153 research outputs found
High Pressure optical nanothermometer based on Er3+ photoluminescence
The optical properties of a sparsely investigated material, LaGdO3 doped with Er3+, are explored regarding its suitability as nanothermometer. Besides its excellent capabilities for dielectric applications, when doping with Er3+, this material provides a highly efficient upconversion photoluminescence (PL) for high temperature thermometry at high pressure due to its structural stability. LaGdO3 belongs to the perovskite-type ABO3 compounds with a B-type monoclinic C2/m space group (a = 14.43 Å; b = 3.69 Å; c = 9.00 Å; and ? = 100.70º) at ambient conditions. It undergoes a structural phase transition to a hexagonal ?3#?1 phase at 3GPa yielding a notable PL enhancement, thus enabling it as a potential high-pressure hightemperature nanothermometer.We acknowledge financial support from MAT2015-69508-P (MINECO/FEDER), MAT2015-71070-REDC; PGC2018-101464-B-I00 (MICIN/FEDER), IDIVAL 18/28, the European Research Council FET-OPEN NCLas H2020 Project (EU829161), and BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A
Validación de la encuesta “Envejecimiento Saludable”. Estudio realizado en Colombia. 2014 – 2015
Introducción. Para orientar la acción de las políticas sobre vejez, así como los programas y atenciones en salud dirigidos a las personas mayores es necesario identificar condiciones y procesos de cambio que favorecen el envejecimiento saludable. A partir de las investigaciones y discusiones sobre el tema es evidente que hay vacíos en el conocimiento de los procesos de envejecimiento saludable, en particular en países de América Latina tema, y más aún en los países africanos (Almeida, O. P., et al. 2006; Britton, A., 2008; Bowling, A. 2005; Eisenberg, R. 2014; Kapteyn, A. 2010; Strawbridge, W. J. 1996; Von Faber, M. et al. 2001).Adulto mayorBogotáhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5680-788
Enfermedad meningocócica en España. Análisis de la temporada 2015-2016
[ES]La enfermedad meningocócica es de declaración obligatoria en España. Los casos se notifican de manera individualizada con periodicidad semanal incluyendo información epidemiológica y microbiológica a través de la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RENAVE). La presentación de esta enfermedad en la población española ha sufrido cambios muy importantes. El uso de la vacuna frente al serogrupo C ha causado un gran descenso de la incidencia por este serogrupo. Además en la última década también han disminuido los casos por serogrupo B. En la temporada 2015-2016 se notificaron 314 casos, de los que se confirmaron 268 y la incidencia fue de 0,58 por 100.000 habitantes. Se presenta el análisis de los resultados generales de la vigilancia epidemiológica de la enfermedad meningocócica para la temporada 2015-2016 en España y su comparación con las previas.
[EN] Meningococcal disease is notifiable in Spain. The cases are notified individually on a weekly basis, including epidemiological and microbiological information through the National Network of Epidemiological Surveillance (RENAVE). The incidence of this disease in the Spanish population has undergone very important changes. Vaccination against serogroup C has caused a large decrease in the incidence of this serogroup. In addition, in the last decade cases caused by serogroup B have also decreased. In the 2015-2016 season, 314 cases were notified, of which 268 were confirmed and the incidence was 0.58 per 100,000 inhabitants. We analyzed the results of the epidemiological surveillance of meningococcal disease for the 2015-2016 season in Spain and its comparison with the previous ones
Redesigning engineering courses by introducing digital ink technology
© 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We applied the How People Learn framework
(HPLf) in two different higher education contexts. On one
hand, a first-year core course on Computer Technology,
taught at the Computer Engineering Degree Program at
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. On the other
hand, two Food Chemistry related courses, taught at
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico, as part of food
engineering undergraduate and food science graduate
programs. The goal of these works was to redesign studied
courses at both universities from a lecture-based format to a
"challenge-based" format by using Tablet PCs and digital
ink. In order to support the studied approach, different inkenabled
software tools were utilized. Class sessions were
enhanced through the usage of Classroom Presenter, a penbased
interaction system that supports the sharing of digital
ink on slides between instructors and students. InkSurvey
also allowed teachers to pose questions, receive instantly
digital ink responses, and provide real-time formative
feedback. Some other tools such as PDF Annotator and
