247 research outputs found

    Russian Manufacturing Revisited: Industrial Enterprises at the Start of the Crisis

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    The paper is based on the findings of a major project by the Higher School of Economics Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS) to monitor competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. The study focuses on the drivers and dynamics of business competitiveness, including changes in firms’ behavior during the period before the crisis (2005-2008). The primary issue was to find out what firms and to what extent succeeded in capitalizing on the strong economic growth before the crisis to catch up with their competitors and gain a sustainable competitive position in the market. What was driving output increases and enhanced production efficiency? What were the impediments to this process


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    Summary. The aim of the present research was to identify predictors of hospitalization hemodialysis (HD) patients. Materials and methods. The study involved 186 HD patients (49,38±0,94 у.) between Jan 2013 and Jan 2014. We studied the evolution of laboratory and treatment parameters, including dry body-weight, ultrafiltration, mean blood pressure, plasma albumin, Hb, absolute lymphocyte count, absolute neutrophil count, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, “hemoglobin variability ” all patients. The HD patients were divided for 2 groups: I group of outpatients (n=103), II group of hospitalized patients (n=83). Data from 83 hospitalized patients were compared with non-hospitalized patients. Laboratory and treatment parameters were assessed at least 3 months prior to admission. Results. We found that hospitalization was 45,29±4,20 days, frequency of hospitalization 1,46±0,07. The likelihood of frequency and duration a hospitalization increased with patient age (p<0,05). Hospitalizations were preceded by a decrease level albumin, a decline in Hb concentration, a decrease absolute lymphocyte count, increase in the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, a reduction ultrafiltration. The hozpitalization of patients with “stable hemoglobin ” was significantly lower than in patients with “low of hemoglobin variability”(p<0,005). Conclusions. Patients whose noted these parameters should be monitored, thus, it may be useful to identify risk factors for hospitalization

    Blood vitamins status in patients with stages 2-5 chronic kidney disease

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    Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are prone to development hypovitaminosis due to dietary constraints, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, comorbid conditions, etc. Determination of vitamins level in patients with CKD will allow timely correction of their deficiency, prevent the development of hypervitaminosis and reduce oxidative stress. The purpose of the study was to examine the level of vitamins depending on the stage of CKD. Methods. Vitamin D levels (level 25-hydroxyvitamin D), A, E, B12, K, folic acid were determined in 44patients with CKD stages II-V(mean age 54,63 ± 2,63 years, 24 men 55%). According to the study, patients should not have received any drugs or biologically active additives containing vitamins for 3 months. Results. There was no significant difference in the level of studied vitamins in CKD st. II-III. There was a significant decrease in the levels of vitamin K, folic acid, and vitamin D levels with the progression of CKD. Vitamin A levels in CKD st. IV, V compared to CKD st. II were significantly higher. Considering large number drugs containing vitamins and trace elements and wide uncontrolled use in the population, in particular in patients with CKD, it is important to continue to study the levels of vitamins and trace elements in patients at different stages of the CKD, depending on the CKD nosology. Study of efficiency and safety applying vitamins in patients with CKD, particularly in the late stages of CKD, are appropriate. Conclusions. For patients with CKD characteristic of vitamins deficiency (in our study vitamin K, folic acid), but also an increase in their levels (vitamins A and E). Progression of CKD is accompanied by a change in the levels of vitamins. A significant decrease in the level of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin D was notedfor patients with GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2


