68 research outputs found

    Simple model for scanning tunneling spectroscopy of noble metal surfaces with adsorbed Kondo impurities

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    A simple model is introduced to describe conductance measurements between a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip and a noble metal surface with adsorbed transition metal atoms which display the Kondo effect. The model assumes a realistic parameterization of the potential created by the surface and a d3z2-r2 orbital for the description of the adsorbate. Fano lineshapes associated with the Kondo resonance are found to be sensitive to details of the adsorbate-substrate interaction. For instance, bringing the adsorbate closer to the surface leads to more asymmetric lineshapes while their dependence on the tip distance is weak. We find that it is important to use a realistic surface potential, to properly include the tunnelling matrix elements to the tip and to use substrate states which are orthogonal to the adsorbate and tip states. An application of our model to Co adsorbed on Cu explains the difference in the lineshapes observed between Cu(100) and Cu(111) surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figure

    STM conductance of Kondo impurities on open and structured surfaces

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    We study the scanning tunneling microscopy response for magnetic atoms on open and structured surfaces using Wilson's renormalization group. We observe Fano resonances associated with Kondo resonances and interference effects. For a magnetic atom in a quantum corral coupled to the confined surface states, and experimentally relevant parameters, we observe a large confinement induced effect not present in the experiments. These results suggest that the Kondo screening is dominated by the bulk electrons rather than the surface ones.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Interaction between Kondo impurities in a quantum corral

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    We calculate the spectral densities for two impurities inside an elliptical quantum corral using exact diagonalization in the relevant Hilbert subspace and embedding into the rest of the system. For one impurity, the space and energy dependence of the change in differential conductance Δ=dI/dV\Delta = dI/dV observed in the quantum mirage experiment is reproduced. In presence of another impurity, Δ=dI/dV\Delta = dI/dV is very sensitive to the hybridization between impurity and bulk. The impurities are correlated ferromagnetically between them. A hopping ≳0.15\gtrsim 0.15 eV between impurities destroy the Kondo resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of microwave fields on the electron transport through a quantum dot in the presence of a direct tunneling between leads

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    We consider the time-dependent electron transport through a quantum dot coupled to two leads in the presence of the additional over-dot (bridge) tunneling channel. By using the evolution operator method together with the wide-band limit approximation we derived the analytical formulaes for the quantum dot charge and current flowing in the system. The influence of the external microwave field on the time-average quantum dot charge, the current and the derivatives of the average current with respect to the gate and source-drain voltages has been investigated for a wide range of parameters.Comment: 28 Pages, 11 Postscript figure

    Predicting a Gapless Spin-1 Neutral Collective Mode branch for Graphite

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    Using the standard tight binding model of 2d graphite with short range electron repulsion, we find a gapless spin-1, neutral collective mode branch {\em below the particle-hole continuum} with energy vanishing linearly with momenta at the Γ\Gamma and KK points in the BZ. This spin-1 mode has a wide energy dispersion, 0 to ∼2eV\sim 2 eV and is not Landau damped. The `Dirac cone spectrum' of electrons at the chemical potential of graphite generates our collective mode; so we call this `spin-1 zero sound' of the `Dirac sea'. Epithermal neutron scattering experiments, where graphite single crystals are often used as analyzers (an opportunity for `self-analysis'!), and spin polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy (SPEELS) can be used to confirm and study our collective mode.Comment: 4 pages of LaTex file, 3 eps figure file

    Braggoriton--Excitation in Photonic Crystal Infiltrated with Polarizable Medium

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    Light propagation in a photonic crystal infiltrated with polarizable molecules is considered. We demonstrate that the interplay between the spatial dispersion caused by Bragg diffraction and polaritonic frequency dispersion gives rise to novel propagating excitations, or braggoritons, with intragap frequencies. We derive the braggoriton dispersion relation and show that it is governed by two parameters, namely, the strength of light-matter interaction and detuning between the Bragg frequency and that of the infiltrated molecules. We also study defect-induced states when the photonic band gap is divided into two subgaps by the braggoritonic branches and find that each defect creates two intragap localized states inside each subgap.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 5 figure

