2,051 research outputs found

    On Influence of Intensive Stationary Electromagnetic Field on the Behavior of Fermionic Systems

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    Exact solutions of Schroedinger and Pauli equations for charged particles in an external stationary electromagnetic field of an arbitrary configuration are constructed. Green functions of scalar and spinor particles are calculated in this field. The corresponding equations for complex energy of particles bounded by short range potential are deduced. Boundary condition typical for delta - potential is not used in the treatment. Explicit analytical expressions are given for the shift and width of a quasistationary level for different configurations of the external field. The critical value of electric field in which the idea of quasistationary level becomes meaningless is calculated. It is shown that the common view on the stabilizing role of magnetic field concerns only scalar particles.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Towards a Maximal Mass Model

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    We investigate the possibility to construct a generalization of the Standard Model, which we call the Maximal Mass Model because it contains a limiting mass MM for its fundamental constituents. The parameter MM is considered as a new universal physical constant of Nature and therefore is called the fundamental mass. It is introduced in a purely geometrical way, like the velocity of light as a maximal velocity in the special relativity. If one chooses the Euclidean formulation of quantum field theory, the adequate realization of the limiting mass hypothesis is reduced to the choice of the de Sitter geometry as the geometry of the 4-momentum space. All fields, defined in de Sitter p-space in configurational space obey five dimensional Klein-Gordon type equation with fundamental mass MM as a mass parameter. The role of dynamical field variables is played by the Cauchy initial conditions given at x5=0x_5 = 0, guarantying the locality and gauge invariance principles. The corresponding to the geometrical requirements formulation of the theory of scalar, vector and spinor fields is considered in some detail. On a simple example it is demonstrated that the spontaneously symmetry breaking mechanism leads to renormalization of the fundamental mass MM. A new geometrical concept of the chirality of the fermion fields is introduced. It would be responsible for new measurable effects at high energies E≥ME \geq M. Interaction terms of a new type, due to the existence of the Higgs boson are revealed. The most intriguing prediction of the new approach is the possible existence of exotic fermions with no analogues in the SM, which may be candidate for dark matter constituents.Comment: 28 page
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