724 research outputs found

    Evolution of xyloglucan-related genes in green plants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cell shape and morphology of plant tissues are intimately related to structural modifications in the primary cell wall that are associated with key processes in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. The primary cell wall is composed mainly of cellulose immersed in a matrix of hemicellulose, pectin, lignin and some structural proteins. Xyloglucan is a hemicellulose polysaccharide present in the cell walls of all land plants (Embryophyta) and is the main hemicellulose in non-graminaceous angiosperms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work, we used a comparative genomic approach to obtain new insights into the evolution of the xyloglucan-related enzymatic machinery in green plants. Detailed phylogenetic analyses were done for enzymes involved in xyloglucan synthesis (xyloglucan transglycosylase/hydrolase, α-xylosidase, β-galactosidase, β-glucosidase and α-fucosidase) and mobilization/degradation (β-(1→4)-glucan synthase, α-fucosyltransferases, β-galactosyltransferases and α-xylosyl transferase) based on 12 fully sequenced genomes and expressed sequence tags from 29 species of green plants. Evidence from Chlorophyta and Streptophyta green algae indicated that part of the Embryophyta xyloglucan-related machinery evolved in an aquatic environment, before land colonization. Streptophyte algae have at least three enzymes of the xyloglucan machinery: xyloglucan transglycosylase/hydrolase, β-(1→4)-glucan synthase from the celullose synthase-like C family and α-xylosidase that is also present in chlorophytes. Interestingly, gymnosperm sequences orthologs to xyloglucan transglycosylase/hydrolases with exclusively hydrolytic activity were also detected, suggesting that such activity must have emerged within the last common ancestor of spermatophytes. There was a positive correlation between the numbers of founder genes within each gene family and the complexity of the plant cell wall.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data support the idea that a primordial xyloglucan-like polymer emerged in streptophyte algae as a pre-adaptation that allowed plants to subsequently colonize terrestrial habitats. Our results also provide additional evidence that charophycean algae and land plants are sister groups.</p

