35 research outputs found

    A genetically encoded reporter of synaptic activity in vivo

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    To image synaptic activity within neural circuits, we tethered the genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI) GCaMP2 to synaptic vesicles by fusion to synaptophysin. The resulting reporter, SyGCaMP2, detected the electrical activity of neurons with two advantages over existing cytoplasmic GECIs: it identified the locations of synapses and had a linear response over a wider range of spike frequencies. Simulations and experimental measurements indicated that linearity arises because SyGCaMP2 samples the brief calcium transient passing through the presynaptic compartment close to voltage-sensitive calcium channels rather than changes in bulk calcium concentration. In vivo imaging in zebrafish demonstrated that SyGCaMP2 can assess electrical activity in conventional synapses of spiking neurons in the optic tectum and graded voltage signals transmitted by ribbon synapses of retinal bipolar cells. Localizing a GECI to synaptic terminals provides a strategy for monitoring activity across large groups of neurons at the level of individual synapses

    Monitoring neural activity with bioluminescence during natural behavior

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    Existing techniques for monitoring neural activity in awake, freely behaving vertebrates are invasive and difficult to target to genetically identified neurons. We used bioluminescence to non-invasively monitor the activity of genetically specified neurons in freely behaving zebrafish. Transgenic fish with the Ca^(2+)-sensitive photoprotein green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Aequorin in most neurons generated large and fast bioluminescent signals that were related to neural activity, neuroluminescence, which could be recorded continuously for many days. To test the limits of this technique, we specifically targeted GFP-Aequorin to the hypocretin-positive neurons of the hypothalamus. We found that neuroluminescence generated by this group of ~20 neurons was associated with periods of increased locomotor activity and identified two classes of neural activity corresponding to distinct swim latencies. Our neuroluminescence assay can report, with high temporal resolution and sensitivity, the activity of small subsets of neurons during unrestrained behavior

    Thrombospondins in the heart: potential functions in cardiac remodeling

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    Cardiac remodeling after myocardial injury involves inflammation, angiogenesis, left ventricular hypertrophy and matrix remodeling. Thrombospondins (TSPs) belong to the group of matricellular proteins, which are non-structural extracellular matrix proteins that modulate cell–matrix interactions and cell function in injured tissues or tumors. They interact with different matrix and membrane-bound proteins due to their diverse functional domains. That the expression of TSPs strongly increases during cardiac stress or injury indicates an important role for them during cardiac remodeling. Recently, the protective properties of TSP expression against heart failure have been acknowledged. The current review will focus on the biological role of TSPs in the ischemic and hypertensive heart, and will describe the functional consequences of TSP polymorphisms in cardiac disease

    Memory-specific temporal profiles of gene expression in the hippocampus

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    Many experiments in the past have demonstrated the requirement of de novo gene expression during the long-term retention of learning and memory. Although previous studies implicated individual genes or genetic pathways in learning and memory, they did not uncover the collective behaviors or patterns of the genes. We have used genome-scale screening to analyze gene expression during spatial learning of rats in the Morris water maze. Our results show distinct temporal gene expression profiles associated with learning and memory. Exogenous administration of one peptide whose sustained increase during memory retention was implicated by microarray analysis, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-18, improved spatial learning behavior, suggesting that pharmacological modulation of pathways and targets identified may allow new therapeutic approaches for improving learning and memory. Results of this study also suggest that while learning and physical activity involve common groups of genes, the behavior of learning and memory emerges from unique patterns of gene expression across time

    Endoprótese revestida de jugular preservada de bovino: estudo comparativo da resposta tecidual em aorta torácica descendente e veia cava inferior de suínos

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a resposta tecidual de uma endoprótese biosintetica implantada na aorta torácica descendente e veia cava inferior de suínos. MÉTODO: Foi implantada uma endoprótese auto-expansível composta de aço inoxidável, revestida por veia jugular de bovino, processada pelo método L-hydro, com auxilio de uma bainha de liberação Taheri-Leonhardt (Flórida, EUA) na aorta torácica descendente, e a veia cava infra-renal de 10 suínos. Sessenta dias após, as endopróteses foram retiradas e analisadas sob o ponto de vista macro e microscópicos. Foram observados: perviedade, grau de incorporação a parede do vaso, tipo de reação inflamatória, e local de maior resposta, tanto em relação a camada do vaso quanto ao local de contato com o anel de aço RESULTADOS: Todas as endopróteses encontravam-se pérvias, e incorporadas à parede. No setor venoso, seis apresentaram traves fibrosas em sua luz, e quatro apresentaram fibrose perivascular. No setor arterial somente uma prótese apresentou discreta estenose, sem fibrose perivascular. A reação inflamatória crônica tipo corpo estranho ocorreu em 100% das peças, a camada média foi a mais acometida no setor venoso, enquanto a íntima foi mais constante na artéria, o grau de incorporação foi mais firme na veia em comparação a artéria. A reação tecidual mostrou maior tendência nas áreas em intimo contato com o anel de aço (intra-anelar), mais intensa na artéria do que na veia. CONCLUSÃO: A prótese apresentou baixa trombogenicidade em ambos os sistemas, houve maior reação tecidual e baixa biocompatibilidade no setor venoso