49 research outputs found

    Study on acrylamide accumulation in the model system based on animal raw materials depending on thermal treatment regimes

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    The aim of the investigation was to study an effect of thermal treatment parameters on the content of reducing sugars, amino acids and acrylamide in the meat model system depending on the thermal treatment regime. The authors studied an influence of the reaction of melanoidine formation on the concentration of amino acids and reducing sugars at different thermal treatment regimes and established a decrease in the total amino acid content by 7 % upon the standard sterilization regime and by 11 % when increasing the temperature or duration of thermal treatment. It was found that at the same temperature with an increase in duration of thermal treatment up to 50 min., the acrylamide level increased by 1.6 times. Exposure of the model samples to a temperature of 120 °С for 50 min. had the highest effect on the level of acrylamide accumulation compared to the traditional sterilization regime of canned foods for child nutrition and the regime with an increased temperature of up to 130 °С. The obtained data will allow developing new meat products with the reduced content of unsafe components for nutrition in early childhood.The aim of the investigation was to study an effect of thermal treatment parameters on the content of reducing sugars, amino acids and acrylamide in the meat model system depending on the thermal treatment regime. The authors studied an influence of the reaction of melanoidine formation on the concentration of amino acids and reducing sugars at different thermal treatment regimes and established a decrease in the total amino acid content by 7 % upon the standard sterilization regime and by 11 % when increasing the temperature or duration of thermal treatment. It was found that at the same temperature with an increase in duration of thermal treatment up to 50 min., the acrylamide level increased by 1.6 times. Exposure of the model samples to a temperature of 120 °С for 50 min. had the highest effect on the level of acrylamide accumulation compared to the traditional sterilization regime of canned foods for child nutrition and the regime with an increased temperature of up to 130 °С. The obtained data will allow developing new meat products with the reduced content of unsafe components for nutrition in early childhood


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    The paper demonstrates that the use of the electromagnetic treatment based on an impact of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the self-generating (SG) discharge increases the antioxidant activity (AOA) of beef and pork semi-prepared products in pieces. The semi-prepared products were treated using the experimental equipment that consisted of the plasma electromagnetic generator based on the self-generating (SG) discharge for generating strong electromagnetic oscillations. It was found that in the experimental samples subjected to the electromagnetic treatment, an amount of reduced glutathione, which determines the redox characteristics of the intracellular environment, and glutathione peroxidase, which protects an organism against oxidative damage, increased almost two-fold. These results suggest that the excessive development of free radicals was leveled, in particular, due to the regeneration of many cytosolic low weight molecular antioxidants. Moreover, lower level of malon dialdehyde, which characterizes lipid peroxidation, was detected in the treated semi-prepared products from beef and pork (by 10% and 2.5%, respectively,) compared to the control. The results of the study showed that an impact of the SG discharge contributed to a decrease in the microbial growth rate in the chilled semi-prepared products during storage. For example, on the 6th day, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QМАFАnМ)did not exceed the established indicator, which correlated with the results of the organoleptic investigations. It was found that the electromagnetic treatment did not have a significant effect on the in vitro digestibility of the semi-prepared products; that is, it did not lead to deterioration of their biological value. The performed research allows us to suggest that the use of the SG discharge is expedient for increasing shelf life of meat semi-prepared products in pieces and developing a new ecologically pure technology for meat product storage..В статье показано, что применение электромагнитной обработки, основанной на воздействии электромагнитного поля самогенерирующего разряда (СГ-разряда), повышает антиокислительную активность (АОА) мясных кусковых полуфабрикатов, изготовленных из говядины и свинины. Обработку мясных полуфабрикатов осуществляли на экспериментальной установке, состоящей из плазменного электромагнитного генератора на основе СГ-разряда, для получения мощных электромагнитных колебаний. В  опытных образцах, подвергнутых электромагнитной обработке, установлено повышение почти в 2 раза величины восстановленного глутатиона, определяющего окислительно-восстановительные характеристики внутриклеточной среды, и глутатионпероксида, защищающего организм от окислительного повреждения, что свидетельствует о нивелировании избыточного образования свободных радикалов, в частности, за счет регенерации многих цитозольных низкомолекулярных антиоксидантов. Также установлено более низкое, в  сравнении с контрольным образцом, значение уровня малонового диальдегида, характеризующего перекисное окисление липидов, для обработанных полуфабрикатов из говядины на 10%, из свинины на 2,5% соответственно. Результаты исследований показали, что воздействие СГ-разряда способствует снижению скорости роста микроорганизмов в охлажденных полуфабрикатах в процессе хранения, так, на 6 сутки хранения показатель КМАФАнМ не превышал нормируемый, что коррелирует с результатами органолептических исследований. Выявлено, что электромагнитная обработка не оказывает существенного влияния на переваримость in vitro полуфабрикатов, то есть не приводит к снижению их биологической ценности. Проведенные исследования позволяют предположить, что использование СГ-разряда целесообразно для увеличения срока годности мясных кусковых полуфабрикатов и разработки новой экологически чистой технологии хранения мясной продукции


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    The paper demonstrates that the use of the electromagnetic treatment based on an impact of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the self-generating (SG) discharge increases the antioxidant activity (AOA) of beef and pork semi-prepared products in pieces. The semi-prepared products were treated using the experimental equipment that consisted of the plasma electromagnetic generator based on the self-generating (SG) discharge for generating strong electromagnetic oscillations. It was found that in the experimental samples subjected to the electromagnetic treatment, an amount of reduced glutathione, which determines the redox characteristics of the intracellular environment, and glutathione peroxidase, which protects an organism against oxidative damage, increased almost two-fold. These results suggest that the excessive development of free radicals was leveled, in particular, due to the regeneration of many cytosolic low weight molecular antioxidants. Moreover, lower level of malon dialdehyde, which characterizes lipid peroxidation, was detected in the treated semi-prepared products from beef and pork (by 10% and 2.5%, respectively,) compared to the control. The results of the study showed that an impact of the SG discharge contributed to a decrease in the microbial growth rate in the chilled semi-prepared products during storage. For example, on the 6th day, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QМАFАnМ)did not exceed the established indicator, which correlated with the results of the organoleptic investigations. It was found that the electromagnetic treatment did not have a significant effect on the in vitro digestibility of the semi-prepared products; that is, it did not lead to deterioration of their biological value. The performed research allows us to suggest that the use of the SG discharge is expedient for increasing shelf life of meat semi-prepared products in pieces and developing a new ecologically pure technology for meat product storage.