13 research outputs found


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    The losses of Ukraine’s economy from damage to physical infrastructure since the beginning of hostilities already amount to more than 100billion.Thissituationwillleadtotheneedtoincrease therawmaterialsextractionandbuildingmaterialsproductionto restoretheinfrastructureofUkraineinthepostwarperiod.A comprehensiveapproachtotherawmaterialsextractionandbuilding materialsproductionhasbeendeveloped.Itincludesthreeareas.Direction1increaseinproductioncapacityofminingandprocessing plantswithoutcompromisingoninfluencetotheenvironment (improvementofextractiontechnologyortransitiontoresourcesaving(wastefree)extractiontechnologies,modernizationof machineryandequipment).Direction2developmentoftechnogenic deposits.Direction3utilizationofconstructionwastegeneratedasa resultofthewar.Direction1canbeimplementedthroughthe introductionofresourcesavingminingtechnologies,forexample,cycliccurrenttechnologyofcrushedstoneproduction,whichconsists intheuseofmoderngyrocrusherlocatedontwopairedledgesinthe quarryareaandcombiningitwithasteepconveyor,whichwillreduce theamountofintermediatetransportequipmentandincreasequarry productivity.Itcanalsobeimplementedbyimprovingtechnological parameters,forexample,theuseofresourcesavingand environmentallyfriendlydesignofchargeandstemming,which togethercanreduceminerallossesandcompletelyneutralizeharmfulgasesduringtheexplosivedestructionoftherock.Inthe seconddirectionitisproposedtodeveloptechnogenicdeposits,to involvefortheproductionoffiberglass,dyesandotherbuilding materialswastesfromtheprocessingofconstructionrawmaterials.It willallowtointensifytheuseofalreadyextractednaturalraw materialsandreceiveadditionalincomefromitsdeeperprocessingto obtainnewproducts.Intheconditionsofgrowingdemandfor constructionrawmaterialsandtheneedtodismantlethepostwardestroyedinfrastructurefacilitiesofUkrainethereinvolvementof constructionmaterialsinconstructionandotherindustriesaftertheir separationand,ifnecessary,processingisproposedunderthethird direction.Thiswillreducetheburdenontheminingindustry,andin turnontheenvironment.ВтратиекономікиУкраїнивідпошкодженняфізичної інфраструктуризпочаткуповномасштабноговторгненняРФуже становлятьпонад 100 billion. This situation will lead to the need to increase the raw materials extraction and building materials production to restore the infrastructure of Ukraine in the postwar period. A comprehensive approach to the raw materials extraction and building materials production has been developed. It includes three areas.Direction 1 – increase in production capacity of mining and processing plants without compromising on influence to the environment (improvement of extraction technology or transition to resourcesaving (waste-free) extraction technologies, modernization of machinery and equipment). Direction 2 – development of technogenic deposits. Direction 3 – utilization of construction waste generated as a result of the war. Direction 1 can be implemented through the introduction of resource-saving mining technologies, for example,cyclic-current technology of crushed stone production, which consists in the use of modern gyro crusher located on two paired ledges in the quarry area and combining it with a steep conveyor, which will reduce the amount of intermediate transport equipment and increase quarry productivity. It can also be implemented by improving technological parameters, for example, the use of resource-saving and environmentally friendly design of charge and stemming, which together can reduce mineral losses and completely neutralizeharmful gases during the explosive destruction of the rock. In the second direction it is proposed to develop technogenic deposits, to involve for the production of fiberglass, dyes and other building materials wastes from the processing of construction raw materials. It will allow to intensify the use of already extracted natural raw materials and receive additional income from its deeper processing to obtain new products. In the conditions of growing demand for construction raw materials and the need to dismantle the post-wardestroyed infrastructure facilities of Ukraine the re-involvement of construction materials in construction and other industries after their separation and, if necessary, processing is proposed under the third direction. This will reduce the burden on the mining industry, and in turn on the environment.Втрати економіки України від пошкодження фізичної інфраструктури з початку повномасштабного вторгнення РФ уже становлять понад 100 млрд. Така ситуація вимагає нарощення видобутку будівельної сировини та виробництва будівельних матеріалів для відновлення інфраструктури України у воєнний і післявоєнний періоди. У статті розроблено комплексний підхід щодо інтенсифікації видобутку будівельної сировини та виробництва будівельних матеріалів, який включає три основні напрямки. Напрям 1 – збільшення виробничих потужностей гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів без компромісів щодо впливу на навколишнє середовище (зокрема, удосконалення технології видобутку або перехід на ресурсозберігаючі (безвідходні) технології видобутку, модернізація обладнання тощо); напрям 2 – розробка техногенних родовищ; напрям 3 – утилізація будівельних відходів, що утворилися внаслідок війни


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    Etiopathogenetic ulcer is of particular interest because of its great role in hereditary predisposition to formation of this pathology. The authors detail not only the risk factors but the features of the neuro-psychic sphere, the clinical picture, and endoscopic features in their interrelation with genetic predisposition to the disease.Особенности этиопатогенеза язвенной болезни представляют особый интерес ввиду большой роли наследственной предрасположенности в формировании данной патологии. Авторами детально рассмотрены не только факторы риска, но и особенности нервно-психической сферы, клинической картины и эндоскопических характеристик во взаимосвязи с генетической обусловленностью к заболеванию

    Adhesion and proliferation of living cell on surface functionalized with glycine nanostructures

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    This research presents the application of glycine amino acid for establishing firm cell-substrate interaction instead of expensive adhesion proteins, peptides and peptide derivatives. The glycine amino acid is chemically functionalized on the coverslip to achieve self-assembled nanostructure. Glycine self-assembly on NaCl treated coverslips is initiated with SiONa+:COO− linkage while their nanostructure is achieved with formation of glycine chain through NH3+:COO− covalent linkage between the adjacent molecules. The functionalization steps are confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) investigation. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigations reveal that glycine growth initiates at 4 Hours (H) post-treatment while maximum growth appears after 8H-10H. Both the vertical and horizontal growth of nanostructures show dependence on functionalization periods. Various levels of glycine functionalized surface show different levels of baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cell adhesion and proliferation efficiency with maximum performance for 10H functionalized surface. The adhesion and proliferation performance of 10H glycine functionalized surface shows negligible difference when compared with glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) functionalized surface. Finally, growth curves obtained from both glycine and RGD functionalized surface reveal exponential growth phage up to 48H followed by stationary phage between 48H and 72H while death of many cells appears from 72H to 96H. Thus, this research concluded that glycine functionalized surface is equally effective for cell adhesion and proliferation


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    In present review article, an effort is undertaken to consolidate current opinions on the most significant surface antigens of immunocompetent cells, and to evaluate their relative roles in regulation of cellular homeostasis and development of pathological conditions