192 research outputs found

    The Gelfand map and symmetric products

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    If A is an algebra of functions on X, there are many cases when X can be regarded as included in Hom(A,C) as the set of ring homomorphisms. In this paper the corresponding results for the symmetric products of X are introduced. It is shown that the symmetric product Sym^n(X) is included in Hom(A,C) as the set of those functions that satisfy equations generalising f(xy)=f(x)f(y). These equations are related to formulae introduced by Frobenius and, for the relevant A, they characterise linear maps on A that are the sum of ring homomorphisms. The main theorem is proved using an identity satisfied by partitions of finite sets.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    ww-function of the KdV hierarchy

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    In this paper we construct a family of commuting multidimensional differential operators of order 3, which is closely related to the KdV hierarchy. We find a common eigenfunction of this family and an algebraic relation between these operators. Using these operators we associate a hyperelliptic curve to any solution of the stationary KdV equation. A basic generating function of the solutions of stationary KdV equation is introduced as a special polarization of the equation of the hyperelliptic curve. We also define and discuss the notion of a ww-function of a solution of the stationary gg-KdV equation

    Multi-Dimensional Sigma-Functions

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    In 1997 the present authors published a review (Ref. BEL97 in the present manuscript) that recapitulated and developed classical theory of Abelian functions realized in terms of multi-dimensional sigma-functions. This approach originated by K.Weierstrass and F.Klein was aimed to extend to higher genera Weierstrass theory of elliptic functions based on the Weierstrass σ\sigma-functions. Our development was motivated by the recent achievements of mathematical physics and theory of integrable systems that were based of the results of classical theory of multi-dimensional theta functions. Both theta and sigma-functions are integer and quasi-periodic functions, but worth to remark the fundamental difference between them. While theta-function are defined in the terms of the Riemann period matrix, the sigma-function can be constructed by coefficients of polynomial defining the curve. Note that the relation between periods and coefficients of polynomials defining the curve is transcendental. Since the publication of our 1997-review a lot of new results in this area appeared (see below the list of Recent References), that promoted us to submit this draft to ArXiv without waiting publication a well-prepared book. We complemented the review by the list of articles that were published after 1997 year to develop the theory of σ\sigma-functions presented here. Although the main body of this review is devoted to hyperelliptic functions the method can be extended to an arbitrary algebraic curve and new material that we added in the cases when the opposite is not stated does not suppose hyperellipticity of the curve considered.Comment: 267 pages, 4 figure

    Elliptic Dunkl operators, root systems, and functional equations

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    We consider generalizations of Dunkl's differential-difference operators associated with groups generated by reflections. The commutativity condition is equivalent to certain functional equations. These equations are solved in many cases. In particular, solutions associated with elliptic curves are constructed. In the An−1A_{n-1} case, we discuss the relation with elliptic Calogero-Moser integrable nn-body problems, and discuss the quantization (qq-analogue) of our construction.Comment: 30 page
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