52 research outputs found

    Publikationsindikatoren und die Stabilität wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriftenrankings

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    The output of single researchers or departments can be measured by the number of publications in journals. Due to heterogenity in the quality of journals the publications must be weighted. The quality of a journal can be determined on the basis of citation analysis, by reputation or by the quality of the review process. We present rankings of German business and economics journals based on citation analysis for the last three decades of the twentieth century respectively. If used for decision making in universities journal rankings must be robust in respect to method and over time. Using correlation analysis we find that rankings of German business journals are very robust in respect to both method and time. Rankings of German economics journals are not as robust as business journals but still show positive correlations over time and with different methods

    Einführung in die Untersuchung „Internationaler Einsatz von Führungskräften“

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