3 research outputs found

    Applying Research Results to Production Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Tvrtka Galapagos istraživački centar d. o. o. privatna je znanstvena organizacija, aktivna u područjima kemije, biologije, biomedicine, veterine i farmacije. Za potrebe ovog članka posvećenog Međunarodnoj godini kemije, obuhvaćen je pregled područja kojim se bave kemičari u ovom istraživačkom centru, a iznesene su i tehnike i tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u provedbi istraživačko-razvojnih projekata. Aktivnosti kemičara usmjerene su na sintezu novih organskih spojeva, potencijalnih novih lijekova, na njihovu identifikaciju i strukturnu karakterizaciju, na procese pročišćavanja, uvećanja sinteze (scale up), na primijenjenu analitiku u biološkim materijalima (DMPK - metabolizam lijekova i farmakokinetika) te na farmaceutski razvoj pretkliničkih kandidata. Projektni timovi u Galapagosu obuhvaćaju istraživače svih relevantnih struka za istraživanje potencijalnih novih lijekova, kao što su kemičari (kemijski inženjeri i tehnolozi), biolozi, medicinari, veterinari, farmaceuti. Konačni cilj svakog od projekata je djelotvoran, dobro definiran pretklinički kandidat, koji se dalje razvija u suradnji s drugim dijelovima Galapagosa (Belgija, Francuska, Velika Britanija) ili u partnerstvu s velikim farmaceutskim kompanijama. U članku su područja istraživanja i tehnologije potkrijepljeni konkretnim primjerima i rezultatima objavljenim u člancima.Galapagos Research Center Ltd., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the International Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research center. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects. The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK – Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates. Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations. This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles

    Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Galapagos Research Centre d. o. o., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the Internationa Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research centre. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects.The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK – Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates.Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations.This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles

    Applying Research Results to Production Chemistry in the Galapagos Research Center Ltd., Zagreb

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    Tvrtka Galapagos istraživački centar d. o. o. privatna je znanstvena organizacija, aktivna u područjima kemije, biologije, biomedicine, veterine i farmacije. Za potrebe ovog članka posvećenog Međunarodnoj godini kemije, obuhvaćen je pregled područja kojim se bave kemičari u ovom istraživačkom centru, a iznesene su i tehnike i tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u provedbi istraživačko-razvojnih projekata. Aktivnosti kemičara usmjerene su na sintezu novih organskih spojeva, potencijalnih novih lijekova, na njihovu identifikaciju i strukturnu karakterizaciju, na procese pročišćavanja, uvećanja sinteze (scale up), na primijenjenu analitiku u biološkim materijalima (DMPK - metabolizam lijekova i farmakokinetika) te na farmaceutski razvoj pretkliničkih kandidata. Projektni timovi u Galapagosu obuhvaćaju istraživače svih relevantnih struka za istraživanje potencijalnih novih lijekova, kao što su kemičari (kemijski inženjeri i tehnolozi), biolozi, medicinari, veterinari, farmaceuti. Konačni cilj svakog od projekata je djelotvoran, dobro definiran pretklinički kandidat, koji se dalje razvija u suradnji s drugim dijelovima Galapagosa (Belgija, Francuska, Velika Britanija) ili u partnerstvu s velikim farmaceutskim kompanijama. U članku su područja istraživanja i tehnologije potkrijepljeni konkretnim primjerima i rezultatima objavljenim u člancima.Galapagos Research Center Ltd., is a private research organization, active in the field of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, veterinary science and pharmacy. This article is devoted to the International Year of Chemistry; this review includes the areas of study undertaken by the chemists in the research center. Also presented are the current techniques and technologies applied in the implementation of research and development projects. The main activities of chemists are directed to the synthesis of new organic compounds resulting in potentially new medicines, their subsequent identification, structural characterization, purification process, magnification (scale up), the applied analysis of biological materials (DMPK – Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and the pharmaceutical development of preclinical candidates. Project teams at Galapagos incorporate researchers of all relevant professions to explore the potential of new medicines. These include chemists (chemical engineers and technologists), biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists. The ultimate goal of each of the projects is to establish an effective, well-defined preclinical candidate, which is further developed in other parts of the organization (Belgium, France, Great Britain), otherwise in the development laboratories of large partner organizations. This research article includes research and technology supported by concrete examples, and the results published in previous articles