Ardesia helped instructors to review coursework and
assignments and provide formative feedback as well. We
studied our approach over the two last academic years by
observing classes at both universities, obtaining selected
student achievement indicators and conducting surveys with
students and instructors.We acknowledge financial support from HEWLETT-PACKARD (HP), through the HP Technology for Teaching Higher Education Grant Initiative for Latin America for the project "High-Quality Learning Environments for Engineering Design: Using Tablet PCs and Guidelines from Research on How People Learn" as well as through the HP Catalyst Grant Initiative for the project “Critical Support Systems to Enhance the Development of 21st Century Expertise in Engineering Students: Using Tablet PCs and Associated Technologies, the Framework for 21st Century Learning, and Guidelines from Research on How People Learn”. Similarly, UPV group received an HP Technology for Teaching High Education Grant Program for Europe, Middle East and Africa in 2008: “Improving effective learning in a first-year Computer Engineering course by using mobile Tablet PC technology”.Benlloch-Dualde, J.; Buendía García, F.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Gutiérrez Cuba, JV.; López-Malo, A.; Palou, E. (2013). Redesigning engineering courses by introducing digital ink technology. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2013.6684786
Surgery on the wrong side: Implication for the patient and the professional. Experience in a Major Ambulatory Surgery of the Foot Unit
La cirugía del lado erróneo es una complicación poco frecuente en cirugía ortopédica, pero con serias consecuencias para el paciente, el cirujano y la institución sanitaria, debiéndose poner todas las medidas necesarias para evitar que se produzca. Hemos efectuado un estudio prospectivo de la implantación de un protocolo para prevenir la cirugía del lado erróneo en 101 pacientes intervenidos en la Unidad de Cirugía Mayor Ambulatoria (CMA) de cualquier patología del pie, realizándose tres marcajes independientes para la verificación del lado: por el paciente, la enfermera y el anestesista. Revisamos la existencia de la información del lado en los documentos de la historia vlínica (HC) y su correlación con el lado operado. Un 24,8% de los pacientes no fueron informados que tenían que realizarse una marca del pie a operar. Un 18,4% de los pacientes avisados no se marcaron, no existiendo relación con el sexo, edad, nivel de estudios, vivir solo o intervención previa de pies. En 37 pacientes existía una falta de anotación del lado en los documentos siendo más frecuente esta omisión en la HC de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología y de Anestesiología. Se detectaron 9 casos de incongruencias de lado quirúrgico, todos en pacientes con cirugía previa de algún pie. El marcaje de lado se ha incorporado como una práctica rutinaria en la cirugía del pie, siendo beneficioso para la seguridad del paciente, debiéndose convertir en un futuro próximo en una conducta habitual en todas las áreas quirúrgicas
The QUIJOTE experiment: project overview and first results
QUIJOTE (Q-U-I JOint TEnerife) is a new polarimeter aimed to characterize the
polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background and other Galactic and
extragalactic signals at medium and large angular scales in the frequency range
10-40 GHz. The multi-frequency (10-20~GHz) instrument, mounted on the first
QUIJOTE telescope, saw first light on November 2012 from the Teide Observatory
(2400~m a.s.l). During 2014 the second telescope has been installed at this
observatory. A second instrument at 30~GHz will be ready for commissioning at
this telescope during summer 2015, and a third additional instrument at 40~GHz
is now being developed. These instruments will have nominal sensitivities to
detect the B-mode polarization due to the primordial gravitational-wave
component if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is larger than r=0.05.Comment: To appear in "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII", Proceedings
of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society, Teruel,
Spain (2014
Infrastructures and Installation of the Compact Muon Solenoid Data Acquisition at CERN
At the time of this paper, all hardware elements of the CMS Data Acquisition System have been installed and commissioned both in the underground and surface areas. This paper describes in detail the infrastructures and the different steps that were necessary from the very beginning when the underground control rooms and surface building were building sites to a working system collecting data fragment from ~650 sources and sending them to surface for assembly and analysis
Diagnostico del Impacto del Palangre de Fondo en los Hábitats Bentónicos en los LICs de la RN20000
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