34 research outputs found

    An epidemiological Study of Domestic Violence Against Women and its Association with Sexually Transmitted Infections in Bangalore Rural.

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    Background: Gender-based violence is universal, differing only in scope from one society to the other. The most common form of violence against women is domestic violence or violence within families. Objectives: 1. To study the prevalence and different forms of domestic violence perpetrated by intimate partner against married women. 2. To study socio economic and demographic factors which affect the victimization of woman for domestic violence. 3.To study prevalence of sexually transmitted infection and its association with domestic violence in the study group. Methods: Based on a pilot study results, a sample size of 257 was determined. Total 257 currently married women in the reproductive age group (15-49 yrs) were interviewed by systematic random sampling with prior consent using a well designed, pre- tested questionnaire . All the women were screened for sexually transmitted infections as per the WHO guidelines by syndromic approach. The data was analyzed by percentages and chi-square test. Results: Prevalence of domestic violence was found to be 29.57% in the study group. Verbal abuse was reported by 81.58% of the women, Physical abuse by 31.58% of the women ,Psychological abuse by 27.63% of the women and Sexual abuse by 10.53% of the women. Among the 76 victimized women none of them reported to the police. Interpretation and conclusions: The vulnerability to domestic violence was found significantly associated with age at marriage, duration of marriage and addiction of husband to alcohol. The association between domestic violence and sexually transmitted infections was also found significant

    Indian Banking Strategies and Transitioning Socio-Demographics: CRM Approach

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    Customer is the king! This creed is more potent, relevant and true today than ever before. In a truly customer driven economy, success depends on a company’s ability to be with the customer on a circle the clock basis… satisfying all their merchandise and service specific needs. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is about discovering, growing, and keeping customers. At Present the banking establishments, has experienced the benefits of adopting CRM as a strategy to enlighten the customer services. The development and performance of banks not only depends on various products and services it puts up, but also on how it is served to the customer in an active environment.  The purpose of the survey is to analyse the significant difference between demographic variable groups on customer perception towards various customer relationship management competencies in public, private and foreign banking sectors. The empirical study has been carried on with a well-structured questionnaire related to the various CRM competencies in banking sectors. The information has been collected randomly from 456 customers of public, private and foreign banks in Bangalore. An analysis was borne away by utilizing several tools like ANOVA, t-test, Cross tabulation, Chi-square analysis and Cluster Analysis. The outcome brings out that there exists a significant and Positive relationship between Socio-demographic factors and Customer relationship services offered by the banks in terms of service capability, product capability and personnel capability. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Perception, Banking Services

    Underwater signal detection in partially known ocean using short acoustic vector sensor array

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    A new narrowband signal detection method called subspace detection (SD) was proposed recently for achieving improved detection performance in shallow ocean. The SD method requires the knowledge of mode functions and modal wavenumbers of the ocean channel. In this paper we present three new methods of narrowband signal detection in a partially known ocean using an array of acoustic vector sensors (AVS). These methods require less prior information about the ocean channel; and yet they provide a better performance than SD especially at higher signal frequencies or shorter array lengths. Two of the new methods require only knowledge of sound speed at the sensor locations. The performance of the proposed methods is frequency-independent. These methods can be used with arrays in either horizontal or vertical configurations, and with either linear or circular geometries

    Development and Characterization of Al7075 Alloy Reinforced with Tungsten Carbide (WC) and E-glass fiber

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    A composite having Aluminum alloy Al7075 as a matrix and Tungsten Carbide (WC) and E-glass fiber as reinforcements has been developed. The percentages of WC and E-Glass were varied in the ranges 2-6% and 1-5% respectively. The test samples were prepared as per ASTM standards. Tensile test was carried out on UTM to measure yield strength, Ultimate tensile strength and % Elongation. Hardness test was carried out on a BHN tester to know the hardness of different specimen. It was found that increase in both WC and E-Glass contents increases ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength, and hardness but there is gradual decrease in % elongation as UTS increases. Values of these properties varied from specimen to specimen, i.e. UTS increased from 262.03 N/mm2 to 296.4 N/mm2, Yield strength from 258.4 N/mm2 to 285.3 N/mm2 , hardness from 85.3 BHN to 99.2 BHN, and % elongation decreased from 7.2 to 4.5. From these values it is well clear that increasing the WC and E-glass fiber contents in the composite would result in increase in UTS, YS, Hardness, but decrease in % elongation

    Preprocessor based on suprathreshold stochastic resonance for improved bearing estimation in shallow ocean

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    Localization of acoustic sources in the ocean is a problem of tremendous interest in underwater acoustics. One of the many factors that limit the performance of processors used for underwater acoustic source localization is the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the ocean. Preprocessors based on wavelet denoising and suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR) have been proposed in the literature for enhancing SNR and thereby improving the performance of processors used for bearing estimation. Denoising techniques based on SSR exploit the fact that the environmental noise in shallow ocean has a heavy -tailed non- Gaussian distribution. In this paper, a method for designing an SSR based preprocessor is presented. It is shown that the use of this preprocessor leads to a significant improvement in the bearing-estimation performance of Bartlett, Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and Subspace Intersection Method (SIM) processors at low SNR. The improved performance appears in the form of a sharper peak in the ambiguity function, lower bias and lower RMS error in bearing estimation, and better resolution of closely spaced sources


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    The present work focus to the design and development of digital combustion instrument for synthesis of nanoparticles by laser combustion method. This instrument is capable of controlling the synthesis just by giving digital i/p (input), we can prepare more sample of linearly varying different physical variables with digital accuracy and it consume less time and power, sample prepared with this instrument can also be further characterized by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The shape evolution and size of the formed silver nanoparticles was studied using transmission electron microscope. The captured images shown the formed particle were spherical in shape, surface morphology, and diameter in the AgNPs its range from 10 to 20 nm

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow The Problem of the Evil of Self-Consciousness

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    Abstract Ted Hughes's poetry hints at modern man's self-division and subsequent alienation from nature and consciously aims to integrate man with nature. His poetry concerns itself with modern man's problem of sense of superfluity. As a poet Hughes's traditional trait is chiefly that of an inspired visionary. His major poetic preoccupations are: nature and myth. He is obsessed with animals, animal energies and the darks, mysterious forces that are latently embodied in natural world. A critical study of some of his best 'animal' poems conveys his concept of the primal energies of the natural world that stress the absolute otherness of that world and the relationship between these energies and the divided nature of man. His celebration of animal life, in a way, reflects the affirmation of all life. He is anti-rationalist and yet an agnostic. He argues that puritanical repression has alienated man from his natural instincts and laments that modern man, in the present cultural crisis, has lost his moorings and bearings in nature