28 research outputs found

    Eco-vocational consciousness formation model of a specialist in modern mega polis

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    © Authors. The purpose of the paper is to substantiate theoretically and experimentally the model of integration of environmental and vocational training, which determines the way of formation of eco-vocational consciousness of students, future specialists. The leading method of research of this problem is modeling, which enables to consider this problem as a process of purposeful formation of eco-vocational consciousness of a specialist. The paper presents the model of integration of ecological and vocational training with the aim to form an eco-vocational consciousness of a specialist in a modern mega polis. Factors and conditions for the formation of a specialist's eco-vocational consciousness are revealed; an algorithm for implementing this model has been developed The model is aimed at the integration of environmental and vocational training and is focused on the development of scientific and methodical maintenance to create eco-vocational consciousness of students, future specialists

    Eco-Vocational Consciousness Formation Model of a Specialist in Modern Mega Polis

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    The purpose of the paper is to substantiate theoretically and experimentally the model of integration of environmental and vocational training, which determines the way of formation of eco-vocational consciousness of students, future specialists. The leading method of research of this problem is modeling, which enables to consider this problem as a process of purposeful formation of eco-vocational consciousness of a specialist. The paper presents the model of integration of ecological and vocational training with the aim to form an eco-vocational consciousness of a specialist in a modern mega polis. Factors and conditions for the formation of a specialist's eco-vocational consciousness are revealed; an algorithm for implementing this model has been develope

    Стандарти Європейського Союзу для внутрішніх водних шляхів України : Директива № 96/50/ЄС

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    Кузнецов С. О. Стандарти Європейського Союзу для внутрішніх водних шляхів України : Директива № 96/50/ЄС / С. О. Кузнецов, В. М. Слатвінська // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2017. - № 3. - C. 25-34.Стаття присвячена аналізу стандартів Європейського Союзу, які застосовуються для внутрішніх водних шляхів в Україні. Розкривається необхідність повної імплементації Директиви Ради № 96/50/ЄС в українське транспортне законодавство. Досліджені теоретичні аспекти імплементації положень Директив ЄС щодо внутрішніх водних шляхів в національно-правову систему України. Надана характеристика нормативного механізму імплементації положень Директив ЄС щодо внутрішнього водного транспорту в українське законодавство та проаналізований її ступінь.Статья посвящена анализу стандартов Европейского Союза, которые применяются для внутренних водных путей в Украине. Раскрывается необходимость полной имплементации Директивы Совета № 96/50/ЕС в украинское транспортное законодательство. Исследованы теоретические аспекты имплементации положений Директив ЕС касательно внутренних водных путей в национально-правовую систему Украины. Дана характеристика нормативного механизма имплементации положений Директив ЕС касательно внутреннего водного транспорта в украинское законодательство и проанализирована ее степень.The article is devoted to the analysis of the European Union standards that are used for inland waterways in Ukraine. The necessity of full implementation of Council Directive 96/50 / EC in Ukrainian transport legislation is revealed. The theoretical aspects of the implementation of the provisions of the EU Directives on inland waterways into the national legal system of Ukraine are researched. The characteristic of the normative mechanism for implementation of the provisions of the EU Directives on inland water transport in Ukrainian legislation is given and its level is analyzed

    Proteome-metabolome profiling of ovarian cancer ascites reveals novel components involved in intercellular communication

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    © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Ovarian cancer ascites is a native medium for cancer cells that allows investigation of their secretome in a natural environment. This medium is of interest as a promising source of potential biomarkers, and also as a medium for cell-cell communication. The aim of this study was to elucidate specific features of the malignant ascites metabolome and proteome. In order to omit components of the systemic response to ascites formation, we compared malignant ascites with cirrhosis ascites. Metabolome analysis revealed 41 components that differed significantly between malignant and cirrhosis ascites. Most of the identified cancer-specific metabolites are known to be important signaling molecules. Proteomic analysis identified 2096 and 1855 proteins in the ovarian cancer and cirrhosis ascites, respectively; 424 proteins were specific for the malignant ascites. Functional analysis of the proteome demonstrated that the major differences between cirrhosis and malignant ascites were observed for the cluster of spliceosomal proteins. Additionally, we demonstrate that several splicing RNAs were exclusively detected in malignant ascites, where they probably existed within protein complexes. This result was confirmed in vitro using an ovarian cancer cell line. Identification of spliceosomal proteins and RNAs in an extracellular medium is of particular interest; the finding suggests that they might play a role in the communication between cancer cells. In addition, malignant ascites contains a high number of exosomes that are known to play an important role in signal transduction. Thus our study reveals the specific features of malignant ascites that are associated with its function as a medium of intercellular communication


