8 research outputs found

    Modern Epizootiological-Epidemiological Situation on Natural-Focal Infections in the Resort City of Sochi

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    Objective - analysis of the epizootic-epidemiological situation on natural-focal infections in the resort city of Sochi. Materials and methods. We used the reports on and results of annual epizootiological monitoring of the territory of Sochi, presented by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Krasnodar Territory, Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Krasnodar Territory, Black Sea Plague Control Station, Sochi Anti-Plague Department of the Black Sea Plague Control Station, Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute. Results and discussion. The paper provides the analysis of the incidence among population, the results of epizootiological monitoring and molecular-genetic studies of isolates collected in the territory of the resort city of Sochi during 2014-2018. The most significant natural-focal infections in this region are: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Lyme disease, intestinal yersiniosis, leptospirosis. It was established that the natural foci of the infections studied in the territory of the resort city of Sochi are combined ones, which increases their epidemic importance and imposes requirements for a more in-depth survey of the territories. Thus, the current epizootiological-epidemiological situation on natural-focal infections in the region of the resort city of Sochi is characterized by the preservation of the activity of natural foci and indicates the need for their continuous monitoring, as well as implementation of a set of regulated preventive measures

    Provision of the Preparedness and Management of Work of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team at the Premises of the Rospotrebnadzor Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    The paper contains the data on the management of work of the specialized anti-epidemic team (SAET) of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games (2014) in Sochi. Reviewed are the issues of SAET’s preparedness provision: staffing of the team, facility equipping, fitting with diagnostic preparations, professional training and development in view of the mass event mission - participation in interagency exercises, educational courses, seminars, and response drills. For the first time ever, SAET’s reinforced personnel comprised 60 specialists from research institutions and some other Rospotrebnadzor Organization. Provided was preparedness to perform laboratory diagnostics and indicate the agents of 82 nosological forms, including exotic ones. The team conducted investigations at the premises of the two facilities and bacteriological laboratory mounted on the trucks

    Performance of the SAET of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute of the Rospotrebnadzor during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    Given is a general overview of the SAET performance during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games, 2014 in Sochi. Discussed are the peculiarities of work management of the SAET diagnostic facilities; represented are the data on the structure and scope of laboratory investigations of clinical material and environmental samples. Analyzed is the experience of operation under major international mass event. Consequently, it is concluded that current SAET structure, its stuffing and equipping, the laid-up stock of preparations and test-systems have allowed for coping with a diverse task complex in the laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases and indication of their agents

    Management of Work and Procedure for the Laboratory Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases during the Winter XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics, 2014

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    Analyzed is the management system for laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics, 2014 in Sochi. Reviewed is piece of work, executed in the pre-Olympic period as regards provision of laboratory facilities deployed for clinical material investigation, development of normative and regulatory documentation which considers peculiarities of the situation, identification of diagnostic capacities of the laboratories, and forecasting of the probable volume of laboratory studies by reference to various groups of infections. Put forward is the procedure for arrangement of work at the different stages of laboratory diagnostics, cooperation and response in case of emergency situation in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population. Discussed is the role of geo-information system and current means of monitoring over epidemiological situation in the participating states and in the region of the Olympics in laboratory support organization

    Relevant Issues of Epidemiological Safety Provision as Regards Natural-Focal Infections during the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi

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    The paper contains the data on the morbidity rates as regards natural-focal infectious diseases and results of epizootiological monitoring in the locality of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games-2014 in Sochi. It is demonstrated that the significant ones in the infectious disease incidence chart are hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Ixodidae tick-borne borrelioses, pseudotuberculosis, intestinal yersiniosis, leptospiroses, rabies, rickettsiosis, and tularemia. Represented are the data on the peculiarities of a number of regional pathogenic strains. Noted is fact that complex activities, which were carried out by the agencies and institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor, Krasnodar Territory and Sochi resort-town Administration, allowed for the stabilization of the situation on natural-focal infections


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    Topical issues of ensuring biological safety of mass actions are considered in the article. According to the purpose and content are allocated two interdependent and supplementing each other within the system of supervision and monitoring of biological safety - the measures for prophylaxis of emergency situations and the measures for ensuring readiness for emergency situations. Actions of separate functional elements of system of rather accompanying epidemiological risks focused on their decrease and monitoring are analyzed. The attributive base is developed for the principles of ensuring biological safety (rationality, competence, efficiency, flexibility, controllability, preventiveness, coherence) which are considered as determinants of solvable tasks during the periods of preparation and holding mass actions

    The application of molecular genetic analysis and genomic profiling of infectious diseases causative agents in Sochi during the preparation and holding of the Fifa World Cup 2018

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    During the preparation of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in 2015-2017 genetic features of regional pathogenic strains in the city of Sochi are determined. The strains and nucleic acid isolates of bacterial and viral infectious diseases causative agents — acute intestinal infections: rota-, noro-, astro and enteroviruses, Salmonella enteritidis, natural focal infections: hantaviruses, Rickettsia of tick spotted fevers group, Borrelia are genotyped. In result, complex genetic profiling of infection diseases causative agents variants that are actual for the Sochi region has been carried out. The obtained database was used to provide molecular analysis of pathogens during the XIX International Festival of Youth and Students (2017) and during the FIFA World Cup (2018). The perspective of using this algorithm of genetic analysis in description of outbreaks (cases) of infectious diseases in specific areas is shown


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    Aim. Analysis of results of epidemiologic monitoring of especially dangerous, natural-foci and other infectious diseases, as well as epizootologic activity of natural foci of infection on the territory of city-resort Sochi. Materials and methods. Laboratory studies of 820 samples by PCR, immune- and bacteriologic methods were carried out, among those 344 - clinical material, 12 - water from open bodies and 321 - field material. Molecular-genetic identification of 143 strains of Vibrio cholerae, isolated from open water bodies of city-resort Sochi, was carried out. Results. Circulation of causative agents of Q fever, tularemia and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome of Dobrava-Adler genotypes was established, as well as rickettsia of tick spotted fever group. Predomination of rotaviruses (70.9%) was detected during study of samples of clinical material in etiologic structure of sporadically emerging acute intestine infections. Relatively high temperature values of river water during summer months (from 18 to 30°C), exit of sulfide mineral waters into the riverbed, that create alkaline medium, seasonal reduction of river debit and speed of water current facilitated sustenance of contamination of water of Agura river by V. cholerae. Conclusion. Activity of natural foci of the infectious disease and contamination of Agura river by V. cholerae 01 (atoxigenic) gives evidence on the necessity of constant control of epidemiologic situation by dangerous and natural-foci infectious diseases on the territory of city-resort Sochi, as well as study regional features of their causative agents, including using genetic methods