128 research outputs found

    Simplest Validation of the HIJING Monte Carlo Model

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    Fulfillment of the energy-momentum conservation law, as well as the charge, baryon and lepton number conservation is checked for the HIJING Monte Carlo program in pppp-interactions at s=\sqrt{s}= 200, 5500, and 14000 GeV. It is shown that the energy is conserved quite well. The transverse momentum is not conserved, the deviation from zero is at the level of 1--2 GeV/c, and it is connected with the hard jet production. The deviation is absent for soft interactions. Charge, baryon and lepton numbers are conserved. Azimuthal symmetry of the Monte Carlo events is studied, too. It is shown that there is a small signature of a "flow". The situation with the symmetry gets worse for nucleus-nucleus interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The Possibility of New Physics in pp Elastic Scattering at LHC

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    Modern models of high energy elastic hadron-hadron scattering predict an oscillation character of differential cross sections at the LHC energy of 14 TeV and at a sufficiently high momentum transfer. The Totem collaboration did not see the oscillations at 7 TeV. According to some predictions, the oscillations are weak at 7 TeV in the studied 4-momentum transfer range (|t|< 2.5 GeV2^2). They may be beyond the range of the experiment. But a direct extension of the Totem collaboration data on the pp-scattering at 7 TeV above |t|\sim 2.5 GeV2^2 contradicts previous measurements. Thus the collaboration can discover either the oscillations at large |t| or a change of the differential cross section behavior in the high |t| region (|t|> 2.5 GeV2^2).Comment: 3 page

    Calculation of light nucleus reaction cross sections in Geant4

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    Total reaction cross sections of light projectile nucleus (H-2, H-3, He-3 and He-4) interactions with nuclei are calculated using Geant4 models, and compared with experimental data. It is shown that the models give various predictions at low energies, in the region of the Coulomb barrier. "Shen model" (W.-Q. Shen et al., Nucl. Phys. {\bf A491} (1989) 130) is identified as an improvement over other models.Comment: 2 pages text, 8 figure

    Production of strange particles in hadronic interactions

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    The NA61/SHINE collaboration has recently published high precision data on production of π±\pi^\pm and K±K^\pm mesons, protons, antiprotons and Λ\Lambda hyperons in pp{\rm pp} interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c, and in pC{\rm pC} interactions at 31 GeV/c. The collaboration also presented experimental data on production of particles - π±\pi^\pm, K±K^\pm, p±p^\pm, ρ0\rho^0, ω\omega and K0K^{*0} in πC\pi^-{\rm C} collisions at 158 and 350 GeV/c. The collaboration has compared these data with various Monte Carlo model calculations: UrQMD, EPOS, GiBUU, and others. All of the models have various problems. The latest version of the FTF (Fritiof) model of Geant4 solves most of these problems. In the FTF model, we have improved the fragmentation of quark-gluon strings with small masses and introduced dependencies of probabilities of strange mesons and baryon-antibaryon pair's creation on string masses. Due to these changes, we describe the data of the NA61/SHINE collaboration on particle production in pp,pC{\rm pp, pC}, and πC\pi^-{\rm C} interactions. The improved Geant4 FTF model also well reproduces experimental data on inclusive cross sections of Λ,Λˉ\Lambda, \bar{\Lambda} and K0K^{0} production in antiproton-proton interactions at various energies. The modified FTF model allows one to simulate realistic processes with two particle productions - pˉpΛΛˉ\bar{p}p \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Lambda}, pˉpK+K\bar{p}p \rightarrow K^{+} K^{-}, pˉpΛΣˉ\bar{p}p \rightarrow \Lambda \bar{\Sigma}, and pˉpΣΣˉ\bar{p}p \rightarrow\Sigma \bar{\Sigma}, which will be studied in the future by the PANDA experiment at FAIR (GSI, Germany).Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, IWNT-37, Rila, 2018, Bulgari

    Dynamics of Anti-Proton -- Protons and Anti-Proton -- Nucleus Reactions

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    A short review of simulation results of anti-proton-proton and anti-proton-nucleus interactions within the framework of Geant4 FTF (Fritiof) model is presented. The model uses the main assumptions of the Quark-Gluon-String Model or Dual Parton Model. The model assumes production and fragmentation of quark-anti-quark and diquark-anti-diquark strings in the mentioned interactions. Key ingredients of the model are cross sections of string creation processes and an usage of the LUND string fragmentation algorithm. They allow one to satisfactory describe a large set of experimental data, especially, a strange particle production, Lambda hyperons and K mesons.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Tuning of the GEANT4 FRITIOF (FTF) Model Using NA61/SHINE Experimental Data

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    The NA61/SHINE collaboration measured inclusive cross sections of \pi^+ and \pi^- meson production in the interactions of 31 GeV/c protons with carbon nuclei at forward emission angles (0 - 420 mrad). The collaboration also presented predictions of Monte Carlo models - FLUKA, VENUS and UrQMD, in comparison with the data. A careful analysis shows that deviations of the FLUKA and VENUS predictions from the data have different tendencies. The worst description of the data was observed for the UrQMD model results. All the models assume the creation of quark-gluon strings in the interactions, but it is complicated to analyze the models in order to find the source of the deviations. Thus, the quark-gluon string model - FRITIOF (FTF) - was implemented in the GEANT4 toolkit and is used to understand the deviations mentioned above. It was found that the most important factor influencing the FTF calculations is the sampling of quark-gluon string masses. The other factors/parameters are not essential for a description of the data. Also, a good description of the data is achieved by the FTF model.Comment: 5 page