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    The present paper provides information about imagery and navigation systems of the Russian high resolution satellites "Resource- P". Models of image geolocation used for photogrammetric processing of information from all types of imagery systems are designed. Design of these models is based on two task solutions: correct processing of the measurement information and geometric calibration of the imagery systems. It is shown that for high-precision interior orientation parameters adjustment of the high-resolution "Geoton" instrument the method of self-calibration should be used. The technology of calibration activities is considered. Distinctive features of calibration of the hyperspectral and wide-swath imagery systems are noted. It is represented in the paper that after calibration the root mean square error (RMSE) of measured geodetic coordinates of objects on images do not exceed 10 m. Examples of the obtained models practical application for photogrammetric processing of images from “Resource-P” satellites are shown


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    The present paper has considered two algorithms of the relative radiometric correction of information obtained from a multimatrix imagery instrument of the spacecraft “Resource-P” and frame imagery systems of the spacecraft “Canopus-V”. The first algorithm is intended for elimination of vertical stripes on the image that are caused by difference in transfer characteristics of CCD matrices and CCD detectors. Correction coefficients are determined on the basis of analysis of images that are homogeneous by brightness. The second algorithm ensures an acquisition of microframes homogeneous by brightness from which seamless images of the Earth surface are synthesized. Examples of practical usage of the developed algorithms are mentioned

    Estimating the rockburst hazard of hard rocks based on laboratory test results

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the fact that dynamic fractures of mine workings occur in rock masses when developing mineral deposits. Safety assurance of mining depends on the awareness of proneness of various rock types to brittle failure. By now, experimental methods have been elaborated to determine rock deformation and strength properties under various loading conditions. A common drawback of the approaches in use is that they do not expressly consider the main condition of dynamic rock fracture – rock mass ability to accumulate energy when loaded. The studies have been conducted to analyze the nature of elastic energy accumulation during loading and deformation of samples of various rocks under uniaxial compression to estimate the degree of their rockburst hazard. The approach is original as it studies the deformation curve of rocks at the pre-peak stage that may be obtained with any standard equipment without the use of special-purpose test ("rigid") devices. Results of the studies conducted on standard test devices have allowed the authors to identify two different deformation patterns for the rock type tested with further establishment of criteria of rock classification by the degree of proneness to dynamic fractures. This approach is of practical value as it specifies the geomechanics zoning method of the rock mass and improves the assessment of rockburst hazard degree of specific areas at deposits being develope

    Effect of dynamic compensators voltage distortion on the power quality during faults on the electrical networks

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    В статье рассматриваются возможности динамических компенсаторов искажений напряжения (ДКИН) по обеспечению требуемого уровня остаточного напряжения на промышленных нагрузках при коротких замыканиях во внешней системе электроснабжения. Предложена оценка их технической эффективности в этих режимах по величине граничной длины электропередачи


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    Technology of prelaunch geometric calibration of multispectral imagery instruments of Russian geostationary satellites “Elektro-L” No.1 and No.2 is considered. Circular control points are used as a test field. Its geometrical model is developed to take distortions in the collimator optical system into account. Multiple observations of a test field at different angles is used to cover the full visual field of a geostationary sensor. New algorithm of circular control point detection is developed and adapted to complex geometry of geostationary imagery. It is capable of processing images formed as a set of separate scans. Under calibration, sensor design parameters and also the law of scanning mirror motion are specified. The paper contains results of the technology approval under prelaunch calibration of MSU-GS sensors for geostationary operational meteorological satellites (GOMS) “Elektro-L” No.1 and No.2