7 research outputs found

    A Posthuman Turn in Fashion

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    This chapter defines posthuman fashion by inscribing it within the critical discourses of posthumanism and new materialism. Posthuman fashion blurs the categories between human and machine, humans and animals, virtual and material, and organic and artificial. The chapter explores several dimensions of posthumanism: the relation to technology; the shifting boundaries between femininity and masculinity; and the turn towards sustainable fashion. A posthuman aesthetic decenters the human by hybridization: blending human-animal and human-machine while queering gender and sexuality. A posthuman perspective permits an understanding of fashion as materially co-produced in a complex network of interconnected human and non-human actors

    Futurising the physical store in the omnichannel retail environment

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    This chapter aims to gain a better understanding of the role that the physical store plays in the current multichannel offering and the expected omnichannel evolution of the format in the near future, from an industry perspective. This chapter has two main objectives: firstly, to explore the current situation of the physical store format in terms of experience, integration with other channels, the role of technology, and consumer’ expectations; secondly, to establish relevant guidelines regarding the future evolution of the format. Interviews with industry experts enabled rich data on the topic to be collected, analysed, and presented. The work confirms that the role of the physical store so far seems to be evolving from places for transaction to places for interaction in which the different channels of the retailer come together via the technology. This challenges the traditional notions of retail format, retail place, and retail design