7 research outputs found


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    Currently, most researchers define the term complete coronary revascularization (CCR) as coronary arterial bypass graft (CABG) of at least one branch of each of the three affected coronary basins: left anterior descending artery (LAD) left circumflex artery (LCA) and right coronary artery RCA. The rejection of bypass of one or more diseased coronary basin is estimated as an incomplete coronary revascularization (ICR). Material and methods. This retrospective study included patients, underwent isolated coronary bypass operations from 2001 to 2014 in the Irkutsk Regional Hospital. 1418 patients underwent isolated off-pump bypass operations. ICR occurred in 469 patients, the CCR - in 949. All patients were divided into 2 groups: ICR group and CCR group. These groups were compared by the late survival and by the frequency of the major cardiac events (MACE). The results of study were assessed after 1, 5 and 10 years from the date of CABG. Results. Survival of patients of ICR group after 1,5,10 years after surgery was 98.5 %, 75.4 % and 75.4 % respectively, of CCR group of patients - 98.7 %, 88.7 % and 81.3 % (p = 0.006). In ICR group "free" from MACE after 1, 5 and 10 years after surgery were respectively 98.2 %, 70.8 % and 61.0 % of patients, while in CCR group those made 98.3 %, 84.6 % and 72,6 % (p = 0,007). We can conclude that incomplete revascularization can be defined as a prediction factor of worst long-term outcome results of CABG

    Immediate results of minimally invasive redo off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) ranks first among the causes of death from cardiac events. Patients who have previously undergone surgical treatment – coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) – are not immune from the return of angina due to the progression of atherosclerosis in the native coronary arteries or degenerative changes in the shunts. Therefore, the issue of redo surgery in this group of patients is debatable.The aim of the research is to show that the use of alternative sternotomy approaches and the rejection of artificial blood circulation (ABC) are considered as possible measures to improve the results of redo CABGs.Materials and methods. In the Cardiac Surgery Unit No. 1 of the Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital from 2003 to 2020, 6773 off-pump CABG surgeries were performed. Of these, 6338  (93.6  %) surgeries were performed using median sternotomy and  435  (6.4  %) surgeries were performed using minitoracotomy or subxyphoid access. Of the 6338 CABG surgeries performed using sternotomy, 58 (0.9 %) were performed repeatedly. All redo surgeries during the period under review were performed by minithoracotomy or subxyphoid access. The indication for redo surgery was the return of angina of III or IV functional class, which did not respond to optimal drug therapy. When performing 54 redo surgeries, the access was leftsided mini-thoracotomy. In 3 patients, CABG was performed by subxyphoid access and in 1 patient – from right-sided mini-thoracotomy.Results. 58 redo CABG surgeries were performed. There was no damage to the access of the heart or functioning shunts. Complications were noted in 5 (8.6 %) patients. In 1 case, a second operation was required due to bleeding from the intercostal artery. In other cases, there were rhythm disturbances, or the need for inotropic support.Conclusion. Performing redo off-pump CABG surgeries using mini-accesses reduces the risk of damage to the heart and functioning shunts, eliminates manipulations on the ascending aorta, and avoids difficulties with cardioplegic protection of the myocardium with a functioning mammarocoronary graft

    Off-Pump Surgical Treatment of Anomalous Origin of the Left coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery

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    An anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, or Blund – White – Garland syndrome, is a rare congenital heart disease in which an anatomically correctly formed left coronary artery extends away from the pulmonary artery. Most patients with this defect die from progressive left ventricular failure during the first year of life, and the rest may suddenly die in adolescence or adulthood from acute coronary insufficiency. Several surgical methods of correction of the defect have been proposed, but a small number of observations do not allow one to express unequivocally in favor of one of the methods of performing the operation. We present our own observation of a surgical correction of a defect in a teenager. We performed off-pump aortocoronary bypass surgery of the anterior interventricular artery, and separation of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery by ligation, with the stitching of the left coronary artery. The issue of the expediency of tying hypertrophied collaterals between right coronary artery and left coronary artery systems was discussed with the purpose of reducing competitive blood flow after performing left coronary artery shunting. Experience in performing coronary artery bypass surgery without artificial circulation made it possible to perform an off-pump operation


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    Cardiac tumors are extremely rare pathologies with polymorphic clinical presentation, mainly founded in autopsy, and accidentally in cardiac surgery. Primary tumors of the heart are detected in 0.002-0.05 cases of autopsies, and 75 % of the tumors are the benign ones. Cardiac myxoma is the most frequent tumor of the heart. It can be localized in any chamber, but more often occurs in the left atrium. A pedunculated myxomas prolapse into mitral orifice, obstructing outflow from left atrium and inflow to left ventricle in diastole. Microscopically myxomas can have slimy, rigid, lobed or loose structure. Myxomas with loose consistency are most dangerous in occurrence of systemic embolism. Also, tumors can locate in ventricle or in several heart chambers. Most of tumors has a peduncle, a fibrous-vascular stalk from 4 to 8 cm in diameter. In 93 % cases myxomas are the single chamber tumors, but they can be biatrial, and grow in several chambers of the heart, thus, are the multiple primary tumors. The symptoms are of widely varied character and depend on the size and localization of the tumor. Now, because of advances in diagnostic, the frequency of myxoma detection is annually increasing, counting from 0.5 to 2.3 cases per 1 million people. The group of 70 patients aged from 19 to 77 with morphologically confirmed myxomas was analyzed. Surgical intervention is the only way to treat myxoma. The case described in the article presents a large myxoma, almost completely filling left atrium with mitral orifice occlusion. Routine echocardiography facilitated a timely diagnosis, and required treatment was performed


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    The study of the nearest and remote results of off-pump coronary artery bypass. The nearest results are analyzed, in 2176 patients. Complications in the early postoperative period, were observed in 227 patients (10,4 %). Time of stay of patients after surgery in ICU was 21 (18—32) hour and in the hospital after surgery — 7,1 (5—9) days. 30-day mortality was 0,9 (0,5—1,3) %. Remote results of treatment were studied in 1146 patients (53 % of operated patients). Survival rate of patients during 9 years after surgery was 73 %. Freedom, from cardiovascular events during the same period was 64 %

    Операция коронарного шунтирования на «работающем сердце» у больного ИБС с врожденной единой коронарной артерией

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    A single coronary artery is a congenital anomaly of the coronary arteries, in which the whole heart is supplied with a single coronary artery, which has one source of filling and leaves one orifice from one coronary sinus. Anomalies of coronary arteries are among the rare congenital heart defects. This defect is commonly detected in patients with coronary artery disease during selective coronary angiography. Single observations of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with single coronary artery have been presented.Единая коронарная артерия - это врожденная аномалия коронарных артерий, при которой все сердце кровоснабжается коронарной артерией, имеющей один источник заполнения и отходящей одним устьем от одного коронарного синуса. Аномалии коронарных артерий относятся к редким врожденным порокам сердца. Нередко данный порок выявляется у больных ИБС при выполнении селективной коронарографии. Опубликованы единичные наблюдения операций коронарного шунтирования у больных с единой коронарной артерией. Представлено наблюдение успешной операции коронарного шунтирования на «работающем сердце» у больного 61 года с многососудистым атеросклеротическим поражением коронарных артерий и единой коронарной артерий типа RI