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    According to opinion of European researchers the expenses, associated with in–patient treatment, constitutes the significant part of health service expenditure in population of patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). Only in few studies the hospitalization levels were compared for population ofpatients on hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Aim. The aim of this study was analysis the hospital morbidity pattern in patients with CKD stage 5D on HD and PD. Materials and methods. It was performed the retrospective (for period 01 Jan to 31 Dec 2013) analysis of hospitalization structure and rate for patients, were treated by RRT. All hospitalization admissions were assessed in view of modality and duration of RRT, demographic/gender characteristics, and renal affection type. In 2013 the RRT treatment were provided to 351 patients, including the 296 on HD and 55 on PD. Results. Overall 173 cases of hospitalization were recorded, including 142 (82,08%) primary and 31 (17,92%) readmissions. Irrespective of RRT modality the three most common causes of hospitalization were cardiovascular diseases (CVD), bacterial infections, and anemia. 41 hospitalization was caused by RRT initiation (28 HD and 13 PD), the most of patients aged 45 years and older. The hospitalization rate in PD patients with was significantly higher than in patients on HD: 70,9±6,1% vs. 34,8±2,8%, respectively;p<0,0001. The duration of hospitalization was significantly higher by HD– than PD patients (30,09±17.21 vs. 21.82±10.56, respectively; p=0,0007).   Conclusions. During follow–up, at least one hospitalization had more than 40%patients with CKD stage 5D. In HD patients the most common causes of hospitalization were bacterial infections, CVD and anemia. Anemia, CVD and bacterial infections were the most frequent causes hospitalization in PD patients

    Рівень пролактину у пацієнтів з ХХН V стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом

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    Розповсюдженість гіперпролатинемії у пацієнтів, які лікуються гемодіалізом (ГД), становить 30-65%. Метою нашої роботи було дослідити рівень пролактину (ПЛ) у пацієнтів з хронічною хворобою нирок (ХХН) V стадії, які лікуються ГД. Матеріали та методи. Відкрите проспективне нерандомізоване дослідження за участю 43 пацієнтів з ХХН VД стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом. Критеріями включення пацієнтів до дослідження були: інформована згода хворого прийняти участь у дослідженні, лікування ГД понад трьох місяців, Кt/V>1,2; судинний доступ АВ-фістула. Критеріями виключення були: відмова хворого від участі у дослідженні, цироз печінки, гострі гепатити В, С, гіпотиреоз, гострий коронарний синдром, гостре порушення мозкового кровообігу, вагітність, пацієнти з злоякісними новоутвореннями; ті хто, системно отримує такі медикаменти, як трициклічні антидепресанти, інгібітори моноамінооксидази, резерпін, метилдопу, похідні фенотіазину, протиблювотні препарати (зокреама метоклопрамід), інгібітори синтезу дофаміну, нейролептики. Всім хворим проводили визначення ПЛ в сироватці крові. Результати. У хворих, які лікуються ГД констатовано підвищений рівень ПЛ у 32 (74%) пацієнтів. Рівень ПЛ сироватки крові у хворих, які лікуються ГД, був вищим порівняно з групою контролю: 47,17 ± 32,4 проти 11,76 ± 4,33нг/мл (р<0,001). Порушення місячного циклу склало 85% у групі жінок з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ проти 20% у жінок з нормальним рівнем ПЛ (р<0,05). У групах жінок та чоловіків з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ достовірно нижчий рівень Нb (р<0,05). Встановлено, що рівень ПЛ мав негативний кореляційний зв'язок з рівнем Нb(r=-0,36; p=0,02) та позитивний кореляційний звʼязок між рівнем ПЛ та СРБ (r=0,32; p=0,03). Висновки. Розповсюдженість гіперпролактинемії в нашому дослідженні склала 74%. Порушення менструального циклу зустрічалося достовірно частіше у жінок з гіперпролактинемією (85% проти 20%). Підвищення концентрації ПЛ має негативний зв'язок з рівнем Нb та позитивний зв'язок з рівнем СРП, що дозволяє припускати причетність ПЛ до процесів хронічного запалення


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    Summary. The aim of the present research was to study the influence of еpoetin alfa to the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with anemia treated by hemodialysis (HD). Materials and methods: We examined 73patients with anemia treated by hemodialysis (mean age 45,85 ±1,21 years). Patients were divided into 2groups: I group - comparison (n = 32), II group - treatment by epoetin alfa (n = 41). The levels of hemoglobin, C-reactiveprotein, ferritin, albumin, pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines were determined before and after treatment in patients of both groups. The duration of treatment was 5 months. Results: Epoetin alfa increases Hb levels in patients treated by HD. After epoetin alfa applying reduction of proinflammatory cytokines ( TNF -a, IL -ip, IL -17, IL -18) and increased levels of IL -10 were observed. Conclusions: The clinical efficacy of the epoetin alfa treatment at the moment of completion of treatment was 75.6% (level of Hb > 110 g/L ). Epoetin alfa, improving the level of Hb, reduces the activity of chronic inflammation

