125 research outputs found

    Bilayer Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in a Periodic Potential

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    The bilayer quantum Hall system at a total filling of νT=1\nu_T=1 has long resisted explanation in terms of a true counterflow superfluid, though many experimental features can be seen to be "almost" that of a superfluid. It is widely believed that quenched disorder is the root cause of this puzzle. Here we model the nonperturbative effects of disorder by investigating the ν=1\nu=1 bilayer in a strong periodic potential. Our model assumes that fermions are gapped and real spins are fully polarized, and concentrates on the pseudospin variable (the layer index), with the external potential coupling to the topological (Pontryagin) density of the pseudospin. We find that as the potential strength increases, there are ground state transitions in which the topological content of the pseudospin configuration changes. These transitions are generically weakly first-order, with a new quadratically dispersing mode (in addition to the linearly dispersing Goldstone mode) sometimes becoming nearly gapless near the transition. We show that this leads to strong suppressions of both the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature and the interlayer tunneling strength, which we treat perturbatively. We discuss how these results might extend to the case of true disorder

    Magnetic field induced Coulomb blockade in small disordered delta-doped heterostructures

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    At low densities, electrons confined to two dimensions in a delta-doped heterostructure can arrange themselves into self-consistent droplets due to disorder and screening effects. We use this observation to show that at low temperatures, there should be resistance oscillations in low density two dimensional electron gases as a function of the gate voltage, that are greatly enhanced in a magnetic field. These oscillations are intrinsic to small samples and give way to variable range hopping resistivity at low temperatures in larger samples. We place our analysis in the context of recent experiments where similar physical effects have been discussed from the point of view of a Wigner crystal or charge density wave picture.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX, 2 figures, published versio

    Magnetotransport in disordered delta-doped heterostructures

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    We discuss theoretically how electrons confined to two dimensions in a delta-doped heterostructure can arrange themselves in a droplet-like spatial distribution due to disorder and screening effects when their density is low. We apply this droplet picture to magnetotransport and derive the expected dependence on electron density of several quantities relevant to this transport, in the regimes of weak and moderate magnetic fields. We find good qualitative and quantitative agreement between our calculations and recent experiments on delta-doped heterostructures.Comment: 10 pages RevTeX, 2 figures, uses psfrag; published versio

    Compensation driven superconductor-insulator transition

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    The superconductor-insulator transition in the presence of strong compensation of dopants was recently realized in La doped YBCO. The compensation of acceptors by donors makes it possible to change independently the concentration of holes n and the total concentration of charged impurities N. We propose a theory of the superconductor-insulator phase diagram in the (N,n) plane. It exhibits interesting new features in the case of strong coupling superconductivity, where Cooper pairs are compact, non-overlapping bosons. For compact Cooper pairs the transition occurs at a significantly higher density than in the case of spatially overlapping pairs. We establish the superconductor-insulator phase diagram by studying how the potential of randomly positioned charged impurities is screened by holes or by strongly bound Cooper pairs, both in isotropic and layered superconductors. In the resulting self-consistent potential the carriers are either delocalized or localized, which corresponds to the superconducting or insulating phase, respectively

    Structural and transport properties of GaAs/delta<Mn>/GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells

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    We report results of investigations of structural and transport properties of GaAs/Ga(1-x)In(x)As/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) having a 0.5-1.8 ML thick Mn layer, separated from the QW by a 3 nm thick spacer. The structure has hole mobility of about 2000 cm2/(V*s) being by several orders of magnitude higher than in known ferromagnetic two-dimensional structures. The analysis of the electro-physical properties of these systems is based on detailed study of their structure by means of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry and glancing-incidence reflection, which allow us to restore the depth profiles of structural characteristics of the QWs and thin Mn containing layers. These investigations show absence of Mn atoms inside the QWs. The quality of the structures was also characterized by photoluminescence spectra from the QWs. Transport properties reveal features inherent to ferromagnetic systems: a specific maximum in the temperature dependence of the resistance and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) observed in samples with both "metallic" and activated types of conductivity up to ~100 K. AHE is most pronounced in the temperature range where the resistance maximum is observed, and decreases with decreasing temperature. The results are discussed in terms of interaction of 2D-holes and magnetic Mn ions in presence of large-scale potential fluctuations related to random distribution of Mn atoms. The AHE values are compared with calculations taking into account its "intrinsic" mechanism in ferromagnetic systems.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Charge inhomogeneities and transport in semiconductor heterostructures with a manganese δ\delta-layer

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    We study experimentally and theoretically the effects of disorder, nonlinear screening, and magnetism in semiconductor heterostructures containing a δ\delta-layer of Mn, where the charge carriers are confined within a quantum well and hence both ferromagnetism and transport are two-dimensional (2D) and differ qualitatively from their bulk counterparts. Anomalies in the electrical resistance observed in both metallic and insulating structures can be interpreted as a signature of significant ferromagnetic correlations. The insulating samples turn out to be the most interesting as they can give us valuable insights into the mechanisms of ferromagnetism in these heterostructures. At low charge carrier densities, we show how the interplay of disorder and nonlinear screening can result in the organization of the carriers in the 2D transport channel into charge droplets separated by insulating barriers. Based on such a droplet picture and including the effect of magnetic correlations, we analyze the transport properties of this set of droplets, compare it with experimental data, and find a good agreement between the model calculations and experiment. Our analysis shows that the peak or shoulder-like features observed in temperature dependence of resistance of 2D heterostructures δ\delta-doped by Mn lie significantly below the Curie temperature TCT_{C} unlike the three-dimensional case, where it lies above and close to TCT_{C}. We also discuss the consequences of our description for understanding the mechanisms of ferromagnetism in the heterostructures under study.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, RevTe

