177 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics and Phase Transitions of Electrolytes on Lattices with Different Discretization Parameters

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    Lattice models are crucial for studying thermodynamic properties in many physical, biological and chemical systems. We investigate Lattice Restricted Primitive Model (LRPM) of electrolytes with different discretization parameters in order to understand thermodynamics and the nature of phase transitions in the systems with charged particles. A discretization parameter is defined as a number of lattice sites that can be occupied by each particle, and it allows to study the transition from the discrete picture to the continuum-space description. Explicit analytic and numerical calculations are performed using lattice Debye-H\"{u}ckel approach, which takes into account the formation of dipoles, the dipole-ion interactions and correct lattice Coulomb potentials. The gas-liquid phase separation is found at low densities of charged particles for different types of lattices. The increase in the discretization parameter lowers the critical temperature and the critical density, in agreement with Monte Carlo computer simulations results. In the limit of infinitely large discretization our results approach the predictions from the continuum model of electrolytes. However, for the very fine discretization, where each particle can only occupy one lattice site, the gas-liquid phase transitions are suppressed by order-disorder phase transformations.Comment: Submitted to Molecular Physic

    Historical and statistical data on the development of the domestic alcoholic beverages industry

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    The method of historical and statistical data analysis makes it possible to identify development and characteristic patterns, both temporary and permanent, production criteria for various branches of the food industry. The application of this method made it possible to trace formation of the alcohol industry inRussiaand identify critical historical events that influenced its development. The article presents and analyzes statistical data on the production of the main types of alcoholic beverages industry since 1913

    Analysis of Comparative Constructions as Means of Reconstructing the Author’s Consciousness

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    One of the components of the grammatical structure of the art text - comparative construction - is considered. The authors believe that through the analysis of the comparisons it is possible to comprehend the peculiarities of the worldview and language of the writer. The research urgency is caused by the fact that the study of grammar in the cognitive aspect is based on the anthropocentric direction of modern linguistics. The novelty lies in the combination of structural-semantic and cognitive methods of analysis of language units with the aim of reconstructing the author’s consciousness. The definitions for the components of the structure of comparative constructions are given. Comparative constructions selected by continuous sampling from Esenin’s “small” poems and his poem “Pugachev” are comprehensively considered: from the point of view of formal-semantic organization, as a means of organizing the artistic image and in the light of the theory of conceptual metaphor. Structural-semantic classification of comparative constructions are developed. In addition, they are seen as a means of creating a syncretic art image. In this case attention is paid to their relationship with such tropes, as metaphor, metamorphosis, impersonation. The result of the cognitive analysis the field-target and area-sources of all selected comparative constructions are described. The study reveals the dominances of Esenin’s author consciousness and traces their change

    Effect of the entropy on the shear viscosity of metallic glasses near the glass transition

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    We measured the shear viscosity of 14 metallic glasses differing with their mixing entropy ΔSmix\Delta S_{mix}. It is found that the viscosity at the glass transition temperature TgT_g significantly increases with ΔSmix\Delta S_{mix}. Using calorimetric data, we calculated the excess entropy of all glasses ΔS\Delta S with respect to their maternal crystalline states as a function of temperature. It is shown that the excess entropy ΔS\Delta S both at room temperature and at TgT_g \textit{decreases} with ΔSmix\Delta S_{mix}. It is concluded that glasses with "high mixing entropy" ΔSmix\Delta S_{mix} correspond to MGs with \textit{low} excess entropy ΔS\Delta S. The origin of the increased shear viscosity at TgT_g of glasses with high ΔSmix\Delta S_{mix} is determined by their reduced excess entropy ΔS\Delta S.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Figure

    Fermi-liquid theory of the surface impedance of a metal in a normal magnetic field

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    In this paper we present detailed theoretical analysis of the frequency and/or magnetic field dependence of the surface impedance of a metal at the anomalous skin effect. We calculate the surface impedance in the presence of a magnetic field directed along the normal to the metal surface. The effects of the Fermi-liquid interactions on the surface impedance are studied. It is shown that the cyclotron resonance in a normal magnetic field may be revealed {\it only and exclusively} in such metals whose Fermi surfaces include segments where its Gaussian curvature turns zero. The results could be applied to extract extra informations concerning local anomalies in the Fermi surface curvature in conventional and quasi-two-dimensional metals.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, text added and rearranged, computational details are moved into Appendice

    Relation of the thermodynamic parameter of disordering with the width of structure factor and defect concentration in a metallic glass

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    In this work, we show that above the glass transition there exists a strong unique interrelationship between the thermodynamic parameter of disorder of a metallic glass derived using its excess entropy, diffraction measure of disorder given by the width of the X-ray structure factor and defect concentration derived from shear modulus measurements. Below the glass transition, this relationship is more complicated and depends on both temperature and thermal prehistory.Comment: 6 pages, 2 Figure

    Thermodynamics of Electrolytes on Anisotropic Lattices

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    The phase behavior of ionic fluids on simple cubic and tetragonal (anisotropic) lattices has been studied by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Systems with both the true lattice Coulombic potential and continuous-space 1/r1/r electrostatic interactions have been investigated. At all degrees of anisotropy, only coexistence between a disordered low-density phase and an ordered high-density phase with the structure similar to ionic crystal was found, in contrast to recent theoretical predictions. Tricritical parameters were determined to be monotonously increasing functions of anisotropy parameters which is consistent with theoretical calculations based on the Debye-H\"uckel approach. At large anisotropies a two-dimensional-like behavior is observed, from which we estimated the dimensionless tricritical temperature and density for the two-dimensional square lattice electrolyte to be Ttri=0.14T^*_{tri}=0.14 and ρtri=0.70\rho^*_{tri} = 0.70.Comment: submitted to PR

    Critical behavior of the fluctuation heat capacity near the glass transition of metallic glasses

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    The high-frequency shear modulus of five Zr-, Pd-, Cu-based conventional and two high-entropy bulk metallic glasses was measured in a wide temperature range up to the beginning of crystallization. Using these data and general thermodynamic relations, the "fluctuation" heat capacity ΔCf\Delta C_f determined by local structural fluctuations in the defect regions is introduced and calculated. It is found that ΔCf\Delta C_f temperature dependence for all metallic glasses has a large peak located slightly below or above the glass transition temperature but clearly lower than the crystallization onset temperature. The form of this peak resembles the characteristic λ\lambda-peak typical for order-disorder phase transitions. It is suggested that this ΔCf\Delta C_f-peak reflects certain underlying critical phenomenon. The critical temperature T0T_0 (peak temperature) and corresponding critical index α\alpha are determined. Averaged over all seven metallic glasses under investigation in the initial and relaxed states, the critical index α=0.26\alpha=0.26. The results obtained indicate that the fluctuations of thermal energy near the glass transition bear the marks of a continuous phase transition. However, the derived critical index is between those corresponding to a second-order phase transition (α0.1\alpha\approx 0.1) and a critical transition characterized by a tricritical point (α0.5\alpha \approx 0.5).Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure