progression rates to CIN-2/3 testing positive for the relevant HPV type were highest for HPV-16 infections (16.5%), followed by HPV-18 (8.2%). Overall, 26.0% of CIN-1, 50.0% of CIN-2 and 70.6% of CIN-3 biopsies tested positive for HPV-6-11-16-18 infections.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women with a given HPV type may often be co-infected or subsequently infected with other types which may lead to subsequent cervical lesions. This issue has been addressed in this study reporting data for the natural history of HPV-6-11-16 and -18 infections and is a relevant consideration in designing future studies to evaluate the incidence/risk of CIN following other type-specific HPV infections.</p

    Efficacy of a coordinated strategy for containment of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria carriage in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the context of an active surveillance program

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients is a threat, due to the frequent use of antimicrobial treatment and invasive devices in fragile babies. Since 2014 an active surveillance program of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) carriage has been in place in the five NICUs of Palermo, Italy. In 2017 an increase in the prevalence of MDR-GNB, and in particular of extended-spectrum ÎČ-lactamases-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-KP), was observed in “Civico” hospital NICU. Aim: To assess the impact of a coordinated intervention strategy in achieving long-lasting reduction of MDR-GNB prevalence in the NICU. Methods: Rectal swabs were obtained monthly and processed to detect MDR-GNB using standard methods. MDR-GNB were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Since November 2017 the following intervention measures were applied: (a) two-months intensification of sample collection; (b) stakeholders meetings; (c) improvement of prevention measures and antimicrobial policies. Findings: During the intensified microbiological surveillance MDR-GNB and ESBL-KP were detected in rectal swabs (34.8%; 23.2%), nasal swabs (24.6%; 14.5%), oral swabs (14.5%; 5.4%), milk samples (32.1%; 17.9%), pacifiers swabs (30.8%; 17.9%) and from sub-intensive room surfaces. Thirteen ESBL-KP strains isolated from clinical and environmental samples showed identical PFGE patterns. The prevalence of MDR-GNB and ESBL-KP carriage significantly decreased in the year after intervention compared to the previous year (20.6% vs 62.2%; p &lt; 0.001 and 11.1% vs 57.8%; p &lt; 0.001). MDR-GNB were not detected at all for three months and ESBL-KP for five months. Multivariate analysis of the principal exposure variables showed that admission in the post-intervention period significantly reduced the risk of MDR-GNB carriage (adj-OR = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.076–0.629; p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: MDR-GNB broadly circulate in NICU setting, they can colonize different body sites and spread through various vehicles. A coordinated strategy of multiple interventions with active cooperation between epidemiologists and clinicians in the NICU can effectively reduce their circulation and in particular the carriage of the most dangerous ESBL-KP strains

    A Snapshot on MRSA epidemiology in a neonatal intensive care unit network, Palermo, Italy

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    Objectives: We performed a 1-year prospective surveillance study on MRSA colonization within the five NICUs of the metropolitan area of Palermo, Italy. The purpose of the study was to assess epidemiology of MRSA in NICU from a network perspective. Methods: Transfer of patients between NICUs during 2014 was traced based on the annual hospital discharge records. In the period February 2014-January 2015, in the NICU B, at the University teaching hospital, nasal swabs from all infants were collected weekly, whereas in the other four NICUs (A, C, D, E) at 4 week-intervals of time. MRSA isolates were submitted to antibiotic susceptibility testing, SCCmec typing, PCR to detect lukS-PV and lukF-PV (lukS/F-PV) genes and the gene encoding the toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1), multilocus variable number tandem repeat fingerprinting (MLVF), and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Results: In the period under study, 587 nasal swabs were obtained from NICU B, whereas 218, 180, 157, and 95 from NICUs A, C, D, and E, respectively. Two groups of NICUs at high prevalence and low prevalence of MRSA colonization were recognized. Overall, 113 isolates of MRSA were identified from 102 infants. Six MLVF types (A-F) were detected, with type C being subdivided into five subtypes. Five sequence types (STs) were found with ST22-IVa being the most frequent type in all NICUs. All the MRSA molecular subtypes, except for ST1-IVa, were identified in NICU B. Conclusions: Our findings support the need to approach surveillance and infection control in NICU in a network perspective, prioritizing referral healthcare facilities
