15 research outputs found


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    The main question of this paper is the stress-strain state prediction of the vertical shaft’s combined lining located at the interface of two layers of dolomite and salt. The study predicts geomechanical processes at the contact of the dolomite layer and the salt layer in the vicinity of the vertical shaft’s expanded section, taking into account the operating life of a vertical shaft is equal to 50 years. The results combined lining’s stress-strain state, represented as a four – layer medium, where the external layer is concrete, and the three inner layers are used to account for the heterogeneity of cast-iron tubing and are compared with the results received when taking into account the pipe structure. The solution of the problem was carried out in a three-dimensional statement. The calculation of the tubing lining, considering its actual geometry, will increase the accuracy of the forecast of the stress state of the lining, which in turn will favourably affect the justification of its parameters.Glavna problematika ovoga rada očituje se u predviđanju stanja naprezanja – deformacije kombinirane obloge vertikalnoga okna smještene na kontaktu dvaju slojeva dolomita i soli. Studija predviđa geomehaničke procese na kontaktu dolomitnoga sloja i sloja soli u blizini proširenoga presjeka vertikalnoga okna, uzimajući u obzir radni vijek okna od 50 godina. Rezultati stanja naprezanja – deformacija kombinirane četveroslojne obloge, gdje je vanjski sloj beton, a tri unutarnja sloja od lijevanoga željeza, uzimajući u obzir heterogenost, uspoređeni su s rezultatima dobivenim kada je u obzir uzeta isključivo struktura cijevi. Rješenje problema provedeno je u trodimenzionalnome sustavu. Proračun obloge cijevi, uzimajući u obzir stvarnu geometriju, povećat će točnost predviđanja stanja naprezanja obloge, što upućuje na važnost parametara obloge

    Wavelet Transform - A New Tool for Analysis of Harmonics in Power Systems

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    This paper presents a review of application of discrete wavelet transform in power system transient analyses. Based on the discrete time domain approximation, the system components such as resistor and inductor are modeled respectively in discrete wavelet domain for the purpose of transient and steady state analyses. Numerical results for transient inductor model can be implemented by any kind of power system including normal and emergency operating modes

    Wavelet Transform - A New Tool for Analysis of Harmonics in Power Systems

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    This paper presents a review of application of discrete wavelet transform in power system transient analyses. Based on the discrete time domain approximation, the system components such as resistor and inductor are modeled respectively in discrete wavelet domain for the purpose of transient and steady state analyses. Numerical results for transient inductor model can be implemented by any kind of power system including normal and emergency operating modes

    Group A Streptococcal rofA Gene Is Involved in the Control of Several Virulence Genes and Eukaryotic Cell Attachment and Internalization

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    The serotype M6 group A streptococcal RofA regulator was previously shown to exert a direct positive control of protein F1 expression and, concomitantly, fibronectin binding. Using a serotype M6 rofA mutant, we demonstrate here that this regulator has a potentially indirect negative influence on the expression of the mga, emm6, pel-sagA, and speA virulence genes. Additionally, the rofA mutant exhibited reduced eukaryotic cell internalization rates in combination with decreased host cell viability