    The level of chorionic gonadotropin in postmenopausal women with CKD V stage treated with hemodialysis

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    The chorionic gonadotropin (CGT) test is used to diagnose and monitor the course ofpregnancy, including ectopic, to detect fetal abnormalities, trophoblastic diseases, preeclampsia, ovarian tumors, lungs, stomach, intestine, bladder, kidneys, prostate. The level of CGT is often elevated in postmenopausal women treated with hemodialysis (HD). Its significance is still not well understood, and therefore requires further study. The aim of our work was to investigate the level of CGT in postmenopausal women treated with HD. Methods. The determination of the level of CGT in 23 postmenopausal women treated with HD. The main inclusion criteria were as follows: oral informed consent of the patient to participate in the study, the presence of CKD stage VD and treatment of HD for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria: severe functional disorders (liver, heart, respiratory failure), cancer processes, smoking, taking substitution hormonal therapy, lack of consent of the patient. The results were compared with the CGT levels in 20 healthy menopausal women (group II). Results. A statistically significant difference was found between the I group (postmenopausal women treated with HD) and II group (women without chronic kidney disease (CKD) (t = 3.62, p = 0.001). It was also found that CGT was increased in 9 (39%) of 23 women treated with HD. The norm of CGT in postmenopausal women is <14.0 IU/L, therefore the deviation of the index in the I group (13.63 ± 2.83 IU/L) is within the reference values. However, it does not explain the statistically significant difference between the CGT indices in the I group compared to the II group (p<0.01). Possibly, the presence of CKD contributes to the increase in HGT. Conclusions. Authentically higher rates of CGT in postmenopausal women treated with HD compared with women without CKD were detected. Thus, CKD can affect the serum level of CGT, probably due to disruption, but this issue has not been studied, and requires further investigation


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    Anemia is a common complication of CKD. Iron deficiency is one of a leading cause of anemia in HD patients. The causes of iron deficiency in these patients are multifactorial. Main factors that contribute to iron deficiency in HD patients are reduction intake and impaired intestinal absorption of dietary iron, blood losses, chronic inflammation and increased iron requirements during therapy with erythropoiesis–stimulating agents. Aim.The aim was to study efficacy and safety of iron sucrose (Venofer) in HD patients with anemia. Materials and methods. This study was an retrospective, epidemiologic, performed from 2010 to 2014 years. The study included 69 HD patients with anemia from dialysis single–center. 38 (55.1%) patients were men, average age 49,53 ± 3,9years and the most common cause of ESRD was glomerulonephritis (37 patients, 53.6%). Hemoglobin value was analyzed weekly. The levels of serum ferritin and transferrin saturation, were determined before and after treatment with Venofer. Results. Treatment with the Venofer resulted a significant increase of hematological and iron exchange parameters. At 2 – 3 weeks of therapy, hemoglobin levels increased by 7,6% and 10,7%, respectively. 14 days after the last dose Venoer serum ferritin and transferrin saturation levels have increased by 58% and 55%, respectively. Conclusions. Intravenous iron is the preferred route of administration in HD patients. Venofer showing a significant increase both of hemoglobin and iron exchange markers levels on a background of insignificant frequency of treatment–related adverse events

    First passage and arrival time densities for L\'evy flights and the failure of the method of images

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    We discuss the first passage time problem in the semi-infinite interval, for homogeneous stochastic Markov processes with L{\'e}vy stable jump length distributions λ(x)α/x1+α\lambda(x)\sim\ell^{\alpha}/|x|^{1+\alpha} (x|x|\gg\ell), namely, L{\'e}vy flights (LFs). In particular, we demonstrate that the method of images leads to a result, which violates a theorem due to Sparre Andersen, according to which an arbitrary continuous and symmetric jump length distribution produces a first passage time density (FPTD) governed by the universal long-time decay t3/2\sim t^{-3/2}. Conversely, we show that for LFs the direct definition known from Gaussian processes in fact defines the probability density of first arrival, which for LFs differs from the FPTD. Our findings are corroborated by numerical results.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, iopart.cls style, accepted to J. Phys. A (Lett