    A new method for detection of exciton Bose condensation using stimulated two-photon emission

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    Stimulated two-photon emission by Bose-condensed excitons accompanied by a coherent two-exciton recombination, i.e., by simultaneous recombination of two excitons with opposite momenta leaving unchanged the occupation numbers of excitonic states with nonzero momenta, is investigated. Raman light scattering accompanied by a similar two-exciton recombination (or generation of two excitons) is also analyzed. The processes under consideration can occur only if a system contains Bose condensate, therefore, their detection can be used as a new method to reveal Bose condensation of excitons. The recoil momentum, which corresponds to a change in the momentum of the electromagnetic field in the processes, is transferred to phonons or impurities. If the recoil momentum is transmitted to optical phonons with frequency ω0s\omega_0^s, the stimulated two-photon emission with the coherent two-exciton recombination leads to the appearance of a line at 2Ωω2\Omega'-\omega, where Ω=Ωω0s\Omega'=\Omega-\omega_0^s and Ω\Omega is the light frequency corresponding to the recombination of an exciton with zero momentum. Formulas for the cross sections at finite temperatures are obtained for the processes under consideration. Our estimates indicate that a spectral line, corresponding to the stimulated two-photon emission accompanied by the coherent optical phonon-assisted two-exciton recombination can be experimentally detected in Cu2_2O.Comment: 28 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Manifestation of exciton Bose condensation in induced two-phonon emission and Raman scattering

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    The unusual two-photon emission by Bose-condensed excitons caused by simultaneous recombination of two excitons with opposite momenta leaving the occupation numbers of excitonic states with momenta pnonequalto0p nonequal to 0 unchanged (below coherent two-exciton recombination) is investigated. Raman scattering accompanied by the analogous two-exciton recombination (or creation) is also analyzed. The excess momentum equal to the change of the electromagnetic field momentum in these processes can be transferred to phonons or impurities. The processes under consideration take place if there is Bose condensation in the interacting exciton system, and, therefore, can be used as a new method to reveal exciton Bose condensation. If the frequency of the incident light ω<2Ω\omega< 2\Omega (Ω\Omega is the frequency corresponding to the recombination of an exciton with p=0), the coherent two-exciton recombination with the excess momentum elastically transferred to impurities leads to the appearance of the spectral line 2Ωω2\Omega-\omega corresponding to the induced two-photon emission. In this case the anti-Stokes line on frequency ω+2Ω\omega+2\Omega also appears in the Raman spectrum. If ω>2Ω\omega>2\Omega, there are both Stokes and anti-Stokes lines on frequencies ω±2Ω\omega\pm2\Omega in the Raman spectrum. The induced two-photon emission is impossible in this case. The spectral lines mentioned above have phonon replicas on frequencies ω±(2Ωnω0s)|\omega\pm (2\Omega-n\omega^s_0)| corresponding to the transmission of the excess momentum (partially or as a whole) to optical phonons of frequency ω0s\omega^s_0 (nn is an integer number).Comment: 21 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B (1998

    Collapse of Spin-Splitting in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    It is known experimentally that at not very large filling factors ν\nu the quantum Hall conductivity peaks corresponding to the same Landau level number NN and two different spin orientations are well separated. These peaks occur at half-integer filling factors ν=2N+1/2\nu = 2 N + 1/2 and ν=2N+3/2\nu = 2 N + 3/2 so that the distance between them δν\delta\nu is unity. As ν\nu increases δν\delta\nu shrinks. Near certain N=NcN = N_c two peaks abruptly merge into a single peak at ν=2N+1\nu = 2N + 1. We argue that this collapse of the spin-splitting at low magnetic fields is attributed to the disorder-induced destruction of the exchange enhancement of the electron gg-factor. We use the mean-field approach to show that in the limit of zero Zeeman energy δν\delta\nu experiences a second-order phase transition as a function of the magnetic field. We give explicit expressions for NcN_c in terms of a sample's parameters. For example, we predict that for high-mobility heterostructures Nc=0.9dn5/6ni1/3,N_c = 0.9 d n^{5/6} n_i^{-1/3}, where dd is the spacer width, nn is the density of the two-dimensional electron gas, and nin_i is the two-dimensional density of randomly situated remote donors.Comment: 14 pages, compressed Postscript fil

    The Effects of Disorder on the ν=1\nu=1 Quantum Hall State

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    A disorder-averaged Hartree-Fock treatment is used to compute the density of single particle states for quantum Hall systems at filling factor ν=1\nu=1. It is found that transport and spin polarization experiments can be simultaneously explained by a model of mostly short-range effective disorder. The slope of the transport gap (due to quasiparticles) in parallel field emerges as a result of the interplay between disorder-induced broadening and exchange, and has implications for skyrmion localization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure