13 research outputs found

    Time Course and Pattern of Metastasis of Cutaneous Melanoma Differ between Men and Women

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    Background: This study identified sex differences in progression of cutaneous melanoma. Methodology/Principal Findings: Of 7,338 patients who were diagnosed as an invasive primary CM without clinically detectable metastases from 1976 to 2008 at the University of Tuebingen in Germany, 1,078 developed subsequent metastases during follow up. The metastatic pathways were defined in these patients and analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate survival analysis was performed using Cox modeling. In 18.7 % of men and 29.2 % of women (P,0.001) the first metastasis following diagnosis of primary tumor was locoregional as satellite/in-transit metastasis. The majority of men (54.0%) and women (47.6%, P = 0.035) exhibited direct regional lymph node metastasis. Direct distant metastasis from the stage of the primary tumor was observed in 27.3 % of men and 23.2 % of women (P = 0.13). Site of first metastasis was the most important prognostic factor of survival after recurrence in multivariate analysis (HR:1.3; 95 % CI: 1.0–1.6 for metastasis to the regional lymph nodes vs. satellite/in-transit recurrence, and HR:5.5; 95 % CI: 4.2–7.1 for distant metastasis vs. satellite/ in-transit recurrence, P,0.001). Median time to distant metastasis was 40.5 months (IQR, 58.75) in women and 33 months (IQR, 44.25) in men (P = 0.002). Five-year survival after distant recurrence probability was 5.2 % (95 % CI: 1.4–2.5) for men compared with 15.3 % (95 % CI: 11.1–19.5; P = 0.008) for women. Conclusions/Significance: Both, the pattern of metastatic spread with more locoregional metastasis in women, and th

    Are there reasons why adult asthma is more common in females?

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    Many epidemiological studies suggest that women are at increased risk of developing adult-onset asthma and also suffer from more severe disease than men. These gender differences appear to be the product of biological sex differences as well as sociocultural and environmental differences. The biological sex differences include gentic, pulmonary, and immunological factors. There is compelling evidence that sex hormones are major determinants of at least these biological sex differences. This paper explores the current literature regarding effects of sex hormones on immune function, resident lung cells, and regulation of local processes in the lung to shed light on underlying mechanisms of gender differences in asthma. More research is needed to understand these mechanisms in order to improve treatment of women with asthma

    Imunomodulatorni učinak antiestrogenih lijekova

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    There are substantial experimental, epidemiological and clinical evidences that show that breast cancer pathology is influenced by endogenous estrogens. This knowledge is the foundation upon which endocrine deprivation therapy has been developed as a major modality for the management of breast cancer. Tamoxifen, which functions as a competitive partial agonist-inhibitor of estrogen at its receptor, has been widely used for more than three decades for adjuvant endocrine treatment in breast cancer. Currently, other effective drugs for endocrine therapy include raloxifene, different aromatase inhibitors (particularly third-generation agents) and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists. In recent years, a growing body of evidence suggests that these drugs can also act as immune modulatorsby alteringthe function of various leukocytes and the release of different cytokines. Moreover, there is evidence that anti-estrogens may prove to be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of some autoimmune diseases due to their effects on immune function. However, their immunopharmacological aspects in the present state of knowledge are not precisely comprehensible. Only a clear pathophysiological understanding could lead to an efficient strategy for breast cancer prevention and decrease in the mortality due to this disease.Postoje značajni eksperimentalni, epidemiološki i klinički dokazi da na patologiju karcinoma dojke utječu endogeni hormoni. Zbog toga je snižavanje razine hormona najvažniji način terapije ove bolesti. Već više od tri dekade koristi se tamoksifen, kompetitivni parcijalni agonist-inhibitor receptora za estrogene. U suvremenoj terapiji koriste se još raloksifen, različiti inhibitori aromataze (posebno treća generacija inhibitora) i agonisti hormona za oslobađanje luteinizirajućeg hormona. U posljednje vrijeme sve više činjenica ukazuje na to da ti lijekovi imaju i imunomodulatorni učinak, tj. utječu na funkciju leukocita i oslobađanje različitih citokina. Štoviše, postoje dokazi da antiestrogeni lijekovi imaju povoljni učinak na neke autoimune bolesti. Međutim, njihov imunofarmakološki učinak nije do kraja objašnjen. Samo potpuno razumijevanje patofizioloških procesa može uroditi učinkovitom strategijom za prevenciju i terapiju te smanjenje mortaliteta od karcinoma dojke