19 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to compare the results of complex (medicinal and surgical), and only medicinal treatment of patients with rapidly progressive and dyskinesia associated forms of Parkinson's disease. Three atrophy indices (IA) of the brain matter were proposed to justify a differentiated approach to the treatment of each form. Multivariable regression analysis showed, that patients, who were treated with complex method and had IA-1 less than 0.16, IA-2 - less than 0.115, IA-3 - less than 0.06, had the best improvement of the clinical status during the follow-up period. There were also multiple correlation coefficients obtained in the range 0.911-0.943, which indicates a significant linear relationship between the factors of influence (IA) and response (clinical presentation). In groups with only conservative treatment, the coefficients were in the range of 0.331-0, 423, indicating low and medium dependence on clinical manifestations of atrophy indexes. The status of all patients was assessed after 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. It turned out that in case of the earlier mentioned indices values the result of the treatment was constant during the entire period of observation. It was statistically confirmed by the assessment of the squares of the Mahalanobis distance


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    The paper presents results of seismogeological studies of active faults bordering the Upper Kerulen basin, one of the largest intermountain basins of the Khentei upland. Morphometric and trenching methods were applied to estimate the main parameters of seismogenic dislocations and associated Holocene palaeoearthquakes (540–2810, 3170–3720, and 7480–9220 years ago). The maximum palaeoearthquake magnitude (7.5) characterizes the seismic capacity of the potential focal area (PFA) confined to the Kerulen fault. The new data show the need to revise the potential seismicity concepts of the southern Khentey area and to make appropriate changes in the general seismic zoning maps. The relationship between the dislocations and the modern topography features, as well as deformation of the subsurface sediments in the studied mine openings give evidence of thrusting under the sub-lateral to north-western subhorizontal compression


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    The paper presents results of seismogeological studies of active faults bordering the Upper Kerulen basin, one of the largest intermountain basins of the Khentei upland. Morphometric and trenching methods were applied to estimate the main parameters of seismogenic dislocations and associated Holocene palaeoearthquakes (540–2810, 3170–3720, and 7480–9220 years ago). The maximum palaeoearthquake magnitude (7.5) characterizes the seismic capacity of the potential focal area (PFA) confined to the Kerulen fault. The new data show the need to revise the potential seismicity concepts of the southern Khentey area and to make appropriate changes in the general seismic zoning maps. The relationship between the dislocations and the modern topography features, as well as deformation of the subsurface sediments in the studied mine openings give evidence of thrusting under the sub-lateral to north-western subhorizontal compression. Представлены результаты сейсмогеологических исследований активных разломов, ограничивающих Верхнекеруленскую впадину – одну из крупнейших межгорных впадин Хэнтейского нагорья. Морфометрией и тренчингом определены основные параметры сейсмогенных дислокаций и связанных с ними трех палеоземлетрясений, произошедших в течение голоцена (в интервалах 540–2810, 3170–3720 и 7480– 9220 лет назад). Максимальная магнитуда палеоземлетрясений (7.5) характеризует сейсмический потенциал приуроченной к Керуленскому разлому зоны вероятных очагов землетрясений (зоны ВОЗ). Полученные новые данные требуют пересмотра представлений о возможной сейсмической сотрясаемости на территории Южного Хэнтея и внесения соответствующих изменений в существующие карты общего сейсмического районирования. Взаимоотношение дислокаций с современными формами рельефа и характер деформирования приповерхностных отложений во вскрытых горных выработках свидетельствуют о их генезисе в результате надвигов в условиях субгоризонтального сжатия, ориентированного в секторе от субширотного до северозападного направления