    A Tunable Two-impurity Kondo system in an atomic point contact

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    Two magnetic atoms, one attached to the tip of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and one adsorbed on a metal surface, each constituting a Kondo system, have been proposed as one of the simplest conceivable systems potentially exhibiting quantum critical behaviour. We have succeeded in implementing this concept experimentally for cobalt dimers clamped between an STM tip and a gold surface. Control of the tip-sample distance with sub-picometer resolution allows us to tune the interaction between the two cobalt atoms with unprecedented precision. Electronic transport measurements on this two-impurity Kondo system reveal a rich physical scenario which is governed by a crossover from local Kondo screening to non-local singlet formation due to antiferromagnetic coupling as a function of separation of the cobalt atoms.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    One- and many-body effects on mirages in quantum corrals

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    Recent interesting experiments used scanning tunneling microscopy to study systems involving Kondo impurities in quantum corrals assembled on Cu or noble metal surfaces. The solution of the two-dimensional one-particle Schrodinger equation in a hard wall corral without impurity is useful to predict the conditions under which the Kondo effect can be projected to a remote location (the quantum mirage). To model a soft circular corral, we solve this equation under the potential W*delta(r-r0), where r is the distance to the center of the corral and r0 its radius. We expand the Green's function of electron surface states Gs0 for r<r0 as a discrete sum of contributions from single poles at energies epsilon_i-I*delta_i. The imaginary part delta_i is the half-width of the resonance produced by the soft confining potential, and turns out to be a simple increasing function of epsilon_i. In presence of an impurity, we solve the Anderson model at arbitrary temperatures using the resulting expression for Gs0 and perturbation theory up to second order in the Coulomb repulsion U. We calculate the resulting change in the differential conductance Delta dI/dV as a function of voltage and space, in circular and elliptical corrals, for different conditions, including those corresponding to recent experiments. The main features are reproduced. The role of the direct hybridization between impurity and bulk, the confinement potential, the size of the corral and temperature on the intensity of the mirage are analyzed. We also calculate spin-spin correlation functions.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Calculations of spin correlations within an additional approximation adde

    Kondo Effect on Mesoscopic Scale (Review)

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    Following the discovery of the Kondo effect the bulk transport and magnetic behavior of the dilute magnetic alloys have been successfully described. In the last fifteen years new directions have been developed as the study of the systems of reduced dimensions and the artificial atoms so called quantum dots. In this review the first subject is reviewed starting with the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) study of a single magnetic impurity. The next subject is the reduction of the amplitude of the Kondo effect in samples of reduced dimension which was explained by the surface magnetic anisotropy which blocks the motion of the integer spin nearby the surface. The electron dephasing and energy relaxation experiments are discussed with the possible explanation including the surface anisotropy, where the situation in cases of integer and half-integer spins is very different. Finally, the present situation of the theory of dynamical structural defects is briefly presented which may lead to two-channel Kondo behavior.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to the JPSJ Special Issue "Kondo effect -- 40 years after the Discovery

    Manipulating Kondo Temperature via Single Molecule Switching

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    Two conformations of isolated single TBrPP-Co molecules on a Cu(111) surface are switched by applying +2.2 V voltage pulses from a scanning tunneling microscope tip at 4.6 K. The TBrPP-Co has a spin-active cobalt atom caged at its center and the interaction between the spin of this cobalt atom and free electrons from the Cu(111) substrate can cause a Kondo resonance. Tunneling spectroscopy data reveal that switching from the saddle to a planar molecular conformation enhances spin-electron coupling, which increases the associated Kondo temperature from 130 K to 170 K. This result demonstrates that the Kondo temperature can be manipulated just by changing molecular conformation without altering chemical composition of the molecule.Comment: To appear in Nano Lett (2006
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