    Міжнародно-правові погляди Р. Лемкіна

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    Бем М. В. Міжнародно-правові погляди Р. Лемкіна : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.11 / М. В. Бем; кер. роботи Т. І. Левицький; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2014. – 18 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.11 - міжнародне право. - Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія». - Одеса, 2014. Досліджено міжнародно-правові погляди видатного юриста- міжнародника Рафала Лемкіна та їх вплив на сучасне міжнародне право. Визначено основні етапи життєвого шляху та наукової діяльності Р. Лемкіна в сфері міжнародного права, встановлено фактори, які вплинули на формування його наукового світогляду, зокрема, роль доктрини міжнародного кримінального права міжвоєнного періоду. Досліджено еволюцію поглядів Р. Лемкіна щодо злочину «геноциду». Вивчено концепції злочинів «акти варварства» та «акти вандалізму», запропоновані Р. Лемкіним, які згодом стали основою розробленої ним концепції злочину геноциду. Виділено об'єкт, суб'єкт, об'єктивну та суб'єктивну сторони цього злочину відповідно до концепції Р. Лемкіна. Розглянуто кваліфікацію окремих історичних подій як злочину геноциду крізь призму міжнародно-правових поглядів Р. Лемкіна. Значна увага приділена вивченню впливу міжнародно-правових поглядів Р. Лемкіна на теорію та практику міжнародного права, передовсім, на міжнародно- правовий механізм заборони та протидії геноциду та безпосередньо на положення Конвенції про попередження злочину геноциду та покарання за нього 1948 р. Встановлено, які міжнародно-правові погляди вченого надалі можуть бути враховані в теорії та практиці міжнародного права.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.11 - международное право. - Национальный университет «Одесская юридическая академия». - Одесса, 2014. В диссертации исследуются международно-правовые взгляды выдающегося юриста-международника Рафала Лемкина и их влияние на современное международное право. Изучены основные этапы жизненного пути и научной деятельности Р. Лемкина в сфере международного права, установлены факторы, которые оказали влияние на формирование его научного мировоззрения. Проанализировано влияние доктрины международного уголовного права периода между двумя Мировыми войнами на становление и развитие международно-правовых взглядов Р. Лемкина. Изучены предложенные Р. Лемкиным концепции преступлений «акты варварства» и «акты вандализма», которые впоследствии легли в основу разработанной им концепции преступления геноцида. Выделены объект, субъект, объективная и субъективная стороны этого преступления согласно концепции Р. Лемкина. Рассмотрена квалификация отдельных исторических событий как преступлений геноцида сквозь призму международно-правовых взглядов Р. Лемкина. Изучено влияние международно-правовых взглядов Р. Лемкина на теорию и практику международного права, прежде всего, на международно-правовой механизм запрета и противодействия геноциду и непосредственно на положения Конвенции о предупреждении преступления геноцида и наказании за него 1948 г. Установлено, какие международно-правовые взгляды ученого в дальнейшем могут быть использованы в теории и практике международного права.The thesis for Candidate's of Law Degree by specialty 12.00.11 - International Law. - National University «Odessa Academy of Law». - Odessa, 2014. The thesis analyzes the evolution and content of Rafal Lemkin's international legal views. Most recent scientific researches in this area are being held. Further, the biography of Rafal Lemkin and main periods of his scientific activity are studied. The main factors that had influenced his scientific worldview are analyzed. The influence of the doctrine of international criminal law on Rafal Lemkin future studies is viewed. Special attention is paid to the views of the prominent legal scholars of the interwar period whose teachings influenced scientific worldview of Lemkin, i.e. V. Pella, E.-St. Rappaport, Q. Saldana etc. The attention is paid to the content of the international legal views of Rafal Lemkin. The impact of the concept of crime «acts of barbarity», proposed by R. Lemkin in 1933, for the formation of the crime «genocide» in modern international law is examined. The concept of crime «acts of barbarity» and the concept of «genocide» are compared. The concept of the crime «genocide» elaborated by Rafal Lemkin was implemented in the Convention against Genocide in 1948. The evolution of the international legal views of Rafal Lemkin on the crime «genocide» is studied. His basic scientific publications on this topic are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of Rafal Lemkin's concept of genocide. The importance of the study of Rafal Lemkin's views for the understanding of the concept of «genocide» in modern world is emphasized. His understanding of the concept of genocide and the components of this crime in modern international law are compared. The international legal views of R. Lemkin concerning the qualification of the certain historical facts of the massive human rights violations as a crime of «genocide» are analyzed. The international legal views of R. Lemkin devoted to the Holocaust, Holodomor etc. in the context of the concept of genocide are examined. Archival materials that include works of R. Lemkin devoted to these events are analyzed. The conclusions concerning Lemkin's view about the presence of the elements of genocide in the events of Holocaust, Holodomor etc. are made. The impact of the international legal views of R. Lemkin on the theory and practice of international law is analyzed. R. Lemkin's participation in the development and adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948 is researched. The influence of his international legal views on the provisions of the Convention is analyzed. The conclusions about the possible further implementation of the international legal views and ideas of Rafal Lemkin in the theory and practice of international law are made. It is defined what international legal views can later be incorporated into the theory and practice of international law. It is emphasized that the legal views of the scholar can be used in order to amend the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948. The estimation of the contribution of R. Lemkin in the development and adoption of the Convention against Genocide is provided

    Avaliação dos impactos da Tecnologia Acasalamento de Outono em Bovinos de Corte.

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    Identificação da tecnologia; Procedimentos metodológicos; Identificação dos impactos na cadeia produtiva; Impactos econômicos; Impactos sociais; Impactos ambientais; Avaliação integrada e comparativa dos impactos gerados; Custos para a geração da tecnologia; Ações sociais.bitstream/item/64239/1/DT89.pd

    Avaliação dos impactos da tecnologia: introdução assistida do gene Booroola em rebanhos ovinos.

