20 research outputs found


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    The article considers the contents of Federal Law No. 172-FZ adopted June 2014 “On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation» along with measures to be carried out in the country to ensure its effective implementation. The implications of the Law for the Russian economy management are analyzed. A considerable attention is paid to the issue of how this Law corresponds to the concept of «research» and how it contributes to the task of ensuring the national security of the country.В статье рассматриваются содержание принятого в июне 2014 г. Федерального закона № 172-ФЗ «О стратегическом планировании в Российской Федерации» и меры, которые надо осуществить в стране с целью эффективной его реализации. При этом дается анализ того, что нового вносит этот закон в управление российской экономикой. Большое внимание уделяется тому, как этот закон соответствует понятию «исследование» и как он способствует задаче обеспечения национальной безопасности страны

    Improving the Economic Mechanism Under Conditions of Intensification of Production

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    The economic management reform is primarily designed to increase the effectiveness of centralized management and planning, to expand the economic independence of enterprises and associations substantially, and to encourage the active use of cost accounting, commodity and monetary relations, and flexible management forms and techniques. The introduction of measures of the recently adopted decree of the CPSU Central Committee "On the Broad Dissemination of the New Methods of Management and Increasing Their Impact on the Acceleration of Scientific-Technical Progress" starting in 1986 will be an important step toward the development of a system for the management of the entire national economy.

    Capital Charges And Their Stimulating Role

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    In large measure, the scale of the introduction of new equipment and its economic effectiveness depend on improvements in commodity-monetary relations and in the entire system of economic levers that affect technical progress. The Directives of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the CPSU on the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the USSR National Economy in 1971-1975 pose the task of "making more extensive use of the finance and credit mechanism in the interest of accelerated technical progress and of intensified production." Payments for productive capital are among the component parts of this finance and credit mechanism. While this category is new to the socialist economy, a considerable amount of experience has already been amassed in applying it in the realm of economic incentives. The investigation of this experience should suggest basic methods for using payments for productive capital to increase the interest of enterprises in the production and introduction of economically effective new equipment. The resolution of this problem is associated with questions pertaining to the interaction between these payments, on the one hand, and loan interest, amortization norms, the normative coefficient of effectiveness of capital investment, and the development of the entire cost-accounting system, on the other.

    Improving The System of Payments For Fixed and Working Capital

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    Some economists question the stimulating effect and expediency of the further use of capital charges in the system of economic accountability. (>u>1>/u>) At the same time, they assess its effectiveness on the basis of the dynamics of the output-capital ratio.

    The Collective Experience in Improving Economic Management

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    The conceptualization and mutual use of experience in improving the economic mechanism in CMEA [Council for Mutual Economic Assistance] countries form an important reserve for accelerating the intensification and enhancing the effectiveness of their economies. The purpose of analyzing the development of the fraternal countries is to ascertain the most effective avenues of planning, economic stimulation, organization, and management of the economy. The results of the development of their national economies are the criterion of their effectiveness. Accordingly, the effective avenues are those that facilitate the realization of urgent socioeconomic tasks.

    Development of the Socialist Economic Mechanism

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    In the Report to the Twenty-fifth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, L. I. Brezhnev stressed the need for further improvement in the economic mechanism. The Party views measures for the further improvement of economic management as a major reserve for the acceleration of economic growth.


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    The article considers the contents of Federal Law No. 172-FZ adopted June 2014 “On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation» along with measures to be carried out in the country to ensure its effective implementation. The implications of the Law for the Russian economy management are analyzed. A considerable attention is paid to the issue of how this Law corresponds to the concept of «research» and how it contributes to the task of ensuring the national security of the country


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    Article Retracted.This paper proposes an approach to the study of the impact of global imbalances and external economic risks for the Russian economy and its level of economic security. This paper proposes an approach to the study of the influence of global imbalances and external economic risks for the economy of Russia and its level of economic security. The relevance of the study is that is not enough research to assess the impact of global imbalances and risks in terms of openness of Russian economy. The authors have perfected a method of quantitative assessment of global risks and proposed a method to estimate their impact on the Russian economy. Initial data are taken from a report on global risks for the World Economic Forum in 2014. The results characterize the role of global imbalances and the degree of influence of global risks on the Russian economy and its level of economic security

    Principles of Establishing Norms of Payment for Productive Capital

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    Under the new system of production planning and economic incentives, payment for productive capital is one element in the overall mechanism of controlling socialist enterprises according to the principles of full economic accountability. It should improve the utilization of productive capital by means of establishing a direct dependence between the amount of payments from profit to the budget and the value of this capital; stimulate the optimal distribution of means of production among enterprises; and serve to accumulate part of enterprise profit in the government budget. At the same time, the application of payment for productive capital should not infringe upon the cost accounting interests of normally operating enterprises. Therefore, standardization of that payment must take account of other factors that determine the distribution of profit. In doing this, one must remember that payment for capital is not only an incentive to its improved utilization and an important source of revenue for the budget, but also a factor that must be taken into account when setting prices.