300 research outputs found

    Performance evolution and expectations management: lessons from Tevatron and other machines

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    Below we review the LHC luminosity progress in 2010, discuss the luminosity evolution of the Tevatron collider at different stages of the Collider Runs, emphasize general dynamics of the process, compare with the performance of the other colliders analyze planned and delivered luminosity integrals, and discuss the expectation management lessons.Comment: 4 pp. Chamonix 2011 LHC Performance Workshop, 24-28 Jan 2011: Chamonix, Franc

    Reflections on the nature of genius: on the 300th anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765)

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    This presentation goes beyond celebratory narration of the life and scientific achievements of Russia's first modern scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov (1711-1765). Coming from the notion of complexity of sciences, we introduce "a genius formula" G=TBD for semi-qualitative evaluation of a person's impact on the society, distinguish two type of geniuses, give several examples and draw general conclusions. The work largely follows presentation at the Fermilab Colloquium in November of 2011.Comment: 4 p

    Space-charge compensation experiments at IOTA ring

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    Space-charge effects belong to the category of the most long-standing issues in beam physics, and even today, after several decades of very active exploration and development of counter-measures, they still pose the most profound limitations on performance of high intensity proton accelerators. We briefly consider past experience in active compensation of these effects and present in detail the progress towards experimental studies of novel schemes of space-charge compensation at the Fermilab's IOTA ring.Comment: 5 p

    Summary of session 3 on synchrotron radiation and beam dynamics

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    Below we summarize presentations, discussions and general conclusions of the Workshop session on "Beam Dynamics Issues". Major subjects include effects due to synchrotron radiation (SR), cryogenic loads, electron cloud, impedances, intra-beam scattering (IBS) and beam-beam interactions.Comment: 2 pp. EuCARD HE-LHC10 AccNet mini-workshop on a High-Energy LHC, 14-16 Oct 2010: Villa Bighi, Malt
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