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    Identificação da Tecnologia; Procedimentos Metodológicos; Identificação dos Impactos na Cadeia Produtiva; Impactos Econômicos; Impactos Sociais; Impactos Ambientais; Avaliação Integrada e Comparativa dos Impactos Gerados; Custos para a Geração da Tecnologia.bitstream/item/31976/1/DT-105online.pd

    Influence of the sodium/proton replacement on the structural, morphological and photocatalytic properties of titanate nanotubes

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    Titanate nanotubes (TNT) with different sodium contents have been synthesised using a hydrothermal approach and a swift and highly controllable post-washing processes. The influence of the sodium/proton replacement on the structural and morphological characteristics of the prepared materials was analysed. Different optical behaviour was observed depending on the Na+/H+ samples' content. A band gap energy of 3.27\pm0.03 eV was estimated for the material with higher sodium content while a value of 2.81\pm0.02 eV was inferred for the most protonated material, which therefore exhibits an absorption edge in the near visible region. The point of zero charge of the materials was determined and the influence of the sodium content on the adsorption of both cationic and anionic organic dyes was studied. The photocatalytic performance of the TNT samples was evaluated in the rhodamine 6G degradation process. Best photodegradation results were obtained when using the most protonated material as catalyst, although this material has shown the lowest R6G adsorption capability.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistr

    Aplicações de ferramentas de avaliação de impacto socioeconômico e ambiental para agricultura de precisão.

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    Foram avaliadas ferramentas para aplicação da avaliação de impacto socioeconômico e ambiental para o macroprograma 1 de agricultura de precisão. Duas em particular chamaram a atenção pelo potencial de resposta e foram detalhadas nesse trabalho como exemplos: a Matriz Insumo Produto, representando ferramentas de avaliação inovadoras a serem aplicadas na avaliação da AP e a avaliação tradicional pela Embrapa através do modelo Ambitec. Uma vez que a maioria das tecnologias propostas nesse projeto ainda não estão em fase finalística, optou-se por aplicar o modelo Ambitec nas tecnologias que atingiram a fase de uso pelo produtor e selecionou-se uma, o aplicador seletivo de herbicida Campo Limpo, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Pecuária Sul. O equipamento apresentou um baixo valor na avaliação do Ambitec Social, responsável pela dimensão social, principalmente devido ao baixo impacto econômico, mas um valor significativo em relação ao Ambitec agro, que avalia a dimensão ambiental. Isso pode indicar uma tecnologia que será plenamente aplicada à medida que demandas de ordem ambiental tornem a atividade agrícola mais restrita do que o momento atual

    Use of next-generation sequencing and candidate gene analysis to identify underlying defects in patients with inherited platelet function disorders

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    Background: Inherited platelet function disorders (PFDs) are heterogeneous, and identification of the underlying genetic defects is difficult when based solely on phenotypic and clinical features of the patient. Objective: To analyze 329 genes regulating platelet function, number, and size in order to identify candidate gene defects in patients with PFDs. Patients/methods: Targeted analysis of candidate PFD genes was undertaken after next-generation sequencing of exomic DNA from 18 unrelated index cases with PFDs who were recruited into the UK Genotyping and Phenotyping of Platelets (GAPP) study and diagnosed with platelet abnormalities affecting either Gi signaling (n = 12) or secretion (n = 6). The potential pathogenicity of candidate gene defects was assessed using computational predictive algorithms. Results: Analysis of the 329 candidate PFD genes identified 63 candidate defects, affecting 40 genes, among index cases with Gi signaling abnormalities, while 53 defects, within 49 genes, were identified among patients with secretion abnormalities. Homozygous gene defects were more commonly associated with secretion abnormalities. Functional annotation analysis identified distinct gene clusters in the two patient subgroups. Thirteen genes with significant annotation enrichment for 'intracellular signaling' harbored 16 of the candidate gene defects identified in nine index cases with Gi signaling abnormalities. Four gene clusters, representing 14 genes, with significantly associated gene ontology annotations were identified among the cases with secretion abnormalities, the most significant association being with 'establishment of protein localization.' Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate the genetic complexity of PFDs and highlight plausible candidate genes for targeted analysis in patients with platelet secretion and Gi signaling abnormalities